Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Chapter 738 Recognized

Chapter 738 Recognized

Nefrin and Gammebhel, their mission only partially fulfilled, turned their vigilant eyes to the sea, which was beginning to calm down.


It was then that a figure emerged from the depths, a presence both majestic and ominous.

The figure was clad in armor that gleamed with the luster of pearls and coral. This figure also held a trident that pulsed with the power of the ocean's depths. His hair, the color of the deep sea, flowed behind him, and his eyes held the relentless force of the tides.

These eyes seemed to drown Nefrin and Gammebhels Divinity with its own Divinity!

"So they still succeeded, huh…" Nefrin's voice was a low murmur, his gaze fixed on the figure of the Eminence of the Sea, who had risen from the waters with the authority of the ocean's ruler.

"Mhmm… They actually did it even after messing the ritual…" Gammebhel acknowledged, his tone betraying no surprise, only a steely resolve.

"But that's an incomplete Avatar… We can still deal with it…" Nefrin declared, a confident smile playing upon his lips.

Indeed, it was an Avatar, a manifestation of the Eminence's will. It stood before them, silent and imposing.

"Hey! Why did you betray mankind!?!" Nefrin called out, his Divinity coalescing around him as he was readying for a fierce battle. The chances were small but this Avatar might answer the questions in Vale's mind.

Well, the two Immortals don't really care much if there were millions of humans dying. However, because of Vale's instruction, they had to investigate.

Unfortunately, the Avatar didn't answer.

Without a word, the Avatar struck, unleashing a barrage of water and lightning from his trident.


The attack surged towards the Immortals, a tidal wave of fury and elemental power.

Nefrin and Gammebhel's faces grew serious as they sprang into action, their divine light flaring in response.


At this point, the remaining Arcanists, who had managed to survive the attacks of the two Immortals, died from the clash of the two forces!

The three of them moved in a way that couldn't be detected by normal Spells.

Nonetheless, the two Immortals found themselves in a disadvantageous position as they were fighting in a nearby sea, the territory of the Eminence!

"We're just lacking some combination spells. Don't get too cocky now!"

Gammebhel muttered as their hands weaving patterns in the air, casting barriers of light that diffused the Avatar's assault.

"Mhmph! Your Avatar is nothing!" Nefrin taunted…

It seemed to be very effective, as the Avatar burst with power hoping to end this battle as quickly as possible...

'It's working…' Nefrin thought as they wanted a battle without too many Celestial Arts involved. After all, Vale had taken a lot from them!

Physical battles would certainly be a lot better for them!

The Immortals' counterattacks were swift…

They summoned bolts of pure Divinity that sought to pierce the Avatar's defenses!

The Avatar responded in kind, and his trident, a conductor for the sea's wrath, started gathering the power of the seas to fight!


In the meantime, as the Immortals were fighting against the Avatar of Eminence of the Sea, Vale had sensed this and immediately ordered one of his Avatars to help.

In the midst of a tumultuous battlefield, Vale's Avatar stood shoulder to shoulder with the Summoners of Frea Kingdom.

The air was thick with the stench of blood and mixed Arcane Energy of various Arcanists as a horde of demons surged forward…

Similar to other areas affected by the Abyss Realm's invasion, the Demons here were filled with malevolent intent.

Vale's Avatar, a figure who was currently clad in armor that gleamed with an inner light, raised his sword high. He was carrying the Stormbringer Sword with him and various Arcane Artifacts and precious talismans…

The blade had been bringing out several Divine Lightning already and cleared up numerous Demons in the path…

However, there was limit to how much Divine Lightning this Avatar could summon since he wasn't the main body and only had a fixed amount of Divinity inside its body.

With a voice that boomed like thunder, he called to the Summoners…

"Unleash your third summons!"

The Summoners, robed figures with grimoires clasped tightly in their hands, stepped forth.

Their chants rose above the roar of the demons, weaving spells of summoning. From the pages of their ancient tomes, mystical creatures began to materialize on the battlefield.

