A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 120: Second son

Chapter 120: Second son

Dams Kale empire.

The city was protected by a mountain range behind it and a wall build in a semicircle around it.

Surrounded by a slum in the area near the wall was a large white staircase that led up to the royal castle where the king lives. And inside the castle..

This, was the throne hall.

There was the figure of Emperor Uranus Derms Kale.

My son, Raj.

Yes father.

The emperor sat on the throne with a glass of wine, and in front of him was Raj.

The hall was decorated lavishly, to the sides were numerous guards all dressed in red robes that hid their faces.

Did you say that Nito had a red eye?

Yes, I saw it. He had a glowing red eye.

Raj was frightened as he remembered this.

Were you scared?


I see.

I cant beat him.

I see, bravery is important. I wont leave it all do you. If you cant do it, I have two others, if they cannot then I will.

But father! He is strange, I could not even feel his magic power.

Raj quivered with fear for his father.

Nito treated life like it was a thing. Raj is the same however he actually recognizes it as life and enjoys the slaughter. However he was sure that Nito only considered others lives as things.

Hmm I wont know until I see for myself.

The door to the hall opened.

Its been a long time father! I, Jade Gyges have returned after destroying the fridge city of Modhern.

A made with ridiculous short green hair appeared there. He was Jade Dams Kale, one of the kings shield.

Welcome back Jade, my son.

Jade saw Raj kneeling before the king.

Raj! How have you been!

Jade, we are before the king! Mind your attitude!

Jade was the third son while Raj was the second.

Hmm? Its fine! Were all family here.

Both Raj and the emperor looked amazed.

Jade, youve changed.

Hahahaha! Im still me!

Uranus held his head in his hands.

Maybe I spoiled my youngest too much.

Jade burst into laughter while Raj couldnt help but smile.

20 years isnt that long.

Yeah, its been 20 years?

20 years, both Raj and Jade had begun serving the country as spies at the age of 12. 20 years later they had destroyed a country.

By the way, what happened to our older brother? I dont see him.

Oh he isnt back yet, Im having him stay in the country for a while.

I see, so I cant see him..

Youll be able to see him soon. He plans to return once the war begins.

Yeah, although its really hard to serve a country you feel no loyalty towards. Isnt brother bored as well?

Hahahaha! It cant be helped, this is all for our ambitions. We must lure them in so we can kill them.

Then a large door opened and a lion appeared there.

Your highness. Ivan is back!

Gazel crown.

The smiles immediately disappeared from Raj and Jades faces.

Gather the leaders and Ivan here to hear what she has to say!

Uranus could see from Gazels expression that something was wrong.

Right away!

Gazel bowed and left.

Whos Ivan?

Jade asked.

Oh right

Uranus looked like a father again as he began to speak.

An adventurer by the name of Nito, got in the way of our attack on Razhousen. I sent Raj to kill him but

I could not.

Jades expression looked a little rugged when he heard this.

The empire cannot be defeated so I decided to aim for Nitos companion to let the world know.

So you sent Ivan huh.

Correct I sent two people after them.

So one died huh? Who did it?

Were you not paying attention?

Nito huh, do you not have any other information?

We dont, thats why we sent them.

The door opened and knights trailed in following an armless Ivan.

Welcome back Ivan!

Your majesty, Im back.

They could tell her state of mind by her tone but Uranus didnt hesitate.

What happened to your arms?

He.took them..

Ivan was shaking and did not look at the Emperor.

Why are you scared? No one here will harm you, dont worry.


What happened to Kromuel?

Hekilled him.

Uranuss expression clouded.

Cough cough. Ooeeee.

Ivan suddenly puked blood and the doctor sat her in a chair rubbing her back.

So, did you kill his companions?

Im.sorry.not even one.

I see.

Kromuel was played with, and then killed.

All of the leaders gathered there stared in disbelief.

What do you mean by he was played with.

Bits Cattlera one of the leaders asked. He was a sheep beast man with sleepy looking eyes and a horn.

That oueeee.

Ivan threw up blood again.

Im sorry, you wouldnt want to remember that would you.

The emperor had his head in his hands.

Father! Ill go!

Jades tone was completely different from before.

But he didnt answer.

Ill defeat him!

Its not possible. Hell beat you at your own game.

Jade was slightly irritated but it couldnt be helped. He did not know who Nito was.

Then what are we going to do!? If even the shield cant beat him what are we going to do next?

The emperor couldnt answer, what could he do? Go out himself?


Ivan suddenly screamed and began writhing in agony.

Whats happening!?

Gazel held Ivan down while the doctors began applying strange magic too her.

My arm! Myyyyy armmmmm!

Drool ran from her mouth as she screamed about her arm.

Aaa, aaaa, aaaaaaaaa!

Get it together Ivan!

Aaaaaa! Hes coming! Hes coming!!

A red black magic circle appeared around Ivan.

Get back!

Everyone backed away from Ivan as her body glowed a redish black.

Hes coooomiiiing!

The magic circle and the glow were sucked into Ivans body.


Ivans screaming stopped.

She didnt move.

Ivan. Are you ok?

Ivan slowly looked up.


Raj screamed and ran behind a pillar. One of her eyes were red.

I see, so this is the empire.

Everyone was stunned as a different voice came out of Ivans mouth. She looked around at the surroundings.

Are you the emporer?

Uranus squinted at Ivan.

Youre not Ivan.

I see so you are the emperor. So they came all the way from here huh.


You havent figured it out?

Uranus was surprised but he didnt let it show in his expression.

Are you

Nice to meet you.

Ivan grinned and bowed.

My name is Nito, I heard you wanted to meet me.

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