Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 134: Young Heroes

Chapter 134: Young Heroes

Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami didn't even turn back as the Snow Glazed Hawk lit up in a bright blue flaming glory. 

They simply turned off their transformed state and enjoyed their nice slow descent to the ground.

"Hehe~, not that's was a job well done! No! More than that, it was a perfect job done!" Aniela giggled out, feeling incredibly refreshed after their first battle in a few days.

She was actually a bit surprised at just the power she could exude now. 

Even though Aniela expected to quickly kill this beast, what they did just now was the equivalent of squashing a bug!

Yasami, though surprised at her tremendous power gain, couldn't help but leak a little sigh. 

She disappointedly said, "We really didn't even get a chance to fully stretch ourselves. I was expecting something special it could use, just like that Soul Weaver ape. Oh well. Hopefully, our 'fan' can provide us with much more excitement."

Darcel saw an excited glint spark in both Aniela and Yasami's eyes when mentioning the one following them. 

Although Darcel was curious if the one following them will feel any different after this battle. 

Aniela and Yasami were fully engrossed in experiencing their new incredible power, so Darcel expected them not to notice. 

But he was positively sure he heard numerous shouts of people comparing them to Heavenly Kings.

At that point, Darcel hoped the one following them would be overly arrogant in their abilities and still attempt to fight them. It would be a shame if they miss out on such a good opportunity. 

In the midst of his thoughts, Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami suddenly turned their head back as the chaotic noise of the Snow Glazed Hawk crashing into the snow echoed throughout the whole area.

Looking at the corpse, the trio spotted Yasami's blue fire clearing up on it. 

And from the spots that were clear, the trio spotted the Snow Glazed Hawk's burnt bones eerily sticking out.

"Hmmm.you know? Yasami, we need to compare our black flames with your blue flames! I feel there's something incredibly special about them." 

Aniela told Yasami with great interest.

Truthfully, Aniela always regarded Yasami as just simply having a good affinity with the Elemental of Fire like them. And her comprehension ability should be exceedingly high, which in turn, gave her extraordinary jumping prowess.

But now? 

After knowing Yasami has some form of a feline Monster bloodline that extends past her blue fire fox cloak. Aniela believed her Fire abilities can be even more versatile than her's and Darcel's! 

Her main guess for this was from reading informative books and scrolls about some special Monster bloodlines having a unique affinity with various Elements.

For a brief moment, a flash of realization sparked in Yasami's eyes. 

She turned her head specifically to Aniela, giving her a playful smirk. "That's right, you two wouldn't know about it. Fuuu~, you'll be in for a special treat then."

"Oooh~? Now I'm even more interested!" 

While Aniela and Yasami banter with each other, the three of them finally landed on the icy blue road. 

And immediately, Darcel's attention was taken off from their banter. 

"We'll explore that avenue at night, girls. For now, we have a more.pressing matter. Look up ahead." Darcel pointed out to the girls making Aniela and Yasami turn their heads over.

Mild shock ran through both girl's eyes when doing so. 

The scene up ahead while they could've expected this. It was still slightly surprising to actually see it in action.

The cause for the trio's mild shock was that all Innate Core powerhouses from the Ice Village had their eyes burst open and were staring unblinkingly at them.

Unknown to the trio, the mere fact that Darcel, Aniela, and Yasami were acting so casually caused even more chaotic waves in the Ice village's cultivators' minds. 

But there was two big questions that nestled deep inside the Innate Core cultivators' minds.

Just how the hell did these youths burst with such tremendous power?! 

And how the hell did they feel as powerful as mighty Heavenly King experts?! 

To further make this scene just so unbelievably was the fact that both Darcel and Aniela were merely True Soul Core youths!

If it was just Yasami alone, then they at least could somewhat equate her being a legendary genius only heard in records. 

But Darcel and Aniela? 

No matter what kind of genius a True Soul Core youth was, it should simply be impossible to surge that kind of prowess!

