Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 506: Celestial Body True Intent (1)

Chapter 506: Celestial Body True Intent (1)

Several years passed since the Summerpeak World, spanning tens of millions of li in diameter, was relocated to the Cang Feng Eldritch World.

The world followed its new trajectory without an issue. Under Cen Jiang's guidance, many powerful teachings were disseminated to the masses, and the world thrived.

Even the Fourth Eldritch Realm was reopened, and new disciples were recruited into the Hou Feng Tribe. Bit by bit, the tribe was rebuilt in the truest sense of the word in the Summerpeak World. In a sense, Wu Yuan had fulfilled his promise to the realm master.

In the Middle Land, on a tall mountain range in the Huang Continent.

Here, Wu Yuan sat in lotus position.

Years ago, it was here that I comprehended a Domain. Then, together with Daoist Wan Xing and Emperor Dong Pan, we eradicated the devil's lair in a decisive battle. Wu Yuan’s spirit grew calm.

When he first began battling the other geniuses from the Origin Eldritch World, Wu Yuan would fight daily, then retreat to the Essence Tower to cultivate. But with each battle, Wu Yuan sensed something amiss.

He had become somewhat impatient, too eager to break through.

So, Wu Yuan returned to Summerpeak World. This was his homeland, where his soul naturally resonated with the world's essence.

Although it lacked the Dao comprehension boost from the Essence Tower, Wu Yuan's spirit felt more relaxed.

Balance is the key; there’s no need to rush. Haste makes waste. Wu Yuan’s spirit was now incredibly serene.

Although he had won most of the seven hundred battles, he had lost dozens of them as well. Those he lost to were the top ordinary-tier disciples. In terms of strength, they could all compete for earth-tier membership in the Heaven and Earth Tournament.

Currently, many disciples of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field believed he did not deserve to be an earth-tier member.

Several Senior Brothers and even his master might have already formed opinions about his slow progress.

But so what? In my previous life, I started learning martial arts late. Who had faith in me? But step by step, over a decade, I became a martial arts Grandmaster.

When I first arrived in the Middle Land, I didn't rush to show off my talents.

When I first joined the Dragon Star Immortal Sect, I was merely a decent talent. Yet step by step, over decades, I became the number one genius across the entire Redmoon Immortal Continent and even the entire Silvermist Immortal Nation. Only Zhuo Haiyue can compare to me. Wu Yuan's heart never wavered. And eventually, I will surpass her.

The Eldritch Sovereign, an unbelievably mighty existence, had tried to shake Wu Yuan’s self-esteem.

But as Wu Yuan reflected on the Eldritch Sovereign's words over time, he didn’t allow them to break his resolve. Instead, they only served to strengthen his spirit.

I will walk my own path. When I grow strong one step at a time, climbing to the pinnacle, all rumors and doubts will naturally vanish into thin air. Wu Yuan stood up.

It’s time for today’s battle.

Wu Yuan soared into the sky, quickly leaving the Huang Continent.


Days passed by.

The Fifth Origin Eldritch Field.

Not too far from the edge of a void continent stood a towering mountain.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Two figures, one in white and one in red robes, slowly approached the mountain. Immediately, they spotted a young man in white robes sitting in lotus position atop the peak.

His eyes were closed.

"Senior Jiang, Master is right there." Cen Jiang shot a nervous glance at the young man in white robes ahead, fully aware of how terrifying he was.

To rank first among millions of High Immortals and High Eldritches in the First Origin Eldritch Field meant his combat prowess was unimaginably fearsome. In the entire macrocosm, he was one of the top existences below the Archeldritches.

"Should I inform Master of your arrival?" Cen Jiang asked nervously, "Master has mostly been away recently, either returning to his homeland after each battle or wandering across the void continent."

"He rarely stays in the Essence Tower, sometimes staying in one place for an entire day," Cen Jiang said.

"No need to inform him," Jiang Huan smiled, watching Wu Yuan in the distance, "It’s fine; let’s wait here."

Cen Jiang obediently nodded, but secretly wondered what was the relationship between her master and Jiang Huan. Master and disciple? Or something else?

