Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 87:

Chapter 87:

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Ji Heng was a little anxious. When he saw Tian Qi crying, his heart was all torn together. The impulse to drag her into his arms was so strong that he turned around and walked into the warm Pavilion. Tian Qi understood and followed.

There were only two of them in the warm Pavilion. As soon as Tian Qi closed the door, Ji Heng hugged her, patted her on the back, and whispered, its OK. Although he didnt know what happened, as long as he was there, he would give all his strength to protect Tian Qi.

Tian Qi now can be regarded as seeing her relatives. She was wronged immensely, lying in Ji Hengs arms and said, emperor, someone is going to kill me.

Ji Hengs arm tightened. Who?!

I dont know yet. Said Tian Qi, telling the story of today.

After hearing this, Ji Heng was afraid. He looked Tian Qi up and down again to make sure that she was not hurt. That was reassuring. Even so, Tian Qi was frightened, which made him very sad. He stroked her cheek. Dont worry, I will find out the murderer behind the scenes and avenge you.

Tian Qi nodded. She also described the great achievements of the bodyguard and Fang Jun. after Ji Heng listened, he naturally wanted to reward them. However, he also wondered that the bodyguards he sent out had a high level of martial arts. According to Tian Qi, the one named Fang Jun seemed to be more powerful? What is the origin of this man?

Ji Heng wrote down the name of this person and decided to go back to let people have a look.

He then called the injured bodyguard over and asked for the details of the incident. Its not that he doesnt believe in Tian Qi, but that Tian Qi cant do Kung Fu and may miss some critical information. A bodyguard is a sincere person. He has explained everything in detail. He has not let go of every detail. He even said that the assassins wanted to strip Tian Qi to confirm her identity. After hearing this, Ji Hengs face turned black and immediately ordered the case to be transferred directly from Shuntian prefecture to the Ministry of Justice, which was ordered to hear the case overnight.

Shuntian is in charge of civil disputes and criminal proceedings. At the same time, the Ministry of Justice mainly deals with significant cases in the country. That night, the head of a criminal department who was directly responsible for the trial of the case was taken out of the bed and thought something extraordinary had happened. Leaving the warm quilt in the cold winter in the middle of the night will definitely make people angry. When the chief came to the punishment room and tortured the prisoners, he finally calms down.

After a forced confession, someone finally couldnt bear it. He called. The Lord thought it was over, and he could go home to sleep at last, but when he saw the name on the confession, he was all scared out. At last, he understood why such a case that should have been finished in Shuntian should have been transferred to the Department of Justice. He hurriedly handed over the result of the interrogation to the eunuch who came to supervise the work.

Now its less than an hour before he left the palace gate. The eunuch simply waited until the palace gate opened before entering the palace to report. Just before the emperor went out, he told the emperor the result.

Ji Heng listened, sneered, wrote a secret letter on the spot, gave it to Sheng Anhui, ordered a few words, and then went to the court quietly. After the morning assembly, everyone else left. Sun Congrui, the only one left, followed the emperor to Qianqing Hall and discussed the state affairs.

Sheng Anhuai went out to the army and Horse Department with a secret order and asked them to set up cards at the gate of the city. Then he went to Sun Congruis house to capture Sun Fan.

In fact, Sun Fan didnt go home the night. He had been waiting for the killers to pick up Tian Qis head to get his other halfs reward at the appointed place, but after waiting for a long time and no one came, Sun Fan knew that things had not been done. For a while, his regret was more than fear.

Some people, when the second generation of officials has been in office for a long time, are comfortable to be confident and fearless. Subconsciously, they will feel that they are holding on to the big things, and they dont need to be afraid of anything. In all ages, there are countless second-generation officials who have been pitching their fathers like this. But, Sun Fan feels the danger this time. He didnt dare to go home. He wasnt afraid that Tian Qi would come to him after things were exposed. He was afraid that his father would beat him.

Sun Fans murder was also carefully considered and planned. He hated Tian Qi, mainly because of Tian Qis affairs. After his shady officials were destroyed, he could hardly wish to eat raw meat. Also, Sun Fan knew that his father and Tian Qi were becoming more and more irreconcilable. However, Tian Qis slander level was becoming more and more advanced on the emperor, and his father was gradually at a disadvantage. If Sun Fan wants to help his father, he must remove Tian Qi. Think back and forth, do it to the end, and never suffer. Thats why he paid a lot of money for the killer.

Initially, the martial arts of those killers are all good. According to the original plan, its not difficult to get Tian Qis head. Even if there is a bodyguard with high martial arts, its just a matter of time. A lion cant drag a pack of wolves. But no one expected that another expert would appear in the middle of the way, which made them lose.

Sun Fan did not know the process. He only knew that his plan had failed. If his father knew, he would beat him.

Later, he regretted not letting his father know.

Sun Congrui is the last to know about it. No way, he was dragged by the emperor for a long time, until Sheng Anhuai came in and whispered to the emperor secretly, everything was done, Ji Heng just looked and let Sun Congrui leave.

