Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 186: The Next Step

Chapter 186: The Next Step

"Mn...Ahh." A content sigh leaked from Darcel's lips as he took his time to blink open his eyes. A fresh wave of refreshment washed over his entire being. 

Everything just went so smoothly in line for him.

To crushing the powerful group of Heavenly Kings, converging the Snow Angel women, and learning more about his Yin pleasure skills, Darcel succeeded it all without a single hitch.

But the main reason why he was so pleased was because his plan to make his little fox gain the respect she deserves can now truly begin. 

Darcel was coming to his surroundings and was about to trail his eyes down to Bella's face.

However, in the middle of his movement, he stopped. 

The atmosphere permeating the area was once again strange. His Darkness Soul link was noticeably pulsating, alerting him to the weird mood.

But even without it, Darcel could just feel and even hear why it felt so strange out here. 

His ears perked up when two groups of whispering slinked into his ears.

The first group of whispering he heard was obviously trying to keep their voice down like they fear to be even the slightest bit loud. 

"....Ah! Finally! Master's back! I already feel much less pressure." Despite speaking so low, Darcel could easily identify that bubbly voice as Lauren. 

"Mnn.If it was just a second longer, aauuu. Mistresses are just too scary!" The higher-pitched tone Darcel quickly identified was Abby. 

At the same time, Darcel heard another group of whispering that really wasn't trying at all to be quiet. 

It's more like they wanted Darcel to listen to them.

"You see how they're acting, little fox? Just watch now; Darcy is going to shower us in love!" Aniela's crafty voice echoed in Darcel's head, sounding like she just crafted the perfect plan.

"Hmph.it's not like I'm dying for it like you. But.you better be right!" Masami's clearly cutely embarrassed voice swirled in Darcel's ears. 

Darcel already felt his wry smile form. It was truly intriguing to see the girls act like this. 

Darcel briefly thought of it, and beside Masami, no other girls showed an outward romantic interest in him that would get Aniela to be riled up.

The only person that came close would be Hao Cao, but she clearly saw them more as friends. At least, that's what Darcel thought about her. 

And as for Masami, Darcel already half-expected Masami to be a jealous type.

Even during the first days, he met her. Darcel knew it would be imperative for Aniela and Masami to get along so a genuine bond can form between them. 

Now, a slight altercation may arise with his more energetic Darkness servants.

Darcel, of course, had no interest in pursuing his own servants that he's coercing. But that doesn't really help when his servants keep their original personalities. 

Still, Darcel doesn't really have it in him to be hard on any of his cute girls.

So Darcel simply fathoms; all he has to do is keep on smoothing out any envy or jealousy until it's all gone from them. 

Darcel nodded to himself and stood up. His head turned halfway around, and his amusement further rose.

The girls were all placed so oddly spaced out from each other. 

Aniela and Masami stood together but were at least several meters apart from Lauren and Abby. Lauren and Abby, of course, stood together, both still clinging on to each other slightly.

And Zara, she simply stood in the middle of them. Her face remained entirely indifferent to the peculiar situation going on. 

If not for anything, Darcel could admire that Zara could be so calm in awkward events.

When Darcel had stood up and turned his head around, Lauren, Abby, Aniela, and Masami all got visibly excited. 

However, before anyone could even think, 

'Chi!' A Darkness flash took everyone's attention.

Everyone's eyes gathered on Bella, who now laid face down in the ground. A Darkness glow briefly shrouded her body in a similar manner when Lauren and Abby were first waking up.

In a split second, Bella lifted her head off the gray mixed snow. Her eyes lazily open as if she just had a good nap. 

"Ahhh.this snow is surprisingly comfortable to lay on."

Bella yawned while stretching, taking her sweet time to get up. Once she sat right up, Bella turned her head, and her eyes immediately landed on Darcel. 

"Master." A relaxed smile grace Bella's lips as she greeted Darcel.

Bella proceeded to get up then, and her eyes peered past Darcel, over to Aniela and Masami. Her eyes gained a curious glow as Aniela's head was tilted inquisitively to her, and Masami's body stance told she already dislike her.

"Oh? These are the Mistresses? Really beautiful, they are Master." Bella sincerely praised. Despite their less than welcoming statures, it instantly clicked for Bella that those girls are not to be messed with.

Darcel nodded to Bella, telling her, "Indeed they are. Remember to get along well with them. And really, don't mind their attitudes." 

"Hmmm." Aniela had a slight interest in how relaxed and quick to the uptake Bella was. Still, she didn't like getting praise at all from her. 

"Tch." Masami openly clicked her teeth, crossing her arms under her chest. She found that relaxed attitude of Bella almost as annoying as the proudful Zara.

Sensing the mood was about to take a slight dip, Darcel vanished in a black flash. He reappeared right in front of Aniela and Masami, who both jumped a bit at the sudden pop-up.

"Little envious cuties." Darcel began patting both of their soft lushes hairs. 

"Mnnn." Melodic coos leaked out of both Aniela and Masami's mouths. Aniela nuzzled her head into Darcel's hand, and Masami's fox tails curled up in happiness. The whole mood around them instantly brightens up.

While that was going on, Bella walked up to Lauren and Abby. She became amused when both girls exhaled a small sigh of relief to their Mistresses becoming happier. 

"Well, well, it seems like Master has a handful. And looks like we're all under our gracious Master lead." 

"Yea! Master will be great for us!" Both Lauren and Abby stated in a bubbly tone.

Both weren't even that much affected after just being under the terrifying pressure of Aniela and Masami. 

"So hyper as always. As expected from you two. Hmmm?" Bella trailed her eyes over to Zara. 