Whoosh! Standing atop the mountain, a saber suddenly materialized in Wu Yuan’s hand. Then, blade rays flashed.

The blade rays carried no mana aura, and Wu Yuan didn't unleash overwhelming physical strength, but each one was brilliant.

They even began to affect the surrounding environment.

Hmm? Jiang Huan's eyes lit up slightly, revealing a smile. This Little Junior Brother.

This? Cen Jiang was also stunned, finding it hard to believe. The aura of Dao?

She knew very well what this implied.

This time, Master's evaluation of Little Junior Brother will surely rise significantly. Jiang Huan thought to himself.


If Wu Yuan truly went all out during those seven hundred battles, he might not have lost to those who had comprehended a Dao Field.

But he always held back, only limiting himself to the Celestial Body Dao and accumulating experience through countless real-world battles.

Two years had passed, and Wu Yuan’s spirit grew ever more serene.

In the beginning, he might have been forcibly suppressing his power, but as time went by, he got used to this new state. It was as if he was undergoing a transformation, truly achieving a state of detachment from external possessions or personal achievements, gaining ever-clearer insight into his own heart.

Forge his own path! The opinions of others didn't matter.

On top of that, he had the guidance of two teachers. He had to admit, even though Senior Brother Jiang Huan only guided him once, his expertise was indeed more profound than Master Nan Yin.

Combined with his previous accumulation of experiences, and his rise in talent brought about by the Celestial Divine Body, Wu Yuan broke through bottlenecks that would take other top-tier geniuses of the macrocosm decades to cross in just two short years.

Today, as the mountain wind caressed him, he entered a special state. He felt as if he were truly back on the eve of the decisive battle against the worm devil.

His heart was ablaze, yet increasingly tranquil.

Whoosh! Wu Yuan’s saber slashed through the void once more. Countless earthy yellow qi streams gathered, and the blade rays coalesced into a miniature star about ten li in diameter, which then exploded with tremendous force.

The blade rays scattered a thousand li around him.

Starsunder! This is the true Starsunder Saber. Wu Yuan’s eyes shone brightly; this slash seemed to unleash two years of pent-up emotions.

His desire to prove himself erupted!

The Celestial Body Dao is flawless and excels at protection. A sphere has intrinsically no flaws or weaknesses, capable of maximum defense against external impacts. Wu Yuan fully understood, truly grasping the True Intent of the Celestial Body Dao.

However, the Dao is never extreme. At its peak, defense has a facet of offense as well. In the past, I overly pursued defense. But in truth, to truly grasp the Celestial Body True Intent, one must understand the facet of celestial body explosions. The switch between offense and defense occurs in an instant.

Buzz~ A massive wave of Dao fluctuations descended, enveloping Wu Yuan in a hazy, earthy yellow light.

In that moment, Wu Yuan stood there like the very embodiment of the Dao itself.

This is an Intermediate Law. Though it’s merely the manifestation of True Intent, its power is no less than a Lesser Law's Dao Field. Wu Yuan smiled.

This level of Dao comprehension was enough to support his cultivation to the Divided Soul and Dharma Body phases; many Earth Immortals and Earth Eldritches trained for tens of thousands of years to reach this level of Dao comprehension.

Celestial Body True Intent! He truly grasped the True Intent of an Intermediate Law? Cen Jiang was shocked beyond belief, with a hint of excitement. Master, Master is truly incredible!

Grasping the True Intent of an Intermediate Law after cultivating for just a few decades? What level of talent was this?

My Little Junior Brother hailed from a worldlet, and during the Bloodforge Battle, he was only at the sixth or seventh-level Domain Stage of the Celestial Body Dao. Jiang Huan smiled.

In just three or four years, he comprehended Celestial Body True Intent. Such progress, though not as fast as Junior Brother Chang Hong, isn't much slower than I was back then.

The most important aspect is his mindset. No wonder Master took him as a disciple. Jiang Huan thought to himself.

Jiang Huan might just be a High Eldritch, but as the top genius of the First Origin Eldritch Field and a disciple of an Eldritch Sovereign, his authority and status were comparable to many Astral Monarchs.

