1453: Revival of Byzantium

Chapter 273: Diplomatic Ties

Chapter 273: Diplomatic Ties

"Who will change old lamps for new ones? New lamps for old?"

-        One Thousand and One Nights, 

Abdullah explored around the Sultan's court yard along until he finally caught sight of an eunuch walking the Sultan's alaunt hunting dogs for tomorrow, and it is under his guidance that did Abdullah finally managed to find Hussein's living place, a small but elegant independent estate right next to the Sultan's palace. Hussein even has a tiny garden and a corridor connecting the estate to the Sultan's palace with out the need to go through the main gate just like the others. 

Abdullah came to the estate, knocked on the door and waited outside shivering in the cold night air, regretting he has not brought enough cloth and finally after three minutes, a servant of Hussein opened the door for him rubbing his eyes, and ushered him in to the room of his master Hussein, who is there reading the historical manuscript of Resalat Al-Ghufran (The Epistle of Forgiveness.) by the renowned Syrian philosopher Abu al-Ala al-Maarri. 

Hussein startled seeing Abdullah is here totally unexpecting he would come so late at this time. He stood up from his seat coming forward and bowed towards his guest of the night. "Greetings, Master Abdullah, may I know what pleasure do I have to offer you hospitality for tonight?" 

"Greetings, Master Hussein." Abdullah took a peek at the manuscript on the table and grinned. "Nothing, I am just here to have a little bit of chat with you, cant really fall asleep."

"Why?" Hussein giggled. "Isn't the scent of sweet girls and their soothing bodies able to comfort your mind making you fall in to sweet dreams?" 

"Nah, instead of the comfort of lass I do think that having a exchange of knowledge on literature, philosophy and other fields of study with an intellect man like you would be a greater soothe to my mind Master Hussein, you are reading Resalat Al-Ghufran? That is indeed very bold of you, the Sultan might not like that."

Hussein looked back at the manuscript that he did not cover fully and made a dry laughter. "Yes, I know that this piece of great work has some lines and comments that are not so affectionate towards the Sultan and our great religion, but I bet that our understanding Sultan will approve me reading this to get more knowledge for his governance." 

Abdullah pulled his robes and sat down on the carpet crossing his legs and asked. "Since you are reading this manuscript, I would like to clarify my doubts with a senior like you to better guide my path in the field of academics Master Hussein, what do you think of Al-Maarri's depiction on the Earth, the Heaven and the hell?" 

It is only the first question that hit the jack spot of the most core part of this manu script, and master Hussein thought hard trying to evade this question and find a easier way out. "Well, of course I do not agree with him on his writing about hell, if things are really the same as what he has depicted in his work, that will mean all of us, poets, scholars shall be brought to hell after we have deceased." 

"Oh?" Abdullah raised his eye brows. "Aye I don't agree with that too Master Hussein, but what about the part on heaven and hell? And according to what I know, you are the first one to suggest to the previous Sultan to ban this monumental book from publication avoiding it from getting in to the public's eyes I trust that there must be a reason, right?"

Seeing that there is no escape master Hussein sighed and frowned. "Must you really ask this?... Fine, let me tell you why, it is all because of the part on Ibn al-Qareh, the main protagonist of this book, entering both the heaven and the hell and described what he saw. Those who are intellect and knowledgeable are put to suffer in hell, while a man like him is sinful living a lavish life managed to get a pardon from the divine being granted in to the heaven. Can you imagine, what a turn moil it would set to the public if it is released?" 

"And further more, if this is released under the broad day light, peasants would start to question about the government, the princeps of life the Imams and Caliph is trying to set and teach to them for centuries. They would start to think whether there is not that much guilt in committing sins as we have told them, and they might also end up thinking that knowledge and learning can bring them to hell. The manuscript even supported heretic views like Aadam the first human never said the line. 'We are all created from Earth and returned there! All of this would bring one thing that we people in the government would definitely not want to see, that is change."

"I see." Abdullah nodded. "A change in human mind and belief would definitely bring more work and a potential power struggle, even a civil conflict in the government." 

"Indeed." Hussein suddenly grinned. "It is a nice occasion to discuss literature with you Master Abdullah, but I bet that your intention here today is not to discuss these kind of age old literature and philosophical tales that no one reading shall be interested right?" 

"YesAnd no, Master Hussein." Replied Abdullah as he took off his boots, giving the later an impression that he is not leaving this place in a short time. "I only remembered this manu script because I am right in the middle of living hell, l am like a slice of meat caught in between two bread squeezed from both directions, one is the Sultan, and one is from you and the other lords." 

Hussein gave this man a sympathetic look. "I can see that you didn't find trouble, but eventually trouble still came to you." 

"So, I need your kind assistance, Master Hussein." Abdullah stood up and grabbed hold of Hussein's hands. "I need you to help me meet the various influential lords in the Sultan's government, and then I shall re assure each and every one of them that I am of no threat to them, and persuade them to support me in my diplomatic mission." 

After Abdullah finished his words, he bowed deeply towards Hussein. "Please, help me." 

Hussein sighed and hugged Abdullah patting him on his back. "I will, but I am not doing this for you, I am doing it for myself, for the other lords with a political union, and the future of the Sultanate." 

The two men went out of the estate together, grabbed two horses from the stable master who was coincidentally one of Hussein's student last time, rode to the gates and found the general guarding the Easter gates, who is very 'coincidentally' turned out to be the son in law, and released the two men out of the Cairo Citadel in to the main streets. They then found the Bey who is in charge on the law and order during the curfew in Cairo, who is again coincidentally Hussein's family member, and gave them two forms so that the patrolling guards will not find them trouble. 

All of these three coincidences made Abdullah reevaluate the political power this little old man riding in front of him has. When asked about these coincidences the old man simply shrugged his shoulders and replied with out looking back. "Well, old Sultans come and go, but the head of the government always remains the same." 

Abdullah asked no more. 

The two of them first went to the estate that houses the Atabek, the son of the current Sultan and discussed Abdullah's concerns with him. The Mamluk prince laughed at this and assured Abdullah that he knows his father is making a joke, and he claimed that he is not really that particular about succeeding his father on the next successor of the Sultanate, though he would definitely persuade his father to oblige to the diplomatic mission. 

After they left the prince's estate the two men ventured in the dark all the way to the southern gate to the estate of the Mamluk governor in Levant Janem Bey, this man did not want to open the door for Abdullah at first and only conceded after he saw Hussein is with him. Though his attitude is completely changed after Abdullah lodged his complaint re stating his statement that he, as an out sider, has zero ambition for the throne and is only here to do his diplomatic missions and will leave immediately once it is done.

Hearing this the Bey of Levant immediately offered tea for Abdullah inviting him to seat right next to him in the guest hall and promised that he would apply pressure to the Sultan together with his political alliance and convince him to send aid to the Rumelian. Then he even offered Abdullah two hundred Arabia horses and a hundred camels as a personal gift to Antonius, suggesting that he wants to corporate with the admiral in the future. 

After much consideration, Abdullah accepted it on behalf of Antonius. 

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