A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 119: Long time no see

Chapter 119: Long time no see

Should we go see Sierra?

After the matches were over we had some time so I suggested we go to Razhousen to see Sierra but ignoring Sufilia, Toa and Nems reactions werent very strong either.

I, want to see Sierra but I dont know what to do. I mean she said that she would be back but the matches have already finished and shes still not back yet.

If master says hes going, then Nem will go too.

Sierras a strong willed woman, I dont know if we should wait for her or go see her even though it would be disregarding what she said.

Hildas death was abrupt. But I should have foreseen it, not Hilda death specifically but that someone would die. I should have guess that there would be another raid by the empire even if it was earlier than planned.

I still want to see Sierra at least once.

It wasnt Sierras mistake after all, it was mine. I should have talked more with Reinhardt about what would have happened if I took one of his knights away.

I dont know if it was right, to let Sierra come with us. If I hadnt things may not have turned out this way. I should go talk with her.

In the end we chose to go see her, I thought about inviting Patrick but since we hadnt talked with him for a while I decided not too. And so just the four of us traveled to Razhousen via the dungeon.

We appeared at the gate but when we went through we were greeted by something strange.


The siren suddenly went off.

Immediately after we heard it an announcement played in our heads.

A person from the Empire has appeared at the gates, White army please gather at the gates.

What?! The empire!?

Toa and Nem looked around wary while Sufilias face cramped.

I dont feel any magic power? Is it an evacuation drill?

I checked the surroundings but I didnt see anyone.

I think they might be practicing drills quite often. Its a good idea.

A drill?

The others calmed down when I said that.


An army of white suddenly appeared.



We were quickly surrounded with spears pointed at us.

Isnt this a little overkill for a drill!?

Why are we being used as training tools without permission!? Then the guards began to part as 5 people wearing white armor and white cloaks appeared.


He drew his sword.

White Corp fall back, the white knights will take it from here!

The other four also drew their weapons.

You there red person, take off the mask!

What are they doing? Reinhardt pointed his sword at me.

Hmm? .red person?

Oh right, I forgot I was wearing a mask because I always wear it. Then the 5 knights came closer.

T.Toa? Nem!?

One of them took off their silver helmet.


Slowly Reinhardts hostility disappeared.


When Toa saw whod taken off there helmet she ran and jumped at Sierra.

Wa-wait Toa! Why are you here!?

We were worried because you never came back!

Toa looked like she was going to cry while Sierra hugged her in surprise.

Whats going on? Whos this red demon?

That was rude

Demon? Oh no, this red guy is Nito.

Toa answered but, why is everyone calling me red?

This is.Masamune?

Sierrai am not Masamune. I am Nito.

I changed the mask back into an earring.

Masamune is dead.

It was natural for her to be confused, she wasnt with us in the dungeon. Everyone else lowered their weapons once they saw my face.

Mas.no, Nito. Why are you dressed like that?

Reinhardt asked.

I wonder whats been going on to cause this situation? Even Raid looked more ill mannered than usual.

Been a while Reinhardt. Its new, theres a lot of circumstances behind it.


Yeah. Do you know why Im here?

For Sierra?

Yeah its about Hilda.

When I said this Sierra took on a look of sadness. This.I see. Sierra you..

Is this revenge Sierra?

Sierra looked straight into my eyes with the same expression.

Is it wrong?

I understand your feelings now. This isnt simply fighting the enemy is it? This is revenge.

Yeah its revenge.

Even though you denied me mine before? Where did your sense of justice go?

Thisis my justice.

Sierra replied without hesitation.

..I see.

I cant say it, but is this what Hilda would have wanted? She said she wanted Sierra to see the world.

The Toa jumped in.

Sierra? I understand your feelings but what do you think Hilda would have wanted?

She wouldnt have wanted this but the problem is that Sierra doesnt care anymore.



This is your responsibility.

Im responsible as well of course, I could have prevented it.

Yeah.. I know.

Reinhardt turned away with an apologetic look.

Do you?

Hmm? What?

