Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 198: Rainbow Gold Mine

Chapter 198: Rainbow Gold Mine

Raven Likal looked back up, but he didn't turn around to Demon Mikal. He only said in a calm, subdued tone of voice, 

"Yes, it's here." 

Immediately Demon Mikal and the other White Demon group members felt their excitement rise.

They are only one step away from gaining a Heavenly class resource that'll push their group to have a significant edge overall in the competition! 

Demon Mikal and the other White Demon group members kept silent. They patiently waited in bated breath for Raven Likal to do his magic.

Raven Likal lifted his hand, and on his finger, a black ring began to glow a profound Darkness aura. 

Demon Mikal looked over to the black ring, narrowing his eyes at it. This ring had a similar external design as any other regular spatial ring cultivator use.

But, much like everything with Mages, Demon Mikal couldn't sense just what kind of power Raven Mikal was using to make it glow. 

Raven Mikal didn't pay attention to Demon Mikal's prying eyes, and after a split second, he brought out a long, luxurious-looking Magic staff.

The Magic staff was coated in a glossy black coat of paint and appeared to me made in a unique type of black metal. 

At the tip of the Magic Staff was a shiny black crystal orb.

The black crystal orb slowly pulsated with pure Magical Power as if it was a beating heart. 

When peering into the black crystal orb, Demon Mikal nearly felt his eyes get sucked in the rhythmic beating of the orb.

Suddenly then, Raven Likal lifted up his Magic Staff and imputed with his mysterious Magic Power. 

The White Demon group member watched in slight awe as the Magic Staff black crystal orb began vigorously pulsating, spewing out streaks of profound black glowing lights.

While his Magic Staff put on a spectacle, Raven Likal began muttering strange words under his breath. 

Demon Mikal tried listening in on what he was saying, but he couldn't understand the very first words he heard.

It was like Raven Likal was speaking some ancient alien language to him. 

A couple of seconds went by, and Raven Likal's Magic Staff black glow only intensified. Right then, a surge of powerful energy blared out from his staff, surging all around the area.

"So this is the power of Mages?" 

"I can't sense what type of energy is this.but it's incredible!" 

"Heh! No wonder we don't bother with these folks." 

The White Demon group members were muttering their remarks under their breath.

And like they were saying, none of them could identify this mysterious power Raven Likal was using. But everyone there felt a considerable suppression weighed down on their bodies.

Even as everyone always has a Heavenly Aura shrouding their bodies, giving them automatic protection against anything, Raven Likal's Magic Power still managed to affect them.

Not even Demon Mikal was spared from feeling a slight suppression. His brows furrowed more as it was like facing another individual at the ninth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm!

Raven Likal had blocked any sorts of comments. He was utterly focused on the ground. 

And after another few seconds, the black crystal orb on his Magic Staff reached the highest point of its black glow.


A black beam of Magic Power burst from Raven Likal's black crystal orb, drilling deeply into the ground. 

The whole surroundings went utterly silent for a tense second.

And right then, the whole area began to shift! 


The ground violently quaked as if several intense earthquakes were going off simultaneously! 

The White Demon group members were surprised at how intense the shaking was.

All of them, including Demon Mikal, had to reinforce their bodies with more Heavenly Qi just to stay balanced on this violent earthquake. 

They all felt it was like the planet was about to split apart!

Enormous cracks, vast fissures all began to split into the gray mixed snowy grounds for several miles. 

A cave was slowly rising out of the ground from about ten meters in front of the group.

As the cave continued to rise out of the ground, the intense rumbling quaking the ground only increased in its ferocity. 

It took about five seconds for the cave to fully rise out of the ground. Once the cave was entirely out of the ground, the rumbling abruptly stopped.

With everything back to a calm, quiet state, the White Demon group members focused their attention back up. 

Demon Mikal and the White Demon group members were immediately in awe by what they saw.

The cave that rose from the ground was a relatively small one. But its structure wasn't what got everyone's interest. 

"This is actually so damn luxurious!" 

"It's like our rainbow goldmine!" 

"This will for sure lead us to trample on those damn crows!!"

The White Demon group members were all throwing out massive praise as they stared into the beautiful rainbow color entrance of the small cave. 

The rainbow colors of the cave quite literally popped out to everyone.

It was mesmeric to see each luxurious colors beautifully complement each other and elegantly mixed together. 

Nobody could take their eyes off the small cave for even a second.

Raven Likal blinked his eyes and quickly got over his slight awe. He held his hand out to Demon Mikal, asking him, "Did you prepare the talisman? We don't have much time."

Demon Mikal didn't mince words and flashed his spatial ring. He brought out a shiny white talisman and promptly handed it over to Raven Likal. 

With the white talisman in hand, Raven Likal quickly shoved it towards his black crystal orb.

And contrary to Demon Mikal's expectations, the shiny white talisman was perfectly infused into the black crystal orb. 


A burst of immense energy fizzled out of the black crystal orb!

Along with storms of immense energy, a black and white light beam shot out from the top of the black crystal orb, piercing straight up into the skies. 

The White Demon group members' eyes shot up to the sky, and their awe increased.

None of them could even pay attention to the immense swirls of energy spewing around them. They all just couldn't believe the magical sight right above them.

