Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 138: The Fall Of A King

Chapter 138: The Fall Of A King

The wind refreshingly breezed by Darcel, Yasami, and Aniela's faces as they traveled at breakneck speeds. 

With their power surge from last night, it became much easier to handle the speeds they were going on the Snow lizard.

It was almost like they could go to sleep with the small portion of Qi they needed now. The only thing that remained the same was the fact that no Spirit Monster can contend with the Snow lizard near sound breaking speed.

Aniela and Yasami closed their eyes to enjoy their journey back. 

However, Darcel still had his eyes peeled open. His Spirit Sense expanded subtly around them, seemingly waiting for any pricks his sense could pick up.

About a half a day has passed already since leaving Thornshell Village. 

And so far, Darcel's Spirit Senses didn't prick at all. Darcel assumed it would be the same for the rest of the trip until he abruptly perked up.

The spike sense of subtle danger had finally pricked into Darcel's Spirit Sense. Darcel drummed his fingers around the Beast Taming Crystal and swiftly poured his Qi into it.

A flash of blue glowed in the Snow lizard's eyes, making it speed quickly slow to a bare crawl. 

As the Snow lizard got slower to the point of nearly stopping, still Aniela and Yasami didn't open their eyes.

But, Darcel knew they were up and sensed precisely what he sensed. When he had perked his body up, he caught on to the subtle rising tension that filled the girl's bodies as they leaned on to him.

Despite going at sound breaking speed, the Snow lizard had perfect control over its movements. 

It took only a few seconds before the Snow lizard stopped moving altogether. 

And when the Snow lizard had stopped, Darcel tapped both Aniela and Yasami's shoulders. "I know you girls are ready. We'll have more time for coziness after this."

Darcel's persuading words caused both girls to fling their eyes open in evident excitement. 

"Now that I'm actually all warmed up, I don't even really care for stomping around our 'fan' right now. Ah, whatever. Let's hurry this over with." Yasami lightly commented while cracking her knuckles. 

Aniela began giggling, also remarking with, "Hehehe~, can't help but agree with you there, little cutie. Still! We must never waste an opportunity for some prime experience!"

Only a few seconds passed since their Snow lizard stopped while Aniela and Yasami were lightly talking. 

A few seconds that seemed like they were being a bit too casual. 

That is until Darcel uttered a single word, "Now!"


Immediately, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami sprang off the Snow lizard and blasted off to a specific spot in the Wild Snow. 

All three of their Spirit Senses locked directly on where the danger spike occurred.

In just a split second, the trio already covered dozens of meters with just their base speed. 

But, just going out with their base prowess wasn't Darcel's group sort of style. 

Only a split second after they began running, a tremendous aura gushed forth from all three of them! Darcel burst with the explosive power of his Yin Spiritual State, transforming into his alluring bloodline appearance.

Aniela gushed out her Yang Spiritual state's overwhelming energy, radiating the bright light of her bloodline appearance. 

And Yasami donned her blue fire fox cloak that glistened in pure, superior prowess.

In that instant, the trio used their transform powers and blitz forward at lightning-like speeds! 

They crossed a mere mile in the manner of one second! And once they crossed this one-mile mark, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami felt a slight resistance.

As if something was trying to block them off. 

However, the meager power behind the resistance simply made the trio savagely smirk. They simply increased the energy of their aura, causing the resistance that's trying to block them off to get instantly vaporized!


Upon shattering the resistance, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami heard the noise of something akin to glass shattering into a million pieces. 

All around the trio, the surrounding area suddenly fell into chaos!

The unfathomable power of Heavenly Qi crazily gushed out everywhere from the shattering! Huge splits in the snow tore through the ground, the wind kicked up into wild whirlwinds, and snow sprayed into the sky.

Just the sheer pure power of Heavenly Qi can cause utter chaos to any weak space. 

And yet, despite the overbearing power that can make mighty peak ninth rank Innate Core warriors tremble to their knees.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were completely fine. 

The suppression power of Heavenly Qi couldn't affect them; the Heavenly Qi aura merely tickled their bodies, and their powers only increased as they moved.

"Heh! Mighty Heavenly King, my ass!" Yasami mockingly boasted as she felt exuberant over her incredible surge of power. 

Darcel and Aniela smirked since they felt the aura of a first-level Heavenly Transformation powerhouse rapidly rise to the ground.

They both thought over how with just one mocking line, Yasami already got their 'fan' to show themselves. 

It was quite impressive, actually. 

And like they expected, the ground split open from in front of them. 

Out from the ground, a human figured had arisen and had flown into the air. The human figure was a beautiful silver armor woman. And With Darcel's group's excellent vision, they immediately recognized this style of armor.

"So it's time, Silver eyesores!" Aniela also jeered as she, Darcel, and Yasami quickly halted. 

Up in the sky, Silver Lila's normally lazed face was now replaced by a deadly severe expression.

An enormous silver battle hammer was already in hand, glowing a bright, brilliant silver shine. Despite already knowing it would be futile, Silver Lila was blasting out her full Heavenly Transformation aura onto the trio.

But of course, none of the brats were affected. 