Yet here they are, with reality staring in their face. 

The Snow Glazed Hawk corpse was still slowly roasting, and the cause was those three extraordinary youths.

When Darcel's group had finally turned to notice them, Vice Chief Cily promptly sober up. She could now clearly spot the bronze ranked Fang badges on them and finally pieced together why these incredible youths decided to help them.

Gathering up her courage, Vice Chief Cily flew forwards while the other cultivators were too shell shocked to move. 

And when they saw their Vice Chief going up to meet these terrifying youths, some wanted to warn her, but no one dared to speak up.

"We greatly thank you for the much-needed assistance, young heroes. I don't think we would've lasted long at all against that Hawk. And I presume you three are from the Nobe's Fang group, right?" 

Vice Chief Cily opened up with while landing a few feet away from Darcel's group.

Aniela took the lead for talking, giving Vice Chief Cily a broad smile and confirmed her question. "That's right! Glad we could make it just in time." 

A wry thought went off in Vice Chief Cily head since they did far more than just making it in time.

Still, Vice Chief Cily was already quickly warming up to Aniela's jubilant attitude and bright energy. Plus, ignoring her terrifying prowess, Aniela possessed a magnetic beauty that made it hard to dislike her at first impressions. 

Vice Chief Cily's eyes quickly glanced to Darcel, who had a steady neutral expression on his handsome face. 

And gazing at Yasami, Vice Chief Cily couldn't precisely see her face. However, she had a bombastic figure that just captured anyone's eyes.

Seeing the youth's calm, relaxed statures up close was leading Vice Chief Cily to believe this won't be as daunting of a meeting as she initially thought. 

"Are you one of the leaders for Thornshell Village?" Darcel suddenly asked before Vice Chief Cily spoke up again. 

He took particular notice of their style of clothing, and it was impossible not to notice the decorated necklace that was hanging on her neck.

"Indeed I am. My name is Cily, and I am the Vice Chief for the Village. And for helping us and essentially saving us. I have to invite you three to stay at least one night for a celebratory feast here."

Vice Chief Cily offered to the trio. 

As they speak, she knows her village folks are already preparing for a celebration and are causing an uproar about the recent battle. 

And she knows everyone would want to know about the three overwhelming auras that are equals to even mighty Heavenly Kings!

"Eh? Celebratory feast? You all actually do that?" Yasami curiously asked, not too familiar with such community gathering events. It all seemed a bit strange to her since she rarely would celebrate her achievements.

"You can say it's a tradition for us. We have built a strong sense of community here that motivates all of us to grow together and achieve great feats together. Even for smaller events than this one, there would be people holding small get-togethers to go over and celebrate their achievements. But for such a monumental feat like this one, it would be our honor to share it with young heroes such as yourselves."

Vice Chief Cily patiently explained, getting Aniela and Yasami to momentarily think about it. 

To both girls, while they couldn't find a genuine reason to do it on their own. The idea of at least showing up for lively festivity does sound incredibly tempting to them.

Before answering, Darcel took a quick look behind Vice Chief Cily. 

He gauged the reaction of the various Innate Core powerhouses still hovering above Thornshell Village.

Most cultivators already returned back to the Village. Still, the ones who stayed behind, Darcel, had reckoned they were a bit worried about their Vice Chief safety. 

But looking at their reactions now, Darcel assumed his and the girls' relaxed stance must've gotten the other Innate Core powerhouses to lessen their worries.

They all still curiously watched their interaction going on. But at least they were assured the ones from the Nobe's Fang group are as charitable as they claim to be. 

Though those youths' prowess is an entirely different story.

Looking back at Vice Chief Cily, Darcel had then told her, "I'm not so much of a party guy. However, do you have sizable enough room that can fit all three of us after the feast?"

Vice Chief Cily already had some ideas about these three relationships. And Darcel essentially confirmed her thoughts. She smiled at their youthful romance, telling him, 

"We can indeed provide such a room for you all."

