Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 739 Thank you, Vale!

Chapter 739 Thank you, Vale!

Avery hastened to the grand tent that served as the council chamber for the Order of the Enlightened Threads.

Inside, the atmosphere was tense as they seemed to be in an important meeting. There seemed to be decisions yet to be made.

She wasn't able to enter immediately because of the guards, but after the guards heard that it was about the Immortal who had assisted their kingdom, she was immediately allowed to enter.

She approached the circle of high-ranking members, her revelation burning like a torch in her mind.

First, she addressed?Grand Summoner Elric, a man whose presence was as commanding as the ancient oaks of the Eldwood Forest. His hair, white as the first snow of winter, fell in stark contrast to his deep black robes.

Next to him stood?Mistress Illyria, her eyes shimmering with the wisdom of the ages, her silver-threaded cloak reflecting the light of countless crystals adorning the chamber.

Beside them was?Master Cairne, whose scarred visage and piercing gaze spoke of battles long past. His hands, though steady, bore the etchings of summoning sigils, glowing faintly with residual magic. And finally, there was?Sage Kaelin, the youngest among them, with auburn hair and a countenance that belied a fierce intellect.

They weren't on the frontlines just now, but their strongest Summons had been sent out to deal with other Demon Hordes. They were also able to observe the battlefield and command other Summoners from this grand tent.

Avery recounted her observation with earnest clarity…

"I believe the Shadow Immortal who fought so valiantly before us was none other than Vale Chambers, a student from Vermont Academy."

"Vermont Academy?"

"A Dark Magician?"

The council exchanged glances, the gravity of her words settling upon them like a heavy cloak. It was Grand Summoner Elric who broke the silence…

"If this is true, we must act swiftly. The Shadow Immortal's allegiance could turn the tides of this war. Our relationship with the Dark Arts Faction isn't that bad. We didn't participate in the Holy Arts Faction's incursion."

Mistress Illyria nodded in agreement… "Send for our scouts. We need confirmation, and if possible, an alliance must be forged."

Master Cairne's voice was a low rumble, "I'll dispatch my best. Vale Chambers is not one to be taken lightly. We approach with respect."

Sage Kaelin's eyes sparkled with intrigue, "And I shall delve into the archives. There may be more to this Shadow Immortal than we know. I don't believe that a student of the Dark Arts Academy would just suddenly become an Immortal."

'Vale had actually taken the Dark Ritual Branch…' Avery wanted to add this, but she didn't have a chance to speak after reporting. Well, she had actually researched more about Vale after he broke a few records in the Twelve Academies Competition before.

Anyway, it doesn't seem to be that important so she just watched the higher ups make decisions.

With the council's decision made, figures cloaked in the colors of twilight slipped away from the tent, their mission clear. They would find Vale Chambers, unravel the mystery of his presence, and, if the stars willed it, secure his aid for the Order of the Enlightened Threads. Avery watched these special summoners go, her heart aflutter with the hope that her discovery might help the Summoner's Faction.

"Good job recognizing the Shadow Immortal, Avery. Our informants couldn't even tell this much…" Grand Summoner Elric commended, his voice echoing in the grand tent, and everyone could tell that Elric was happy.

"Now, it is time to choose your Summoned Being. Which do you desire to bind to your will?"

Avery's heart raced with anticipation. This was the main reason she didn't hesitate to come here.

She wanted to ensure that she was the first one to relay this information to get a reward!

'I really did it!' Avery's mind raced as she clenched her fist. This was a very rare chance, and she didn't have to be modest about it. She really wanted a reward that would be difficult to get even after many years of serving in the army.

She recalled her Silver Ape, the mightiest creature within her Grimoire in terms of physical abilities. Right now, she lacks a Summoned Being with Magical Prowess… However, if she requested that, she may not be good enough to use it since her set of Summoner Spells was meant to boost her Summons with strong physical abilities.

Because of this, she decided to let the Grand Summoner Elric think of a summoned being for her.