Silver Lila didn't even bother with useless words and quickly pointed her silver glowing battle hammer straight at the trio.

However, right when she pointed her hammer, Darcel's eyes focused squarely on her. In an instant, his black eyes glowed a chilling Darkness hue. 

Faster than Silver Lila could charge her attack or even react, a Darkness shadow gushed from her feet despite being in midair.

Instantaneously when the Darkness shadow appeared, numerous Darkness tendrils shot out from it and tightly wrapped around Silver Lila's body. 

Lustful energies quickly drilled into her body, making a tremendous burning itch spread throughout her.

"Nnnh?! What kind of-Ah! Tch!" 

Silver Lila was struggling to suppress moans as she felt tingles rampage her body and soul. In a desperate attempt, Silver Lila fruitlessly tried to surge her Heavenly aura to fend off Darcel's Darkness tendrils.

But before she could even make an attempt. Silver Lila's eyes nearly got blinded by a bright blue shine! Indescribable dread filled her eyes then. 

A bright blue flaming fox claw was blitzing at her at tremendous speeds.

Already, because Darcel's Darkness tendrils was disrupting her aura and Heavenly Qi, Silver Lila had little ways to protect herself. 

But furthermore, the power behind this massive flaming fox claw caused an even greater suppression to crush her body.

Yasami's blue flaming fox claw felt no resistance when sailing at Silver Lila. It was only when her attack was mere meters away from her that Silver Lila's soul instinctively reacted. 

For a brief second, there was the remnant of her Heavenly aura trying to automatically protect her.

However, even for something that came from her soul, Yasami's blue fire fox claw effortlessly tore through the brief Heavenly aura! 


A moan that sounded like a mixed scream of pain and pleasure gasped from Silver Lila's mouth.

Tearing through that Heavenly aura was like tearing off a piece of her soul. Pain more than pleasure flowed through Silver Lila, and she felt bile rise to her throat.

At the same time, "Flash!" Aniela shouted and burst her white flashbang! 

Silver Lila's whole world went white. She utterly froze as Yasami's blue fire fox claws finally reached over her.


Yasami's blue fire fox claw brutally slapped Silver Lila to the ground like she was a ragdoll. Silver Lila's body got buried in the snow as blood spurted crazily from her body.

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami casually gazed their eyes over to her, only to see the snow painted in crimson red from where she landed. 

At a relaxed pace, the trio walked over to the buried Silver Lila.

Although, they were in for some surprise while walking. Amazingly enough, Silver Lila struggled up to at least get on her knees. 

Gone was any prestige of what a Heavenly King is supposed to have.

Silver Lila right now was bloodied and battered. Her hair was filled with snow, her once beautiful face had dirt and blood mixed on it. Though Darcel's group could spot a faint blush adorning her cheek.

"Ju-just how?!? I shouldn't be wrong! Fr-from what I sensed, none of you were nowhere near this strong!! My first formation sh-AHH~?!?" 

Silver Lila fell squared into the snow while unleashing a great moan.

At the lowest state of her body, Darcel's Darkness lustful energies had the entire range to roam free all throughout her. From every corner of her body to the deepest region of her soul, indescribable pleasure made her tremble.

Despite the beaten and battered state of her being, Silver Lila felt her pussy squirm with love juices. Her eyes became hazy and unfocused as Darcel's group walked right up to her.

"A learning experience indeed! So this is the chaotic side of overwhelming pleasure. Look! Her tongue is already drooling out of her mouth." Aniela pointed out the pitiful state of a once-mighty Heavenly King.

And like she said, Silver Lila looked drunk with pleasure. 

Tears of pleasure drizzled out of her eyes, and her tongue drooled out of her mouth, panting like a beast in heat.

"Th-this power-Ah~! Wha-wha-AHN~! It feels so gooood~!!!" Still, Silver Lila's pussy was continually overflowing with her love juices to no end in sight. 

Her entire soul was overtaken by Darcel's Darkness lustful energies.

Even if Darcel were to attempt this if Silver Lila was at one hundred percent of her power, the result still would've been the same. From all the continuous pleasure and breakthrough, Darcel's soul powers grew to an outrageous standard.

He didn't even need to rely on the small portion of Sariel's essence still nestling deep in his soul. Silver Lila being majorly weakened only sped the whole process up.

"Hmph, for a so-called Heavenly King, she sure was quick to fall into pleasure." Yasami jeering didn't even reach Silver Lila's mind. 

"Hehe~, in general, a Heavenly King's prowess isn't at all what it's cracked up to be. Far too weak in my books!" Aniela proudly said.

"Your books are far too crazy to be in anyone's reach," Darcel said as he got right in front of Silver Lila. He hovered his hand over her and continued saying, 

"Besides, it's less about her being weak. But my soul and our prowess are just far above her's. Now then, let me test this out."

Aniela and Yasami watched with great interest as Darcel glowed his whole hand in complete Darkness essence. And without any further words, Darcel grasped Silver Lila's head, pulling her up.

Immediately, Silver Lila ceased squirming around. Darcel as well went entirely still, putting on his full focus on her.

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