A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 172: Blood Vein Disease

Chapter 172: Blood Vein Disease

Just like people, flowers have different personalities.

To cultivate different flowers, one must tailor cultivation plans based on their characteristics.

Sunlight, water, temperature, soil... these are the most basic elements.

Additionally, there are deeper factors to consider.

It's a profound field of study.

When it comes to flower care, my grandfather used to teach me with just two wordsbe attentive.

Caring for flowers is caring for the heart.

The process of nurturing flowers is a form of communication with them.

This process might encounter many difficulties, requiring a lot of effort.

However, when the flowers bloom, the caretaker reaps sensory delight and spiritual satisfaction.

The initial investment manifests clearly in the results.

That's why many are fond of tending to flowers.

"Come on, you'll grow fond of this feeling."


The little furball was brimming with enthusiasm.

And just like that, the "Bee Whisperer Hut" gained another peculiar employee.


"The structure here should be in the form of a groove, allowing the liquid to be stored inside..."

Hua Mi manipulated the mouse, clumsily modifying the model.

It had been years since he used this drafting software, so his skills were rusty.

He was designing beehives for the Drunkard Bees.

It was anticipated that soon, the Drunkard Bees would be introduced for experimentation in the Rainbow Glass Flower Field area.

Once these bees started collecting honey, ordinary beehives wouldn't suffice. They needed modification to adapt to the unique characteristics of this bee breed.

After all, the Drunkard Bees didn't produce honey but honey wine.

No matter how high the alcohol content, it couldn't become sticky like sugar.

So, using ordinary beehives would be futile; it'd be like "drawing water with a bamboo basket."

The design needed to accommodate storing honey wine.

It had to collect the honey wine without affecting the normal growth and activities of the bees.

It was both the bees' residence and their processing factory.

Thus, despite being just a small beehive, it was quite challenging for someone with limited design knowledge like Hua Mi.

Hua Mi spent the entire day on this.

This was Alyss's specialty.

However, he felt this small matter shouldn't trouble her. Even small things mattered as favors.

Moreover, there were still many days until the flowery season in the Rainbow Glass Field, giving him enough time to slowly design.

Hua Mi saved the model, stretching lazily.

Glancing at the time, another day had passed by unnoticed.

Speaking of increased focus, work always seemed to consume time quicker.

Hua Mi inexplicably felt a sense of anxiety.

Anxiety about time, about life.

There were so many things he wanted to do, yet as a short-lived human, the available time was indeed limited.

In this regard, the Grey Robe was right.

Lifespan truly constrained human development significantly.

"No wonder alchemists pursue longevity."

However, achieving longevity, even in this world filled with extraordinary powers, remained an unattainable dream.

He did come across some forbidden arts in books that claimed to achieve "longevity," but the cost was immense, requiring one to forsake many things.

To become a state not much better than the undead, Hua Mi would rather peacefully pass away.

After letting his mind wander for a while, Hua Mi got up and headed to the greenhouse, as usual, for the routine fieldwork in the evening.

The outside was amidst a storm.

However, the rain wasn't falling from the sky but randomly appearing in the air and shooting in all directions.

The chaotic wind and water elements turned this world into an agitated "ocean."

Hua Mi raised his hand to shield his face and rushed into the greenhouse.

"This darn weather."

Hua Mi shook off the raindrops from his robe.

He then commanded the Azure Fire Bees to gather around him, drying himself with their heat.

The effect was immediate.

White steam began rising from his body.

At this moment, the furball hopped towards him urgently, looking quite distressed and squeaking frantically.

The Flower Sprite translated its words, conveying that there was trouble in the Rainbow Glass Flower Field area.

Trouble in the field was a significant issue!

Hua Mi hurriedly followed it.

Passing through the mist, he entered the Rainbow Glass Flower Field.

The problem was evident.

Quite conspicuous.

Originally filled with a white mist, the field was now infused with dashes of blood-red color, twisting and morphing eerily within it, exuding an ominous vibe.

Though the blood-red hue wasn't dominant, it clearly suppressed the mist.

Strictly speaking, this place wasn't entirely in the real world; it was a relatively independent, special space. Therefore, the changes in the mist had minimal impact on realitya conclusion Hua Mi drew using his mental power.

It was like a gentle breeze brushing against himperceivable but interaction negligible.

He didn't need to worry about these changes affecting him negatively.

However, the newly grown Rainbow Glass Flowers unavoidably felt the impact.

Like being infected by some kind of pathogen, the once pure and translucent young shoots now sprouted visible blood veins, stark against their pristine background.

"Squeak squeak!"

The furball mentioned it tried to halt the anomaly but couldn't prevent its spread.

Now, the entire Rainbow Glass Flower Field was affected.

"Blood Vein Disease" inhibited their growth.

If left unattended, the situation would worsen until complete withering.

And by the looks of it, the condition was severe, leaving him with little time.

Action had to be taken swiftly.

While Hua Mi had methods to handle typical plant diseases, dealing with the symptoms exhibited by these fantastical plants left him at a loss.

He didn't even know where the affliction was, let alone how to treat it.

"Don't panic. Tell me the cause. Why did the mist here turn like this?"

Calming the furball down, Hua Mi inquired.

"The source of the Blood Vein Disease originates from the Dream Realm," it affirmed, "there must have been an anomaly in the Dream Realm that transmitted through the mist and dream soil to this place."

According to the furball, to eradicate the Blood Vein Disease, they needed to remove the anomaly's source in the Dream Realm.

However, Hua Mi's knowledge about the Dream Realm was limited.

He hadn't found much information or books describing it.

To avoid making blind mistakes,

Before taking action, it was necessary to grasp some fundamental knowledge.

"Is this normal? I mean, anomalies in the Dream Realm. Do you have any leads about the cause?"

"I guess it's related to the current chaotic period."

The furball explained that the Dream Realm wasn't entirely detached from reality.

On the contrary, it could be said to be born from the real world.

The real world unknowingly influenced the Dream Realm, an influence that couldn't be controlled or perceived but existed nonetheless.

There's a saying: "Daytime thoughts, nighttime dreams."

Experiences and feelings from wakefulness could subconsciously impact dreams.

The same principle applied to the real world and the Dream Realm.

Thus, the chaotic elements flooding the real-world Black Forest might lead to anomalies in corresponding areas of the Dream Realm.

And these anomalies, in turn, affected this field.

Ultimately, it was the world's fault.

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