Nito, youre just the one who asked. The responsibility lies with me who made the decision.

R, right.

What? .why is this guy

Hmm? ..whats wrong?

Was it just my imagination?

Its nothing.

Im not familiar with the abyss yet and my power isnt perfect.

This country is weak. There is no next time you know?

Yeah, but we have no intention of canceling the war.

I dont intent to talk about this countries problems.

I wont say any more now.

Well talk about this later. Sierra?


I want to see Hildas grave.


People change, Sierra as well.

More importantly, Nito.

Reinhardt called out as we tried to leave.

This country is on high alert right now. Dont do anything suspicious.

Suspicious? Oh yeah! With the drills right?

I see, there on high alert, but there drills are unusually well developed.


Reinhardt looked confused.

Yeah, but arent you putting a bit too much in? Does everyone really need to participate to this extent?

Are they practicing dispatching quickly?

What are you talking about? This wasnt a drill.


I looked around at the tired faces of the soldiers around me.

.I see..

Oh. I see.

Apparently I really was mistaken as someone from the empire.

Hahahahaha! How did you make that mistake! Aside from me, theres two beautiful women and a pretty little girl. How did you think we were from the empire?

You bastard! Are you making funsilence Raid!

Reinhardt silenced the angry Raid.

You dont get it Nito. Strength doesnt always match the appearance. I mean look at you.

Me? What does that mean?

Reinhardt just smiled and ordered everyone to withdraw with him.

Whats up with him? Is he busy?

Whats going on, I looked around and saw that even the town seemed groomer than before. I also thought that normally the white knights didnt show up this easily before. Something must have changed while we were at the academy.

Toa and Nem cried, even Sufilia seemed to care a little. Even I was Sad looking at Hildas grave, I remembered her smiling face. But in death all the memories that should have been happy brought tears. Although I still remembered what Hilda had said.

Take care of Sierra.

At the time I had just answered lightly but in the end Sierra was no longer traveling with me. I failed to keep that promise.

Everything is the fault of the empire. But Sierra, even if we take down that country, a new empire will just pop back up. Thats the way the world is.

Then well eradicate that one too.


Not just me, Toa and Nem as well were surprised by what she said. Is this really Sierra?

Is that what Hilda would have wanted?

Dont talk about my sister! She was with me since I was born! But now now she

Sierra is different, grief had made her angry.

My relationship with her was short. But she wanted you to travel, all she wished for was your happiness. She wouldnt have wanted to be avenged.

You said it before.

Sierra began to speak with a sunken expression.

You said this is the path I believe in.'

Yeah, I did.

I understood what Sierra meant.

I criticized you before because I didnt understand. But I do now Nito.

When Sierra called me Nito I could feel the distance between us. Sierra was already.

This is my happiness! If I dont get justice this i cant be happy!

Its not just me, everyone is the same.

I should have destroyed the empire first..

But its too late now.


Sierra looked at me and seemed to stiffen in fright.

Nito? that..

I looked down, maybe my eye was red.


Whats with that eye?

Nothing dont worry about it.

Even if I destroy the empire now Sierras heart wont change.

But then I sensed someones magic and laughed unintentionally. Perfect timing.

Whats the matter Nito?

Toa asked worriedly.

Apparently, a gift has arrived from the empire.

A gift? From the empire? What are you talking about.

Sierra asked.

You mean!?

The empire, knew they couldnt kill me so they decided to aim for Toa.

Sierra looked even more astonished.

If I was late Toa would have died.

Im sorry that this is happening.

Its not your fault. But I couldnt let it pass and had one of those thugs deliver a gift.

I felt it now.

I could fly halfway before but now I can go all the way.

Fly? I dont understand.

Ill explain later. For now just take care of my body.


Toa looked at me worried.

Dont worry, Ill be back soon.

Soon? Youre going somewhere alone again?

No, Ill be right here.

Toas expression changed to one of confusion.

Im going to talk to the Empires leaders. Ill be back.

Ill explain later.

Hounds possession

My consciousness left my body when I cast the magic.

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