It must be said that these Summoners he was commanding were part of the Order of the Enlightened Threads. This means that they have specific summoned beings that are required to be part of the Order.

Because of that, it wouldn't be surprising to see them having similar Summons.

To be specific, they have four required Summons to be part of the Order.

Iron Panthers with hides as tough as steel and claws that could shred through demonic flesh leaped into the fray. Their roars were like the clanging of swords, and where they struck, demons fell in rows!

Festive Bears, larger than any mortal beast, charged with a ferocity that belied their whimsical name. Each swipe of their massive paws sent demons tumbling, their crowns soaked in the blood of their foes.

Exploding Mice, small but deadly, scurried unseen through the chaos. They darted between the legs of demons before detonating in bursts of light and sound, creating pockets of destruction amidst the enemy ranks.

This specific summon was actually Vale's favorite… The Exploding Mice were just too unpredictable, especially if they started digging the ground!

Lastly, there were Burning Sparrows, flocks of flame-winged birds, that soared overhead. They dove, leaving trails of fire in the sky, igniting the demons with every touch, their fiery plumage was like watching a meteor shower descending to their enemies!

The combination of the exploding mice and burning sparrows were an incredible sight to behold!

Vale's Avatar didn't just watch this combination of assaults.

Without care for the explosion of friendly fire, he charged forward!

His sword crackled with electricity as he killed demons one by one…

Each swing was cleaved through a demon hide, as if it were parchment!

Without the Demon Saints in sight, Vale was unstoppable, he was a force of nature that no demon could withstand.

'Seriously, why are the Demon Saints not here?' Vale was confused for a moment…

At this time, the other Avatar who had entered the Abyss Realm hadn't come out yet.

Because of that, the Avatar that remained here had no idea that the Demon Saints were pulled back to deal with the Avatar that entered the Abyss!

Nonetheless, there were simply too many demons as they could easily reproduce… It was truly quite confusing!

The demons still fought back with tooth and claw, while the captains and commanders with spells and swords.

They were legion, their numbers seemingly endless, but the combined might of Vale's Avatar and the Summoners' creatures held them at bay.

"This feels like it's not going to end… Just how careless are they? Can't they see they're not going to win? Are they seriously just hoping we'll get tired and stop defending?" Vale's Avatar mused as the attack seemed too reckless!

Even if their population could be easily replaced, this kind of strategy was just too thoughtless!

The battle raged on, neither side yielding.

The ground became a field of blood and fire…

But amidst the chaos, there was a figure the remained reliable from the sight of the Summoners. It was Vale's Avatar that had become a beacon of light in the darkness.


As the last demon fell, the Summoners ceased their chants, their mystical beasts fading back into the ether from whence they came.

Vale's Avatar, his sword now still, surveyed the battlefield. Victory was theirs, but the war was far from over. With a nod to the Summoners, he turned his gaze to the horizon, where new battles awaited, where his presence was needed once more.

And so, Vale's Avatar set forth to join the Immortals in their fight against the Avatar of the Eminence of the Sea, ready to lend his strength to their cause.

Meanwhile, as the dust settled on the battlefield, a solitary figure was standing nervously at the rear of the Summoners, her eyes wide with the dawning realization of the identity of the Immortal who had just departed.

This was Avery, a fledgling summoner from Lakrine, the esteemed Academy of Summoning Arts nestled in the southern region of Milton Kingdom.

Unlike her more experienced counterparts, she had held her position at the back, her role more observational due to her novice status.

Yet, her gaze had been keen, and what she witnessed struck her with awe.

"That had to be Vale Chambers… The same Vale Chambers from Vermont Academy! I can't be mistaked. He's the renowned Shadow Immortal? How is this possible?" She murmured to herself, her voice barely audible over the lingering echoes of combat.

Avery's hands trembled slightly as she clutched her Silver Grimoire…

With a deep breath to steady her nerves, Avery made her decision. She couldn't keep this information to herself!

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