1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 274: By Day Break

Chapter 274: By Day Break

"Ad Caelum Profundumque"

-        Genshin Impact

In the end of the meeting the Bey of Levant even offered Abdullah to stay over night so that he can engage in a longer and more meaningful discussion with the later but was politely rejected by Abdullah. 

Hussein and Abdullah wasted no more time after leaving the place and hurried to the next estate, the bey governing over Asyut and expressed the same wishes getting him to promise his support too. Over the night the two men went around almost the entire city of Cairo paying visits to one after another noble and lords waking them up from their sleeps and discussing about this issue. They burnt the entire night with a seemingly never ending amount of energy, even their horses became tired and refused to move their hooves after a few hours and slept there right on the stop, forcing them to borrow horses from a lord. 

By day break Abdullah has managed to persuade most lords to support him in to achieving his diplomatic goals, in exchange for the Rumelian admiral, Hussein's friendship, and Abdullah to leave Cairo immediately in the end. All of these are down right under the Sultan's nose as he sleeps in his citadel palace with out him even knowing.

Thus, when the Sultan summoned Abdullah the next day going out for the supposed hunt, it is no surprise that Abdullah is feeling extremely drowsy almost falling off his horse on the way in to the woods. The Sultan joked to the other followers that this brawny young man must have wasted all of his energy and strength battling with the two maidens last night until dawn and that is why he's looking strengthless like this today, causing a round of whistles and chortles in the guards around. 

The Sultan then reminded his servant to gift Abdullah some medications and remedies from his private inventory to Abdullah to boost his 'overall performance'. 

The hundreds of men in the Sultan's hunting squad spread themselves around chasing after their preys forcing them in to the encirclement prepared before hand. While the nobles and lords sat around in a circle around their Sultan and rested watching performance, listening to music and eating fruits. It is just like another typical hunt organized by the Sultan. However, between the various noble's secret messages, hidden notes and exchange of eyes sights occurred through out the wait, without the Sultan knowing, of course. 

The Sultan soon got tired of all the usual jiggling of balls and the same old jokes put up by the court comedians. He then grabbed Abdullah's hand pulling him to the side and started talking about the topics related to astronomy.

"You know, my son." The Sultan said confidently raising his hand palms facing the sun. "Do you recall the event a year ago, of the moon getting showered and tainted in her own blood? That is all because of me, it is to send me the signal that I am the only one that is designated to become the Sultan of all Mamluks." 

Abdullah twitched his mouse hearing such an explanation, but he still nodded and made a positive reply. "Trust me, your highness, that no one here has ever suspected that you are not the true mandate on all of the Mamluks."

The Sultan suddenly lowered his voice and pulled Abdullah lower until Abdullah's ear is just right beside his mouth. "Tell me, son, do you know how to decipher information from the patterns of the moon and stars?"

Abdullah frowned and replied whispering. "Your highness I must be honest with you, although I did grind on the field of astronomy last time when I was young, but I studied it in an unprofessional way out of pure interest, and I have forgot about"

"Be confident! My son!" The Sultan chuckled and pinched Abdullah on the cheeks. "You are still young boy, don't act like you are getting on age or something, your age is no where as compared to me. And even I don't call myself an old man, what privilege do you have to call yourself old?"

"Yes, yes, your highness you are right I am still young." 

The Sultan again lowered his voice acting mysterious. "So, back to the topic my son You know the studies of astronomy? Then, can you do me a favor?" 

"Sure, your highness." Abdullah forced himself to agree on this. 

"Help me study the stars" The Sultan turned serious and asked as he ashen hair flies before Abdullah's eyes. "How many more years do I have before I am summoned to accompany the holy divine? And, what criteria do I need to do in order to achieve immortality?"

"Ah shite hear it goes again." Abdullah knew that this question is coming, as it is the basic task for most astronomers in every Sultan's court to find a way for his sovereign to achieve immortality, and they either tell the truth or make lies to the Sultan saying the requirements to look like it is achievable but actually a mission impossible. 

Abdullah decided to use the third way out of this. 

"Pardon me your highness, but I need to see the stars in order to decipher its meaning, it is still in broad day light now, how am I able to decipher your trait through the skies with no stars? Please give me some time at least and I shall return to you with the results."

"That is the way! My son!" The cheerful wrinkled face returned to the Sultan. "I know that you can do it, it is fine I shall ask you again tomorrow Now! Are my loot and hunt ready? Let's go1" 

The Mamluk lords and nobles fluently hoped on to their mounts and followed their Sultan down the road in to the dried plains. Abdullah, the uncommon type of Ottoman Turk that is unfamiliar with galloping on horse back, soon lagged behind riding on his own pace. Seeing this the other lords that Abdullah visited last night too galloped slower until they are by Hussein and Abdullah's side forming a group at the back. While for the old Sultan he did not seem to have noticed riding forward pulling his arrow string bringing down one after another hare. 

Seeing that their Sultan has went away in a distance, the Mamluk Bey governing over Levantine shouted out to Abdullah and Hussein. "My three hundred camel riders have assembled themselves in a camp not far away from this place. If needed, they shall be here in less than half a day." 

"That is only the last resort." Abdullah frowned and yelled back against the howling wind and sand. "We should not resort to violence until there is no other choice." 

"You don't understand! Ambassador!" Sniggered the governor. "Maybe you people in Rumelian do things in a different manner than us, relying ore on negotiations. However in the world of the proud Mamluks, we rely on only two things, curved blades and blood, that is the best factor we use in almost every negotiations Whoever that has more blades always wins the deal." 

"Aye, ambassador, that is how things work here in Egypt." Another bey responded. "Actually, it is the same case with you people, if your ex Sultan Mehmed could use only mouth and tongue to negotiate, why did he still bring blades to Constantinople? He could just use his mouth to conquer it, not his blades and army!" 

The other Mamluks bursted in to laughter. 

"Alright, lords, so you all know the plan later." Hussein stopped the comedy. "Later when night comes and it is time to rest, you shall gather your troops in the designated woods and stay hidden. If the Sultan summons Ambassador Abdullah, he shall excuse himself after a while and all of us shall go and kneel before the Sultan urging him to comply with Abdullah's request and let him leave as soon as possible. If the Sultan agrees, every thing is then set, if he don't agree Then you people can Sigh."

Hussein did not want to say the word, but every one here knows what does he means. 

The Mamluk nobles and lords nodded acknowledging the plan and picked up the speed on their mounts galloping and dispersing away, al pretending that they are going around hunting for hares in order to avoid causing suspicion in the Sultan's mind. The marks of their horse's hooves are almost every where on the plain beating around the bushes and dried grass. Sadly, there is no environment loving girl in this era to step out and reprimand them of damaging the local habitat. 

After two hours the seventy plus years old got tired draining all of his muscle strength in this kind of vigorous physical activity made not for a man of his age. He got down sitting on the ground, while the servants quickly gathered round wiping his sweat and feeding him water. The nobles too noticed this and gathered around the Sultan seating down counting and comparing their loots for the day. 

Slowly the sun begins to dim, and the Sultan decided to call it off for the day. 

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