A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 177: Seeking the Unknown Flower~

Chapter 177: Seeking the Unknown Flower~

Chen Lin pondered for a moment, then proceeded to order a bottle of "Thousand Mirage Flower Honey."

It was said to bring about a sense of "joy."

"Come on, please me."

Chen Lin chuckled to herself, then shifted her gaze to another type of honey.

It was a new product recently added

Rainbow Flower Honey.

The stock was minimal, not even reaching two hundred bottles.

The name was equally discordant; there was no need to search online for "Rainbow Flower," as it was evident it didn't exist in reality.

In China, flower names were either very common or highly elegant.

Rarely were such descriptive names used.

Whoever named these flowers likely lacked naming finesse.

This honey similarly boasted of unique effects as its main selling point.

And the noted special effects weren't exactly groundbreaking:

Gaining the ability of "lucid dreaming"?

To be unstoppable within dreams?

If it did have such an effect, doing whatever she pleased in dreams, then she could indulge without consequence, even overeating without gaining weight.

The image displayed the honey in a dazzling array of rainbow colors.

It was likely an added effect.

To match the name "Rainbow Flower" perhaps?

Truly a fraudulent approach.

Priced at 4000 yuan, it was currently the most expensive kind.

No wonder it sold the slowest.

"Only fools would buy it."

Chen Lin thought wryly to herself as she clicked to place the order.

For just two bottles of 500ml honey, she spent a significant amount of money.

Any normal person would assume she was getting ripped off.

Chen Lin wasn't foolish.

The reason she did this was solely because it was profitable.

As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words," without a picture, what's the use?

Later, she would attach images of these two honey bottles to her article, making it more persuasive, attracting more traffic.

Monetizing traffic not only meant money but also an increase in her cherished number of followers.

This was good for her long-term development.

She filled in the address for this hotel.

After paying, she set her phone aside, planning out today's exploration and check-in at various shops.


The delivery was faster than she had anticipated.

The next morning, she received a message that the package had arrived.

She was out shopping, so she didn't rush back immediately.

However, after spending the whole morning without finding any satisfactory shops, she grew somewhat irritated and decided to grab a quick bite as lunch, planning to return to the hotel afterward.

She first went to the delivery point to collect the package before heading back to the hotel to unwrap it.

Two bottles of 500ml honey lay peacefully inside, cushioned with inflatable plastic padding.

She removed the inflatable padding and was stunned.

One of the bottles of honey exhibited a brilliant rainbow gloss under the sunlight, almost like food one would only find in dreams.

She was momentarily captivated by this fantastic scene, staring at it for a while.

But she quickly snapped out of it, shocked by what she was witnessing.

"What's going on?!"

She picked up the Rainbow Flower Honey and observed it under the sunlight streaming through the window, confirming that the gloss indeed emanated from the honey itself.

What had been added to this?

She unscrewed the cap, and the familiar sweet aroma of honey wafted out.

"It's like seeing a rainbow after the rain..."

Through her daily writing, Chen Lin had developed a certain imagination, but she didn't think she could conjure up so much from a bottle of honey.

"What's happening? Could there be a hallucinogen in here?"

At the thought, she hastily closed the lid and opened the window for ventilation.

Once the scent dissipated, she gradually calmed down.

She thought, this would make for an interesting story.

Compared to this, the other bottle of honey looked comparatively ordinary, a normal amber color with a reddish hue.

Though it smelled similarly sweet, it seemed different from the previous one.

This time, she felt like she was seeing a grassy field basked in gentle sunlight...

Chen Lin retrieved a "pen" from her suitcase.

It was a portable device used for food safety testing.

As a food writer who frequently sampled various cuisines outside, it was essential equipment.

Of course, its testing range was limited; it could only check for spoilage or excessive additives, offering rough data for reference, incomparable to professional laboratory equipment.

Chen Lin tested both kinds of honey in succession.

However, the results showed no issues whatsoever.

It only detected the usual sugars and moisture content in honey, along with some harmless trace elements beneficial to the human body.

She had assumed that with such noticeable external characteristics, any added substances would surely be detected.

Reflecting on it, Chen Lin filled two small sampling bottles with a spoonful of each honey and went to a local food testing facility.

For a price, she could get quick results.

But the results still showed no issues!

Even the staff responsible for the tests were curious about the rainbow color presented by the Rainbow Flower Honey, asking her how she achieved it.

Chen Lin thought to herself, "If you're asking me, who should I ask?"

Professional equipment couldn't detect any abnormal additives, indicating there likely weren't any.

Back at the hotel, Chen Lin looked at the two types of honey on the table, feeling her understanding being challenged, wavering.

Could it be... there truly existed miraculous honey in this world?

Within her circle, some had consumed the honey and given positive reviews.

It didn't seem like a setup.

Chen Lin also scooped a bit of the Thousand Mirage Flower Honey, hesitated for a moment, and tasted it.

