Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 175:121, Lin Mo and Chen Shanhe video call! Direct confrontation! !

As the old saying goes, scoundrels are ground down by scoundrels.

Chen Kainan, now, bore no resemblance to his previous arrogance and high spirits.

Even without torture, the prolonged imprisonment had caused him to lose a considerable amount of weight, with his hair in disarray and his eyes lifeless. He was gripping the iron bars with his now gaunt and bony hands, shaking continuously.

“You… Who the hell are you…”

Fear deep in his eyes, Chen Kainan stared intently at Lin Mo.

As if he wanted to see Lin Mo’s true face under the mask through his own eyes.

“Let me go… I’ll give you whatever you want… Just let me go!”

For over two months.

More than 60 days.

Over 1560 hours.

Every minute, every second, Chen Kainan pondered the same question.

Who was the man who attacked him in the basement that night?

How did he know about his secret base?

He had taken so many security measures.

He had never told anyone.

How could anyone know?

He couldn’t figure it out!

He couldn’t figure it out at all!

And what was the purpose of his imprisonment?

The torment of the unknown is the most unsettling and frightening!

Rather than endure an endless, aimless imprisonment, Chen Kainan would prefer to be killed outright after learning all the truths.

It was just too unbearable!

Knowing nothing, the other party saying nothing!

He had been imprisoned for a full two months without understanding why!

Watching Chen Kainan, who had become a prisoner at his mercy, Lin Mo’s expression beneath the mask remained unchanged in the face of his pleas.

Compassion? Soft-heartedness? Nonexistent!

The coldness in his eyes only grew more intense.

His parents were recovering quite well under countless top-tier medical resources, but how could their perfectly healthy bodies, having suffered such great trauma, ever return to their original state?

Song Xuyan had even said to be prepared for possible lasting effects.

Such as rheumatism, which would cause pain in the body with weather changes.

Such as never being able to engage in strenuous exercise or heavy labor for life.

The only option was to nourish and regulate slowly, to minimize these symptoms as much as possible.

His little sister’s mental health had also not recovered.

Zhang Li was still lying in the hospital.

Even if they all fully recovered, how could the suffering they endured these days be counted?

This was an enormous score that heaven itself couldn’t settle!

If possible, Lin Mo wished he could kill Chen Kainan right then and there, chop up his body, and feed it to the dogs!

But that would be letting him off too easily.

Lin Mo didn’t want him to die so comfortably.

Moreover, keeping him alive still served a purpose for Lin Mo.

Seeing Lin Mo say nothing for a long time, Chen Kainan trembled all over, his eyes nearly bursting, as he shouted at Lin Mo, “Speak… Speak up… Who the hell are you… What do you really want!!!!”

“Tell me your intention!!!!”

“Money? No matter how much, I can satisfy you!!!”


“What do you actually want to do!!”

“Take off your mask!!!”

“Let me see who you are!!!”

“Speak! Are you mute!!!”

“Speak up!!!”




Lin Mo quietly watched Chen Kainan rave and rage.

Not until Chen Kainan was completely exhausted and collapsed to his knees did Lin Mo utter a word. Then he turned around with an icy gaze and headed upstairs.


“What the hell do you want to do!!”


“Why won’t you speak!!!”

“Come back!!”

“Come back!!!!!”

“Let me out!!!”


Seeing Lin Mo leaving, Chen Kainan once again screamed hysterically, struggling to break free from the cage.

Unfortunately, he forgot that he personally designed and made these steel cages, whose strength and hardness were so great that not even a pack of wolves, tigers, or leopards could break out.

Once Lin Mo left the basement.

The woman directly approached Chen Kainan’s cage, picked up the piece of black cloth from the ground without glancing at the desperate Chen Kainan, and covered the cage again.


“I was wrong!!”

“Come back!!!”

“Come back!!”

“What do you all actually want!!!”


No one paid attention to Chen Kainan.

The woman left the basement with a calm demeanor and an expressionless face, leaving only Chen Kainan to continue his ceaseless shouting.

After exiting the basement.

Lin Mo passed through the living room, glanced at the lively Moray Eel in the aquarium, and then proceeded straight upstairs, entering a room without any windows.

The room wasn’t large and was sparsely furnished.

Besides a chair placed in the center and a whole wall covered with a projection screen, there were no superfluous items.

Shortly after,

The woman followed in, standing to one side without uttering a word.

Lin Mo scanned the room and nodded slightly, “Lady Du, thank you for all you’ve done, the trouble you’ve gone through.”


The woman who had been silently helping Lin Mo was none other than Lady Du, Du Nanxue, previously held captive by Chen Kainan and the girlfriend of the police captain Bai Feng.

Lin Mo had released her because, the day after dealing with Chen Kainan, he had received two important pieces of information. One was that Bai Feng had suddenly disappeared.

The other was about Du Nanxue.

With Chen Kainan’s disappearance followed closely by Bai Feng’s, and considering Bai Feng had always been investigating Lvkai Group and Chen Kainan, it was already self-evident who had taken Bai Feng.

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