You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 614

Huo Liancheng's mouth has a light bloody gas, mixed with his unique breath, so that Jianyun has a moment of trance.

Time, as if once again back to the past, back to the time when they first met

Kiss, more and more touching, Jian Yun eyebrows but slightly frown, plain hands down, as if to probe into Huo Liancheng jacket.

When the cold touch came, Huo Liancheng suddenly returned to his senses and immediately grasped Jian Yun's hand.

"Blossoms?" Huo Liancheng loosened Jian Yun's lips, and a little panic flashed through his eyes.

"You're hurt, aren't you?" Jian Junding looked at him and asked directly, without detour.

At the Liao family, Liao Kefan wanted to fight Huo Liancheng, but he was stopped by Liao Keyi. At that time, Liao Keyi said Huo Liancheng couldn't stand it, so Jian Yun was sure that he must have something to hide from her.

"It's nothing. It's just a minor injury. I showed it to you." Huo Liancheng knew that he couldn't hide it, so he admitted it in disguise.

"Take off your coat." Jian Yun didn't believe it at all. Last time he went back to Qinghu, she found that he was haggard and emaciated. However, she had something on her mind for a long time. He came back suddenly and was too surprised. Later, he forced her to induce labor. She hated him so much that she had no chance to care about his body.

"Duoduo, I'm really OK!" Huo Liancheng felt a little weak.

"Then why don't you take off?" Jian Yun bit his lips and stared at him, still insisting.

Huo Liancheng was also nervous. He didn't want Jianyun to know that he had suffered such a heavy injury. After wandering for so long on the line of life and death, he almost couldn't wake up. He was afraid that Jianyun would be sad and sad.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a moment.

Fortunately, at this time, Huo Liancheng's mobile phone rang. He quickly picked up his mobile phone and stood up, "I'll answer the phone."

Jian Yun did not object, Huo Liancheng turned to answer the phone, so he did not see the disappointment of Jian Yun.

A few minutes later, when Huo Liancheng came back, he saw Jian Yun lying on the sofa and was already asleep. He gazed at her pale sleeping face for a long time, then reached out and lifted her up and went into the bedroom.

After settling in Jianyun, Huo Liancheng sat by the bed and looked at her quietly. At the moment, his mood was not calm. All kinds of things happened in this period of time can be clearly seen.

He knew that she hated him because he didn't want to have children. However, he didn't want to risk losing her. He regretted, but he didn't feel that he had done wrong.

However, today, when he learned that Liao's family was looking for her, he suddenly felt a deep fear. He pushed everything, that is, he wanted to rush through. Without him, he was afraid that she would be bullied, but Liao's family even sent someone to stop him. Finally, he went a step late, only to hear what she said. From then on, it was irrelevant for a man to marry a woman.

At that time, he felt that his anger was about to explode. He was disappointed and distressed. He didn't care about anything else. He just wanted to take her away and ask her why she gave up

However, when she calmed down, Huo Liancheng also reacted. Even if Jian Yun hated him again, she loved him more. She could not have said that without any reason and insisted on breaking up with him.

Just now he has called Zhang Yong to confirm why Jian Yun suddenly so resolutely asked for a divorce, but he was infuriated.

It turned out that Liao's family made such a shameless request. She was so proud that she could not agree to be his outer room. Besides, even if she wanted to, he would not agree!

He has been guarding against Huo Chengfeng and Huo family, but unexpectedly, Liao's family, which he trusted most, stabbed him in the back.


When Jian Yun woke up again, it was already dark, and the sun was still shining in the daytime. At this time, it was dark and gloomy as if it was going to rain.

She opened her eyes and looked around. Suddenly, she was at a loss. She didn't know where she was. After a long time, her memory slowly came back.

The room was so quiet that Jian Yun could hear the sound of the second hand in her watch.

This is also Huo Liancheng's home, but she has never been here. At this moment, Jian Yun opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, but suddenly a strange idea came out of her mind.

Apart from her time in Qinghu, she really knew nothing about huoliancheng.

He never went to tikho's house with her. He only took her to Switzerland to meet his parents. However, she did not know that his parents had a home in China.

In addition to Cheng Muze, she did not know his other friends, nor was she brought into any of his circles by him. She was like a canary in his captivity. He left him in her world.

Jian Yun never doubted that Huo Liancheng loved her, but now she began to doubt how much he loved her.

Now, he doesn't want to let her know what he is doing. Maybe the turbulence of the big family is involved too much, so she can understand if he doesn't say it. However, what he conceals repeatedly brings her constant injury and humiliation.

Even if she loves him again, she can't bear it.

Jian Yun reached for her forehead. Her head was dizzy and swollen. From time to time, she felt pain like acupuncture. She could not help closing her eyes and once again precipitated her thoughts.She looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock. There was a note at the head of the bed. Jian Yun picked it up and looked at it. It was Huo Liancheng's handwriting.

"Duoduo, I'm going to the company. I've got something to do. I'll leave you some food. You can get up and eat it. I may come back later. Love you

After a while, Jian Yun put down the note and got up to go out.

She had something to eat when she went to the hospital in the morning. Later, she got on the plane. Although there was lunch provided, she had no appetite. Now she is really hungry.

Jian Yun has no vomiting these days, but she still has a bad appetite and eats less.

She heated the food, ate a few casually, then cleaned up the kitchen, sat on the sofa in a daze.

As a matter of fact, Jian Yun can see that the Liao family, in order to make Huo Liancheng marry the Mu family, has come up with the idea that she should be the outhouse of Huo Lian City. They must have something in their hands and they are eager to cover it up.

As for what the inside story is, it is estimated that few people know.

And the Liao family didn't get the results they wanted today, so they will not give up.

As soon as Jian Yun thought of these things, she had a terrible headache. She shook her head and threw those bad thoughts away. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone from her bag, hesitated for a while, and then turned it on.

When she came out of the hospital in the morning, she called Monica to cancel her leave and prepare to go back to work. However, she is now in the imperial capital, and she will not be able to go back tomorrow. What's more, even if she goes back, she will not be able to live well. Therefore, Jianyun decides to extend her leave.

As soon as Jianyun's mobile phone was turned on, it was sure that it kept ringing. All kinds of SMS and wechat messages rang for a few minutes before stopping. Jianyun didn't want to read those messages, but she didn't know why. She opened wechat and saw a new friend's request at a glance.

And this man is Huo Chengfeng.

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