Their gazes locked, and Bella's smile turned a bit taunting. 

Zara remained impassive, but she felt like something troublesome was about to arise from that look on Bella's face.

"Surprised to see little Ms. Perfect so submissive and willing. Thought that high pride would take hours to break." Bella provoked without holding back her words at all.

Lauren and Abby looked at each other and nervously smiled. Even under their gracious new Master, something just never changes. 

Zara genuinely felt her eyebrows twitch a bit. However, she managed to remain completely neutral while talking.

"Like you all, I simply found Master's way to be best for us all. If I were to take an extended period of time, then it would be because I was simply putting more thought into it."

"Hoh. Still so subtly glib tongue as usual too." Bella only felt a further push to provoke Zara. 

However, before things could escalate, Darcel stopped petting Aniela and Masami's heads and turned around to them.

While Aniela and Masami pouted behind their mask, Darcel began speaking to them. "Ok, you all listen up." 

Darcel spoke in not a firm tone but a soothing one. It quickly got Lauren, Abby, Zara, and Bella to pay attention to him.

"Out of all of you, who's the highest-ranking?" 

Zara immediately answers, saying, "I'm the highest among the seventh levels leader captains, Master. I specifically have access to a majority of our special and unique resources along with the plethoras of others. My duty is to help distribute them to the Snow Angels group to those who are worthy enough."

"Hmph, so that's pretty useful. But what about intel on other Mercenaries groups?" Masami asked. 

Bella perked up next, telling the trio, "That would be me, Mistress. I'm actually only just one lower rank captain than Zara. But unlike her, I have a sharp mind, believe it or not. I'm mainly in charge of gathering intel in any way possible, so I can provide juicy details for Master and Mistresses."

Zara didn't respond to the not-so-subtle jab at her. Not because she didn't want to be rude, but because Bella can actually back up her words when boasting that she has a sharp mind.

"But first! Before we start penetrating the other groups, we need to firmly establish ourselves here. Sooo, who is the strongest in your group." Aniela asked the following question.

Lauren quickly responded. "Ah, Mistress, we have multiple strongest. They are Karis, Zillah, Melea, and Kyra. And they're all eighth-level Heavenly Kings. Uhm.though, I think Leader Kyra went into close door cultivation ever since we got deployed here."

"Also, Master, you have to be careful about all of them. Master and Mistresses are incredibly powerful, but all of the Leaders have life-saving Spirit Artifacts that will automatically activate." Abby had added on.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami briefly contemplate. 

They know even with Spirit Artifacts, their prowess is still far superior to even an eighth-level Heavenly Transformation cultivator.

The only thing Darcel found curious was the one still in closed-door cultivation. 

But for now, Darcel only wanted to focus on one Leader. "So, who would be the least troublesome out of the four?"

"Ehhh.probably Leader Melea. She's not the weakest but her personality.let's just say she's kind of an airhead." Bella explained. 

A plan quickly formed in Darcel's mind. "Alright, here's the plan. Bella, you lure Melea here, and we'll take care of her. Zara, you go and gather a decent amount of special resources that won't make you suspicious and come back here. Lauren, Abby, you two will stay here so Bella could use you two as a possible excuse to come."

"Right away, Master." Zara nodded and immediately began flying back to New Branch City. 

Bella's response was a bit slower as she began to stretch her arms. "Hopefully, that airhead won't be troublesome. Oh, and here you go, Master."

Bella had walked over to hand Darcel the blue detection talisman. 

As Darcel, Aniela and Masami curiously gazed at it, Bella explained, "While you wait, maybe you can find some treasures. Alright, be back in a jiffy."

Bella began to fly back to New Branch City, though at a more casual pace than Zara. 

Once alone, Darcel directed his attention to Lauren and Abby, who both had small pleasant smiles.

He asked them, "By the way, just what exactly were you all looking for?" 

Neither he, Aniela, nor Masami knew what kind of flower they talked about when they were initially following them.

Lauren answered Darcel, telling him, "It was the Silver Virgin Flower Master. From its special property, if we could refine it and make it into pills. Its purpose is for any woman who still has their virgin yin would receive a major cultivation boost if they take that pill."

"It's what the Snow Angels were planning to do with it, Master. But you can use it to gain a lot of riches." Abby explained in tandem with Lauren. 

Aniela's interest was piqued. She took the detection talisman from Darcel's hand, saying, "While we wait, let's explore for that flower. Or maybe we can even find some hidden goodies."

"This would be a decent distraction until then. Hopefully, that airhead can be some fun." Masami also had curiosity piqued. 

Darcel directed his attention back on Lauren and Abby, telling them one last thing, "While we're gone, familiarize yourself with your new Darkness Soul links. It'll be crucial for all things we do in the future. Just sense inside your soul for it."

Both Lauren and Abby smile and nodded. They closed their eyes, letting all tension leave their bodies. 

Entirely relaxed, Lauren and Abby sensed inside their souls. Though they weren't unfamiliar with sensing inside their souls, both girls were already taken by surprise doing it this time. 

Previously, it would take at least twenty minutes for them to peer into their souls. But now, it was almost instantaneous! 

Lauren and Abby's admiration for Darcel only went up as they knew he was the cause for this.

Once inside their souls, they both were hit with a slight wave of Yin pleasure. Their bodies shudder in delight as they can never forget this feeling.

"We feel it, Master!" Both girls excitedly exclaimed.

"Good. Just comprehend that sensation for now." Darcel had then turned back around to Aniela and Masami. "Shall we distract ourselves for a bit?" 

Both Aniela and Masami eagerly nodded. They were highly anticipating all future events that will come.

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