A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 171: Cultivating the Rainbow Glass Flowers

Chapter 171: Cultivating the Rainbow Glass Flowers

Clark continued to ramble on:

"My point is... the pay is higher here, but it's still far from home. I want to apply for a transfer back. If the first attempt fails, I'll try again and again until it works. What do you think?"


So, I'm not your father.

Make your own decisions about life planning...

But then again, I'm the only one who can provide him with blood honey.

In a way, I'm his provider.

Hua Mi pondered and replied, "When you were a Star Evaluator, did you spend much time in Modu?"

Clark paused, pondering, "Now that you mention it, I spent most of my time out there, very little time in Modu..."

"So essentially, it's not much different from now."

"Yeah... you're right."

"It's all a matter of mindset then."

"True, I guess."

"Equivalent exchange is an unchanging law of alchemy. Gain always comes with loss, life is no different..."

While chatting, Hua Mi flipped to the page introducing himself.

Blood pressure soared.

This rebel...

Actually wrote 'your father' here.

Alignment categorized as lawful neutral, stating he "values contracts," prioritizing rules with blurred notions of good and evil

Hua Mi had no issue with this.

As a beekeeper, all he wanted was to tend to flowers, raise bees, brew honey, without meddling in right or wrong.

But the following description was problematic.

What's this about "controlling seven pseudo-flower spirits in the Black Forest by certain means"?

"Control" in this context was quite inappropriate.

Someone might think I've imprisoned them.

That would tarnish my reputation.

What if some adventurers with teenage angst try to attack me?

"This part doesn't fit well."

Hua Mi pointed it out directly in the book.

Since Clark sought opinions on the manuscript, Hua Mi felt no need to hold back; if something seemed wrong, he'd mention it.

"Where?" Clark leaned over to see, "Ah," he exclaimed, "You also find it inappropriate? I thought the same. Solely based on this, categorizing you as 'lawful evil' might be more fitting..."


Evil, my foot.

"But from your other aspects, 'evil' doesn't seem to match... You're quite a complicated person. Or should I say, intelligent beings find it hard to adhere to one alignment throughout... Perhaps, for intelligent beings, a different set of standards should be established, let me think..."

His voice grew fainter towards the end.

Clark muttered to himself, lost in thought.

"I must correct this, they weren't 'controlled' by me but willingly joined my camp," Hua Mi suggested, "You could write it as such: 'The seven pseudo-flower spirits were drawn to my charisma, willingly joining my camp.'"

"Really? That description seems too subjective, not in line with the handbook's style," Clark, with a reserved look, stated, "You know, I'm a professional writer with dignity and boundaries. I won't alter handbook content solely based on one person's words; it's necessary to maintain integrity."

Hua Mi smiled faintly, "I believe someone capable of imprisoning pseudo-flower spirits wouldn't be kind enough to provide blood honey for you... What do you think?"

"I think you're right." Clark immediately leaned in, pulling out his pen, eyes focused, "How should I change it? Say it again, I'll note it down, so I don't forget."

"Here, 'my charismatic persona...'"

Guiding the 'professional writer' Clark through the revisions concerning himself, the rest of the content seemed fine upon a quick glance. Or rather, he didn't care about the other content.

Glancing at Alyss's introduction page.

Her alignment labeled as 'chaotic neutral.'

In simple terms, a thorough individualist, following her heart in everything, free-spirited.

Fitting the impression Hua Mi held of her.

Fifth day in the chaos period.

The weather returned to an ice age, temperatures plummeting.

No snow on the ground, just a thick layer of ice.

Walking on it risked an inadvertent figure skating show.

These past days, Hua Mi harvested another batch of Mirage Blossom Honey and Feathery Mirage Honey.

Similar to the previous quantities.

This batch would be for the third phase's release.

Scheduled after the completion of Rainbow Glass Flower honey brewing.

No by-products this time.

"It seems the first batches of each flower have the highest probability of producing by-products, significantly decreasing later... Is there a deeper reason behind this?"

Hua Mi pondered for a while but couldn't figure it out.

But by-products were unexpected gains, low probability was normal, no need to force it.

Hua Mi didn't dwell; there were more important tasks at hand

The transformation of the Rainbow Glass Flower field was complete, ready for cultivation.

That day, armed with seeds and tools, Hua Mi arrived at the field.

The mist veiled the field, dreamlike.

Different from natural mist, this mist seemed sentient, changing form spontaneously even undisturbed.

At times resembling human figures, creatures, or vague tree shapes.

A condensed mist moved like fish through the field...

This was interference from the dream realm's energy, producing a unique phenomenon.

It wouldn't affect flower cultivation; disregard it.

The land in this area was now covered by Dream Soil.

Unlike regular soil, Dream Soil had elasticity, slight rebound when stepped on.

Though resembling gel, it was fundamentally soil.

Fine-grained, absolutely pure without impurities, the ideal state of soil.

Such quality couldn't exist in natural circumstances.

Following the designated spacing, Hua Mi, using portable farming tools and the bee colony, evenly sowed Rainbow Flower seeds in this Dream Soil.

Then watering, spraying green fluid, the pseudo-flower spirits employing magic to aid growth... everything went as planned.

After the process, Rainbow Flower seeds in the Dream Soil started sprouting, visibly growing into tender shoots.

They seemed fine, adapting well to this space woven between reality and dreams.

"Your work ends here," Hua Mi told the Nightmare, "As per our agreement, you're free now."


This little fuzzball bounced energetically in front of Hua Mi, seemingly having no intention of leaving.

"Squeak squeak~"

"You want to stay?"


It volunteered, offering to help tend the flower field, making the environment more suitable for Rainbow Flowers' growth.

In return, just give it Gifted Flower Honey.

It sounded like a good deal.

Hua Mi thought for a moment, deciding to accept this employee.

"But tending flowers isn't easy; you have a lot to learn."

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