When Sun Congrui returned to the cabinet, he found that several cabinet ministers looked at him strangely. He was calm as usual, in exchange for others to shake their heads. His son is like that, but he still sitting here as stable as Mount Tai. They dont know if they should admire him or despise him.

After a while, Sun Congruis younger brother came to the cabinet to find him and made a murmuring report. Sun Congrui was so shocked that he couldnt even ask for leave. He hurried home and stumbled when he went out.

Other cabinet ministers suddenly realized that ah, he didnt know.

When Sun Fan was finally caught, he was hiding in his friends house, drinking wine, and watch the theatre. The commander of the military and horse division of Xicheng is a wonderful man. He doesnt know how he understands the imperial edict. In short, he caters to the emperors idea wonderfully. After catching Sun Fan, he didnt rush to take him back. Instead, he tortured Sun Fan and paraded him around the capital. If someone asked, he didnt hide the truth. He told others directly: this man bought murderers and killed people. Then he was caught

Sun fan is a familiar face in the capital. The ordinary people may not know his origin, but those who have a little status or who have been wandering in the brotherhood mostly know him. This time his fame is so great that he was brought out to discuss with his father. Initially, Sun Congrui had a good reputation, but what does it mean to have such a criminal son? Sun Congrui should be despised, at least in terms of childrens education.

Whats more, although the people at the bottom dont hate the second generation, they are still separated from each other. They wont be given too much sympathy. Now that the second generation of officials has committed a crime, its easy to arouse public anger. One cant help but start throwing things on Sun fan. Especially when he passes the vegetable market, Sun Fan gains a lot.

Sun Congrui got angry. He doesnt know the specific situation at all. He knows from other people what crime his son has committed. As soon as he heard that it was buying murderers, he immediately found the key: who he wants to kill?

Is he/she dead? He wishes he/she had not died

But Sun Congrui thought something was wrong. Why did the emperor leave him? Obviously, he wanted to catch him off guard, which showed that the emperor had already known about it!

This consciousness makes Sun Congrui feel despair. But Sun fan couldnt help it. Although he had several sons, he was the only one.

Sun Congruis identity is sensitive. Its not good to go directly to see Sun Fan. The servant below sent him food and clothes, inquired about the whole incident. Sun Congruis heart was heavier.

Tian Qi again!

He finally found out that the emperor was not the most difficult person in this matter. The most difficult one was the dead eunuch Tian Qi! But its a pity that the eunuch has been against him many times. How can he give up?

Although Sun Congrui was gnashing his teeth, he had no choice but to start from Tian Qi. He had better make peace with the dead eunuch and save his sons suffering. So Sun Congrui secretly entertained Tian Qi and invited Zheng Shoufu to accompany him before the trial. Zheng Shoufu is a full-time peacemaker and a part-time cabinet chief.

Tian Qi is glad to go to the banquet. She goes, She reports it to Ji Heng. Ji Heng rubbed her head and asked with a smile, what do you think if you go? Do you want to ask Sun Congrui for something? This little perverted image is too popular.

Tian Qi shook her head thoughtfully. I want to tell him that as long as he committed suicide in front of me, I will ask the emperor to let Sun Fan go.

Ji Heng nodded. You want to pass him off.

A eunuch, in such a tone, speaks to the cabinets second assistant, which is called bullying. But Tian Qi knows who gave her this bully. She hooks Ji Hengs neck and kisses him, thank you for supporting me.

Say thank you to me, Ji Heng returned and kissed her. I will support you all my life.

Life is too long, Tian Qi does not dare to expect too much. But she was still moved to hear that.

Ji Heng licked the corner of her lips and smiled, come back early in the evening.


Tian Qi turned around and said that to Sun Congrui, but he became you. Sun Congrui was so angry that he changed his face on the spot, and the party broke up in a bad mood.

After that, it was the trial of Sun Fan and the killers.

Almost every one of the killers carries the murder case on their back, so there is no doubt that, except for the first one who confessed to being exiled, the rest were all executed in prison.

Sun fans case is that he bought murderers and killed them, but he failed in the end. Sun Congrui estimated that he could be punished with staff at least. So he still survived. Its a pity that Sun Fan was taken care of by the emperor. Its not Sun Congrui who can decide what crime to sentence. Sun Congrui later also pulled down his face to beg for love with the emperor. Of course, its useless. The emperor also ridiculed him, saying that he was selfish and ashamed of his reputation, and made Sun Congrui red.

After that, Sun Congrui, with a reputation as a Qingjie, couldnt help it.

In this way, he watched his son was sentenced to exile in Qiongzhou, and it was the most vicious kind of exile: Yongliu. That is to say, not only Sun Fan to be exiled, but also his children and grandchildren cant come back. This is equivalent to permanently settling in the ends of the earth and enjoying the original ecological life for generations. For Sun Fan, its better to die than to live like that. Maybe its sadder than to die.

Ji Heng felt that it still not enough, and added one more: he will never be forgiven.

Sun Congruis mouth was filled with anger. He did not dare to blame the emperor. He felt that the emperor was totally bewitched by Tian Qi. Sun Congrui couldnt sit still and had to decide to take the trick. From then on, he put the battle with Tian Qi and tried his best.

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