So, uncovering Wu Yuan's background was a piece of cake for him.

Different Daos have their strengths, but none are absolutely skewed to one stat.

The Celestial Body Dao excels at defense, but that doesn't mean it can’t be used in a fearsome offense. Immersed in cultivation, Wu Yuan became increasingly aware of this.

Layers of earthy yellow light faded away. The hazy, formless Dao aura also dissipated, and everything on the void continent returned to tranquility.

Hmm? Wu Yuan finally noticed the two figures standing nearby, and his heart skipped a beat. Senior Brother?

Ah, that’s right. It was about time for his annual tutoring session with his Senior Brother, but he had been so engrossed in his training, he had forgotten all about it.

Whoosh! Wu Yuan shot into the air. "Cen Jiang, you may head back for now. I'll call for you if I need anything."

"Understood," Cen Jiang replied respectfully and quickly departed.

Though she was a servant bound by oath under the Eldritch Progenitor’s witness, and theoretically couldn't betray any secrets, one could never be too careful.

Once she was gone, Wu Yuan finally greeted Jiang Huan respectfully, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Senior Brother."

"No worries," Jiang Huan smiled. "Seeing my Little Junior Brother break through is a joyous occasion. After two years of frustration, breaking through must feel incredible, right?"

"Yes, it does," Wu Yuan smiled slightly. "But I don't feel frustrated. In fact, I'm grateful to my opponents."

"Grateful?" A hint of curiosity crept into Jiang Huan’s expression.

"I asked them to challenge me so we could sharpen each other. Ultimately, it led to my breakthrough. Of course, I should be grateful to them," Wu Yuan said sincerely.

Perhaps most of the other members of the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field initially treated him with a poor attitude, but Wu Yuan felt no anger. At times, he even enjoyed this culture.

Their emotions were pure. If they thought you were good, they treated you well. If not, they didn't. Everything was out in the open, with no hidden agendas.

Besides, Wu Yuan understood that those members of the Origin Eldritch Field weren't targeting him personally but rather his status.

Objectively speaking, even if Wu Yuan had gone all out before his latest breakthrough, he might not have been able to keep his rank as an earth-tier member, so the discontent was understandable.

"Will you complete the remaining battles?" Jiang Huan asked.

"Yes, since I’ve already agreed to fight, I must see it through," Wu Yuan replied with a smile. "Besides, although these battles will no longer be a challenge for me, they are still a form of tempering for my opponents."

"Sometimes, you have to be the one helping others grow."

Jiang Huan nodded lightly, increasingly impressed by his Little Junior Brother.

"Little Junior Brother, with your fighting prowess, claiming the heaven-tier title should be no problem," Jiang Huan said with a smile.

"Oh?" Wu Yuan's eyes lit up, then he felt puzzled, "No one in the Fifth Origin Eldritch Field has reached the second-level Dao Field stage of a Lesser Law?"

Advancing one level in the True Intent stage of an Intermediate Law or the Dao Field stage of a Lesser Law boosted one’s strength significantly.

"Occasionally," Jiang Huan replied with a smile. "But such geniuses usually break through quickly instead of lingering too long."

"At least, there aren’t any right now. Moreover, with your combat skills, you could give them a run for their money even if you did meet them," Jiang Huan said.

Wu Yuan nodded.

The second-level Dao Field stage of a Lesser Law wasn't a qualitative change from the first level, thus the gap was still surmountable.

"Little Junior Brother, Master will be very proud that you’ve achieved this at fifty-something years old," Jiang Huan said.

"I’m still not as amazing as you two were back then," Wu Yuan shook his head.

"Haha, it's different," Jiang Huan laughed. "Talent isn’t static; it changes with one's mindset and immortal root. Especially at major bottlenecks, one's mindset becomes crucial."

"I trust Master’s judgment. In the future, you have the potential to catch up to or even surpass me," Jiang Huan smiled.

"Let's go. It's time you learned to cultivate this way," Jiang Huan said, turning towards the Essence Tower.

Wu Yuan quickly followed. His heart warmed with the genuine care Senior Brother Jiang Huan showed him.

At this moment, he truly felt like a Little Junior Brother.

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