Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 174:120, Chen Kainan, long time no see! Visit again the self-built house at No. 139 !_9

“In the end, I didn’t choose the wrong person.”

Her unwavering decision to stay with Lin Mo had indeed been the most correct decision she’d ever made in her life!

It was morning, 10 o’clock.

A high-speed train came to a halt at Hongqiao Railway Station.

This was the last stop on the train’s route, and a small number of passengers began to disembark one after another.

After most of the passengers had left, Lin Mo, who had been sitting by the window, finally lifted the duckbill cap covering his face, slowly stood up, grabbed his bag from the luggage rack, and left the carriage.

Rakshasa City seldom saw snow.

But today, it was snowing, and the wind was strong too.

Lin Mo tightened his clothes and followed the crowd through the long underground passage, then hailed a taxi to head to a nearby hotel.

Rakshasa City was still the same Rakshasa City.

Bustling and lively, every person on the streets seemed to be hurrying on their way, busy with life.

But Lin Mo was no longer the same person.

Though he had been gone for only a little over a month, returning to the city where he had grown up and was filled with memories, his mindset had changed considerably.

In the past, he wanted to put down roots here, to have a home in this place.

Back then, like the other pedestrians, he had no time to look up, always rushing about in a flurry, ensnared in a monotonous and laborious job.

The man he was now seemed more like a tourist, with a profound gaze, admiring the scenery along the way, leisurely watching the snowflakes drifting from the sky while also contemplating his next moves.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped in front of a hotel.

Scan the code, make the payment, get out of the car, check in, and enter room 9208.

The room was spacious and clean.

Of course, it wasn’t cheap either.

Once he was sure there were no hidden cameras like pinhole spy cams in the room, Lin Mo took off his backpack, pulled out his laptop, and turned it on, then connected the internet using the dongle he brought along.

When the network was connected, Lin Mo accessed the deep web that he’d previously obtained from the Intelligence System.

This time Lin Mo would be staying in Rakshasa City for a while, and he had to visit No. 139 self-built house in Guanghua Village as well.

So, preparation was necessary beforehand.

Once in the deep web, he began searching for the items he needed.

Such as makeup and disguise materials and props, as well as fake identities that could fool the system and appear real.

In the past two months, apart from spending time in the hospital with his family and occasionally snatching up bargains, Lin Mo used his free time to think about all the possible situations he might encounter and made corresponding preparations.

To be prepared for danger in times of safety!

After all, he was well aware that if the other party was relentless and determined to investigate to the very end, using Chen Shanhe’s power, it was highly probable that they would eventually trace the matter back to the workers’ wage claim that enraged Chen Kainan and led to the orchestrated car accident.

Perhaps Chen Shanhe would not care about such a minor incident.

An average worker and their family couldn’t possibly stir up any trouble, right?

It was impossible to silence Chen Kainan without a trace.

But it’s the “just in case” that one fears!

If Chen Shanhe didn’t let even small matters go, then the situation would become serious!

If the investigation led to Lin Changshui, then many illogical things would come to light!

Like the fact Lin Changshui stayed at North City’s First City Hospital.

Chen Kainan disappeared after visiting North City’s First City Hospital as well.

Like the discrepancies in Lin Changshui’s hospital admission and transfer records!

If the investigation revealed Lin Changshui’s access to the special care ward, that would be even more significant!

And if it traced back from Lin Changshui to Lin Mo, the suspicion would only increase.

Especially since Lin Mo had gone fishing with Chen Shanhe!

Therefore, returning to Rakshasa City, the very first trouble Lin Mo needed to tackle was… to cut off all clues related to Chen Kainan and their family!

To prevent Chen Shanhe from tracing anything back to them!

The deep web provided by the system had been of great help to Lin Mo.

Over the past two months, it had also taught him a lot.

It allowed Lin Mo to handle some matters more professionally!

Many things on the deep web were enough to refresh the layperson’s understanding.

After selecting everything he needed, Lin Mo paid with virtual currency and entered his current address.

Now all he had to do was wait for the deep web to deliver.

As for how long it would take to arrive, that was uncertain.

There was no exact delivery time on the deep web.

But it usually didn’t take too long, and if there were any issues, the deep web officials would proactively contact him.

The method of receiving the goods would also be very safe.

In short, the deep web system provided for a select few placed a high emphasis on security!

After sorting out these matters, Lin Mo rented a very ordinary sedan from Shenzhou Car Rental, arranged for it to be delivered, and parked it in the hotel parking lot before he quickly freshened up and took a short nap on the bed.

Next, he needed to go to No. 139 Guanghua Village and had to be fully alert, maintaining his best condition.


Dressed in a black trench coat with a full-coverage mask, Lin Mo drove the rented sedan on the bustling streets of Rakshasa City.

The snow was still falling, showing no signs of stopping.

As the surface temperature of Rakshasa City was very high, there was not much snow accumulation on the ground.

It had always been like this in previous years; unless it snowed continuously for a very long period or the snowfall was exceptionally heavy, there would be no snow on the ground – just transparent ice grit and dirty water.

He drove for about an hour.

The sky had already darkened.

Lin Mo arrived about a 10-minute walk from Guanghua Village.

He got out of the car and walked through the wind and snow, making sure to avoid cameras along the way.

About 20 minutes later, Lin Mo arrived at No. 139 Guanghua Village.

Standing at the door, he used a different set of gestures to unlock his phone, entered an unnamed app, and then pressed the open button for the door.


The sliding gate in front of him slowly opened, revealing a large yard and a huge dog cage in the corner.

Lin Mo walked into the yard and pressed the controller again to close the gate behind him.

Soon after, the door of the house slowly opened, and a woman wearing a mask stood at the door, looking at him with complex eyes, “You’ve finally come.”

Lin Mo was not surprised by her presence and didn’t have much interaction with her.

He just nodded slightly and walked into the building at No. 139 with a leisurely stride.

Lin Mo stood at the door and shook the snowflakes off his coat.

The woman gently closed the door.

Then she pressed an electronic control switch hidden behind a socket, and with a click, a gap opened in the hidden door leading to the basement.

The woman walked over and lifted the hidden door.

Lin Mo adjusted the baseball cap on his head and stepped inside.

The woman followed him in.

Tap tap tap…

The unhurried footsteps echoed.

After descending the lengthy staircase, Lin Mo entered the oval-shaped basement.

It was exactly the same as before.

Clean, tidy, eerie.

The six iron cages in the basement were still there, all still covered with black cloth.

Lin Mo paused, then walked up to one of the cages.

He suddenly reached out with his right hand clad in a leather glove and yanked off the thick black cloth covering the cage, revealing a middle-aged man inside, who looked extremely panic-stricken and was cowering in the corner.

Lin Mo tossed the black cloth aside and looked down at him, his eyes cold.

“Chen Kainan, long time no see.”

[I wrote it all at once without splitting it into chapters, so everyone can read it more fluently. Today’s update is a bit short, only 15,000 words. I took my daughter out over the weekend.. I’ll get back to 20,000 tomorrow! Seeking monthly tickets, seeking recommendation tickets!!]

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