For miles, the whole sky turned into a beautifully blended mix of black and white!

And at the center of what was causing the skies color to change was the black and white light pillar beam. 

Raven Likal wasn't distracted by that magical sight. He kept his eyes firmly locked on the small rainbow cave and pointed his Magic Staff there.

Immediately, another black and white beam burst forth from Raven Likal's black magic crystal orb. The beam quickly tore through the air at actual lightning-like speeds and smashed into the small cave's entrance.


The sounds similar to million shards of glass shattering brought everyone's attention back to the small cave. 

Nobody even saw a barrier protecting the cave, but Raven Likal had just instantly smashed it apart.

The small cave rainbow-colors seemingly brightened even further then, and incredible waves of pure energy stormed into the area. 

Feeling the waves of pure energy brush past his skin made Demon Mikal feel refreshed.

The Heavenly Qi from the air couldn't compare to how pure this energy was. But Demon Mikal didn't let his mind drift. 

He quickly focused up, pulled out his shiny silver short sword, and began to shout. "You lots! Get ready! No doubt now a lot of powerful Spirit Monsters, ones that can even threaten us, will come out now!" 

Demon Mikal shouts got the other White Demon group members to sober up as well.

They all got into battle positions as their expression morphed into a violent one. 

Raven Mikal nodded in agreement, and he began to shout, saying, "Everyone, on my wo-"

But right then, everyone, including Demon Mikal and Raven Lukil, abruptly froze up. 

Three unfathomably powerful auras crazily swirled throughout the area and violently crushed down on everyone there!

"Flash!!" A bright sweet-sounding voice boomed into their ears and accompanied the voice, 


A stunningly white flashbang covered their whole group!

At first, everyone froze because they were taken off guard at the abrupt burst of auras. But now, everyone quite literally couldn't move anymore. 

Inside everyone's soulscape space, including the Mage Raven Lukil, their soul's cores were entirely shrouded in a radiant white glow.

Nobodies soul's scores were strong enough to fend off the white glow and essentially took over their entire beings. 

And as they all were frozen up, the whole area burned in a blazing heat!

Up in a sky, black flames and blue fires chaotically surged. Behind the surge of these wild flames were Darcel and Masami.

Masami held Darcel's hand as they both raised their flaming palms up into the skies.

Their bloodline state powers split the black and white clouds in the skies, causing the whole area space to fall into chaos. In a split second, an enormous black flaming claw rose from Darcel's palm.

And from Masami's palm, a vast blue flaming fox claw burst out of her. 

Both Darcel and Masami felt their battle-hungry smirks form as they quickly swept both of their palms down to the soul-stunned group.

Immediately Darcel's black flaming claw and Masami's blue flaming fox claw blitz towards the soul-stunned group at near-instantaneous speeds. 

And just before the flaming claws hit the group, a black light burst from Raven Lukil's robes, and a white light attempted to fizzle from Demon Mikal's armor.


The whole ground split wide open and ferociously rumbled under the intense combination of power Darcel and Masami! 

Blue and black flames burst everyone on the gray mixed snow, burning through the ground like molten lava.

Darcel and Masami indifferently stared at their handiworks. And after a couple of seconds, they both snapped their hands, making their flaming claws vanish away. 

What was revealed to them was a gruesome sight.

Numerous charred bloody meat pastes littered their ground, being what once remained of the White Demon group members. 

The stench of blood and guts putridly revolted into the air, staining the whole area with the unbearable stench of death.

If Darcel, Aniela, and Masami had not gained those extra levels from last night, then the results would've been slightly different. Slightly different in that Darcel and Masami would've needed to go all out to kill everyone in one fell swoop.

But even with just small breakthroughs, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's prowess continuously improve. 

Darcel and Masami barely even used half of their bloodline state powers for this destruction.

And while Aniela's soul flashbang made this fight a simple cakewalk. Even without it, the end results wouldn't have changed at all. 

As they looked down at the mass death and destruction, neither Darcel nor Masami was bothered by it.

Darcel had trailed his eyes further along the bloody charred ground and eventually noticed an intriguing sight. 

"Hoh? Look at that Masami. Seems like someone got rather.unlucky."

Masami had also trailed her eyes over to what Darcel was referring to. She had a cruel smirk as she said, "Poor bastard. But we're just doing what we need to do."

What Darcel and Masami were referring to was the only man left on the bloody charred ground there. 

It was Demon Mikal, but his state was absolutely nightmarish.

His body was utterly broken at every part, numerous deep flesh woods littered his body, his charred bloody guts spilled out of him, yet he was still breathing. 

All because of the hidden Spirit Artifact that tried to protect him a split second before their attacks landed.

But not even his life-saving Spirit Artifact, something that no ninth level Heavenly King cultivator could challenge, save him from the Darcel and Masami's powerful attack.

Aniela was several meters to the side of the gruesome death and destruction. She, too, wasn't bothered by the scene and only shook her head as that man really did unluckily survive their attack.

A sweep over of their Spirit Sense and Aniela, Darcel, and Masami only sensed Demon Mikal to be alive. 

Their whole plan went off without a single hitch.

But right then, Aniela felt her instinct frantically scream to her. In an instant, she shot her gaze right towards the rainbow color cave.

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