"Ahem… Thank you, Grand Summoner. I wish for a summon that embodies both strength and wisdom…" Avery declared, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.

Elric nodded, understanding the depth of her request. He actually liked this even more since he only has about 80 summoned beings in his Grimoire.

Avery couldn't be too picky as he might not have the one she needed and had to ask the others to transfer it to her.

However, with the request she made, he had a lot more options to choose from.

He reached for his own Grimoire, its covers etched with runes that shimmered in the dim light of the tent.

With practiced hands, he flipped through the ancient pages until he came upon a summon that had not seen the mortal realm for ages—theGilded Griffin, Aerolius.

He named the Griffin himself and had become part of his adventures when he was still young. However, it became too weak for him as he became a Grand Summoner that deals with high-ranking Arcanists from time to time.

"I have chosen a Summoned Being for you. Open your Grimoire…"


Avery nodded excitedly as she silently prayed that it would be successful. Well, there were rare cases in which Summoned Beings would rather die than be transferred.

The chance was too low for it to happen, but it was still there! Furthermore, the Summoned Being of Elric shouldn't want to leave his Grimoire to be transferred to an average Grimoire like hers!

However, her worry soon turned into excitement as the Grand Summoner began the transfer ritual. Elric's voice was rising and falling in a rhythm that seemed to transcend language.

The surrounding air pulsed with energy as he chanted, and the page bearing the Gilded Griffin's sigil glowed with a golden light.

Slowly, the sigil lifted from Elric's Grimoire and drifted toward Avery's, embedding itself onto an empty page.

'Success! The transfer is even quick! He definitely skipped a huge part and didn't use the one I learned in class! Awesome! As expected of the Grand Summoner.' Avery was excited as new Summoned Being was now in her Grimoire.

Even Mistress Illyria, Sage Kaelin, and Master Cairne congratulated Avery for having a new summon.

"Now, Avery, call forth Aerolius and test your bond…" Elric instructed as he gestured for her to try summoning the creature outside.

Avery agreed to this as she stepped outside.

She took a deep breath, her fingers tracing the newly formed sigil in her Grimoire.

She then spoke the incantation, her voice growing in confidence with each syllable.

Soon, the ground outside the grand tent trembled, and a brilliant light erupted as the Gilded Griffin materialized before them.


Aerolius was a majestic creature, its feathers a radiant blend of gold and silver, eyes gleaming with intelligence, and a beak sharp as the finest blade.

'Whoa~ Did he really give me this creature for free?!' Avery's eyes lit up as she observed the creature.

Its talons which seemed to be capable of rending steel gently grazed the earth, and its wings—vast and powerful—unfolded with a sound like the rustling of autumn leaves.


The Summoners nearby who had no idea why a majestic griffin had just appeared gathered around, their eyes wide with awe as Avery stepped forward to meet the gaze of the Griffin.

The guard who allowed Avery to enter the grand tent had obviously recognized Avery…

There was a moment of silence, a breathless pause, as a Summoner and Summoned regarded each other.

Although the Griffin had accepted to be transferred to Avery's Grimoire, it still possessed a certain free will that would make the Griffin decide whether to follow this Summoner or just give the bare minimum as a Summoned Creature… Or perhaps make a contract with the Summoner only to summon him in exchange of something…

That's right, he could make a trade for his service if the Summoner was pushover!

However, it seemed to notice Grand Summoner Elric's gaze, and suddenly, with a grace that belied its size, Aerolius lowered its head, allowing Avery to place a hand upon its gilded crest.

"Great! So that's why Grand Summoner Elric wanted me to summon it immediately." Avery thought.

Soon, a stronger connection between the two formed, a bond of magic and trust that resonated in the hearts of all who witnessed it.

Avery had done it. She had summoned and tamed the legendary Gilded Griffin, proving her worth not just as a fledgling summoner, but as a force to be reckoned with.

'Thank you, Vale Chambers! I will visit you later to give you a proper gift…'

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