A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 178: New Year, New Beginnings

Chapter 178: New Year, New Beginnings

Seeing how popular Rainbow Honey was, Hua Mi felt that all the hard work from the past was worthwhile. When a user named "Lily" sent him a private message, he recalled her as a newcomer recommended by Chef Li just yesterday.

In the message, she mentioned purchasing both the Thousand Illusions Honey and Rainbow Honey, expressing surprise and satisfaction with their effects. Before Hua Mi could reply, another message popped up, mentioning his personal motto: "We crossed the mountains and encountered the sunset, seeking the unknown flowersit's a phrase I love too. It expresses the courage to fearlessly pursue dreams. Truly inspiring! Let's encourage each other!"

"..." Huh? Hua Mi was momentarily puzzled. What dreams or not dreams? This phrase was merely superficialsearching for rare magical flowers in the otherworld and bringing them back to cultivate honey. When he first saw this phrase, it felt fitting for what he intended to do in the future, so he casually copied it without overthinking its meaning.

As for bravely pursuing dreams and all that, that was a bit of an overinterpretation. He replied, "Your comprehension skills must have been exceptional."

Proudly, Lily replied, "Yes, I often scored well in Chinese!"

A new day dawned. The violent magical elements outside had ceased, indicating the end of the chaotic period. The Winds of Change had arrived. Opening the window, a gentle breeze greeted him, like a tender hand caressing his face. "What a wonderful time," Hua Mi couldn't help but sigh.

In the Western Continent, the Winds of Change marked the beginning of the year. Today was the traditional New Year, a shared festival among the seven countries, unlike the Ice Dance Festival where gatherings were less common. It leaned more towards family reunions within households rather than extravagant celebrations with others.

Early on, Hua Mi received a call from the Alchemy Workshop. On the other end was Hera's voice, "Happy New Year, Mentor."

Uh, as a native Earthling, he didn't resonate much with this New Year here. It felt a bit awkward to receive New Year wishes. After all, winter hadn't even arrived on Earth yet!

Regardless, Hua Mi politely replied, "Happy New Year." He wasn't adept at handling these situations and tried to smoothly inquire if she had other matters to attend to.

Excitedly, Hera said she prepared a New Year's gift. "Although it's not something valuable, it carries my sincerity. I hope you'll accept it."

"Oh?" Now that piqued his interest. "I'm someone who can receive gifts now."

For the first time, he tangibly felt the value of being an alchemy mentor. "Since it's your heartfelt gesture, I'll graciously accept."

Soon, a scroll appeared at the window. A magic scroll? He didn't particularly need one right now; he still had four unused ones in stock. Yet, when he probed with his spiritual power, there was no magical presence. It wasn't a spell scroll.

Curious, he opened it. "..." It was a portraitbarely recognizable as a person. However, upon closer inspection, it seemed to be him. The distinctive black robe and various flowers and bees around gave it away. The facial features, though, were highly abstract.

"This is a portrait I specially painted for you," Hera cheerfully said, "I've always dreamt of being an artist, and after many years, I picked up the brush again. I think I did quite well. What do you think?"

"..." Quite well? What image did you have of me in your mind? Hua Mi remained silent for a while. "Hera."

"Here!" she replied.

"You'd better focus on alchemy," Hua Mi advised gently.


Hua Mi stored away the abstract portrait and headed to the greenhouse, where the little fellows offered New Year wishes. And they were planning another feast. Hua Mi didn't mind, but this time, he decided to dine properly before attending.

New Year also meant work. Tending to the flower fields couldn't be neglected for a day. "It's time to cultivate new flower species," he decided. Tomorrow, he planned to visit the hot spring inn mentioned by the traveling merchant in search of rare flowers.

Half the morning flew by following the routine in the greenhouse. After assigning tasks to the staff, Hua Mi left.

In the afternoon, Big Bear arrived with a set of saddle equipment tailored for Lu Fei, fitting perfectly. With this gear, riding would be more comfortable. Hua Mi gifted him some honey in return.


Residents of the Coburg Town concluded their day of celebrations when a sudden explosion jolted them awake. Lights flickered in every house as residents rushed out to see several fireballs streaking across the dark sky like shooting stars, exploding on the outskirts of the town, causing deafening blasts.

Even the ground trembled a few times, leaving people shocked. "It's the elves!" someone shouted, "The elves from Jadeite City are attacking!"

Panic spread rapidly through the town. Adults scooped up children, rushing towards the shelters, as if rehearsing for such emergencies.


On the first day of the New Year, a minor skirmish erupted at the border between the Tulun Kingdom and the Jadeite Court-controlled territory, sparked by the disappearance of an elven soldier. They suspected the soldier had accidentally entered Tulun's territory and was imprisoned, demanding entry to search.

This led to a small clash, causing casualties on both sides. Currently, the border forces of both nations had arrived, facing off across the border line. Tensions ran high for a while.


On the second day of the New Year, Hua Mi rose early and visited the Bee Whisperer's hut. Opening the door, he found a beautifully wrapped gift box hanging from the doorknob, accompanied by a note.

"Since you seemed to be asleep, I left this here. It's a New Year's gift, thanking you for your continuous support and help. A small token of appreciationI hope you'll like it. - 'Abnormal Human' Clark."

Thinking back, it was quite late when he left last night. This guy's schedule seemed to have changed after becoming a vampire. Regardless, receiving a gift was a joyful thing.


Finishing his morning tasks, Hua Mi informed the staff, packed up, and prepared to depart for the hot spring inn. This time, he intended to take Little White along. According to the traveling merchant, a flower spirit existed there but didn't easily reveal itself.

So, bringing Little White might lower the guard of the flower spirit. If he could communicate with it, everything would fall into place. "Try to be back within three days."

Leading Lu Fei, Hua Mi prepared to mount when he noticed a group approaching in the distance. More accurately, a troop of soldiers, marching from the direction of the Centaur Portal.

They all wore bright silver armor, brandishing swordsa mighty sight. They were the guards of the Tulun Royal Family.

Leading them was a high-ranking lady officer in court attire. Hua Mi recognized her immediately. She had stood beside Princess Karen during their meeting in the capital, indicating her high status.

"This formation doesn't seem to be for New Year's greetings..." It seemed like his trip to the hot spring inn might be postponed.

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