The flavor was initially plain, just the typical sweetness.

But soon after, she took a deep breath.

Her vision suddenly widened significantly.

The sunlight outside now seemed radiant and pure, enveloping her in its brilliance, dispelling the gloom in her heart.


Indeed, just as described, consuming this honey noticeably lifted her spirits.

It wasn't a placebo effect.

It was a genuine experience.

"Simply magical!"

So, would the other Rainbow Flower Honey have effects as described?

At this moment, Chen Lin was filled with a sense of novelty and took another scoop of the Rainbow Flower Honey.

As the honey entered her mouth, she felt as though she was amidst a sea of flowers.

Petals displayed a brilliant rainbow of colors, emitting intoxicating fragrances.

A gentle night breeze softly blew.

Above her head stretched a brilliant starry sky, the Milky Way crossing the expanse...


An outside car horn snapped her out of the wonderful reverie.

"This taste is unbelievable!"

But, testing its effects seemed a bit challenging.

Because she was now too excited to fall asleep.

After drinking a cup of warm milk and drawing the curtains shut, she lay in bed counting sheep...

Thankfully, after a day of bustling activity, she was quite exhausted by now.

As her mood settled, sleepiness soon overcame her, and she drifted into slumber.


This was... lucid dreaming?

Chen Lin found herself standing in the hotel room, seemingly matching reality at first glance, but upon closer inspection, numerous details differed.

Moreover, the entire scene exuded a serene, hazy ambiance, where warm sunlight bathed the earth in a peaceful, idyllic setting.

With a single thought,

the scene flickered, and she instantly found herself on a bustling street outside.

Sure enough, she could control the dream at will.

In another flicker, the scene shifted to a park, now in the early morning.

The cool morning breeze brushed against her face, feeling just as real as reality.

Of course, the environment couldn't be an exact replica of reality.

After all, this was a product of her cognition, and information was limited; one person's brain couldn't simulate absolute realistic scenes.

But for her, it felt real enough.

Or rather, compared to reality, this simplified scene was more comfortable.

She began gradually adding imagery to the park.

Trees, benches, ponds, birds, cats, elderly gentlemen...

Her manipulation skills improved as she practiced.

This godlike creation capability left her yearning for more.

After some practice, it was time for business.

Using her memory as raw material, she recreated dish after dish within the dream.

Arranged on the table in front of her was a feast fit for royalty.

The most enticing aroma from her memory filled the air.

The delectable flavors, almost identical to reality, made her salivate.

Here, she didn't have to worry about getting a stomachache or gaining weight.

She could eat to her heart's content!


As she reluctantly woke up, the outside world was already pitch black.

Lying in bed, she licked her lips, savoring the dream's delicious memories.


Her stomach protested.

"No matter how much I eat in dreams, I can't fill my stomach."

Chen Lin sighed, picked up her phone, and accessed the "Hive of the Bee Language."

By now, she fully believed in the existence of miraculous honey.

The owner of the Bee Language Hive wasn't a fraud, nor a cyber psychopath.

He was a genuine mysterious expert.

Speaking of which, had nobody attempted to contact him?

After all, this kind of miraculous honey...

The idea struck her, and the image of the owner's profile within the circle suddenly popped into her mindthe blue bee pattern.

Chen Lin was momentarily lost in thought.

Shortly after, she calmly accepted the fact of the existence of miraculous honey.

"No need for too much astonishment; the world is vast and full of wonders... Besides, the owner probably doesn't want to be bothered."

However, her curiosity about the owner drove her to open a private chat.

Caught in her professional instincts, she really wanted to interview him.

What kind of person was he, after all?

Chen Lin typed several opening lines but felt they were all inappropriate and deleted them one by one.

Surprisingly, despite being skilled at interviews, she was at a loss for words online.

After some struggle, the owner's personal signature phrase suddenly flashed across her mind.

As if the clouds had parted, she instantly grasped who he was.

"Crossed the mountains, encountered the sunset, went to seek the unknown flower."

His temperament, his goals, his aspirations... they were all encompassed in this sentence.

Did she need to say more?


"In dreams, I'm a god!"

"Lucid dreams made me quit gaming; now playing any game feels dull."

"Thank you, boss, for fulfilling my lifelong dream."

"Is it really as awesome as you guys say?"

"Yes, and the higher your imagination, the more awesome it is."

"Ah, regret not buying! Next time, I won't hesitate with new products!"

"Mainly, it's a bit expensive."

"Why just a hundred or so bottles?"

"Haha, I can develop new dishes in my dreams! And it's cost-free!"

"I can train in running in my dreams, simulate various environments."

"Learning in dreams is even more efficient than when awake!"

"No, several admins can control dreams now, and you're using it for this?"

Hua Mi observed the comments within the circle.

Most were highly satisfied with the effects of Rainbow Flower Honey.

The only downside was the limited stock.

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