A bright, saucy idea spiced into Aniela's mind then. She casually slung her arms around Yasami's shoulders with a slightly suggestive smile. 

"Since it's like this, we can stand to take a one day rest. This way, we can even have our own little 'special' feast, right Yasami?"

Yasami felt her heart rate quickly pick up from sort of understanding what Aniela was suggesting. Now that they were in a shared relationship, all the apparent signs Aniela put down are much easier for her to notice.

And Yasami didn't even need to rely on their shared Darkness Soul link for that. 

Although, despite thinking how perverse it can get, a small, burning tingle of excitement trickles around her loins at the thought. "H-Hmph! We-well, I guess it can't be helped. And resting does sound comforting." 

Yasami began to look off to her side while Aniela's grin only grew wider.

Darcel smirked at their cute interactions and had then told Vice Chief Cily, "Well, there you have it. We'll stay for the feast. But we'll only be here for one day, though. We run a pretty busy schedule."

Vice Chief Cily was positively delighted at their answer, giving them a beautiful smile that fit her gorgeous face. 

"That's no problem at all. As long as we get to show our gratitude. Come with me. I'm sure our Chief would love to meet with our saviors."

Vice Chief Cily quickly turned around then and began walking towards Thornshell Village. 

With his mind made up, Darcel follows behind her. Aniela kept her arm slung around Yasami, and Yasami didn't bother with trying to move her warm arm.

Connected like this, both girls followed behind Vice Chief Cily. 

Seeing them come back already, the other Innate Core powerhouses finally flew back down to the Village.

Although, still on their minds were the terrifying prowess of Darcel's group that seemingly contrasted with their relaxed, casual attitudes.

And from several feet behind everyone, the five men Darcel's group met before had already shown up.

Though they were all silent. Their eyes briefly glanced to the burnt skeletal corpse of the Snow Glazed Hawk and then to the back of Darcel's group. 

They all guessed what happened today was a one in a million chance they'll probably never see again. 

However, some guesses are destined to be proven wrong.


The day quickly transitioned into the night as hours swiftly passed for Thornshell Village. 

Compared to the suffocating atmosphere just many hours earlier, the night became radically different.

On the streets of Thronshell Village, nearly everyone was lively and joyously celebrating with each other. Food and drinks were in the Village folks' hand, savoring every moment of the feast.

Festive music played throughout the Village from the various cultivators' music experts, further adding to the joyous occasion.

After all, just earlier today, nearly everyone in the Village was having their hopes dashed by the Snow Glazed Hawk. 

And when the Snow Glazed Hawk easily shattered their strongest cultivators combined defenses, people truly started to believe it was doomsday for their Village.

But all that changed when three powerful yet mysterious auras blared out throughout the entire Village. 

"I'm telling you all! If you were there, you wouldn't be able to ever forget that crazy battle we luckily witnessed! Those three Nobe's Fang heroes are out of this world!"

A young man was excitedly recounting the events that he managed to see with his various friends. They all had multiple drinks such as alcohol, juices, or just plain water. 

They were casually strolling about the Village, basking in the celebratory feast atmosphere while discussing the hot news on everyone's minds.

"You say that. But I'm pretty sure there isn't a single damn one of us that didn't feel those hero's aura. Seriously, I was on the verge of passing out in my own home!" 

A boy in their group was continually shaking his head as that suppression feeling was still fresh in his mind.

"But have you guys heard the rumors about them? Because I just can't simply believe it!" A girl exclaimed in disbelief. 

Disbelief that was shared between her fellow young Village folks.

"Right? I mean, they really want us to believe Two True Soul Core duo and one eighth rank girl can really explode with that kind of power? If someone truly can, that's basically some kind of cheat like prowess!"

"Ehhh.but have any of you seen those three heroes? Supposedly they're still talking with the Head Chief, but none of them still haven't made like any formal appearances."

One of the boys in their group asked this question, getting the other youths to briefly stop. "Hey.you're right! I kind of saw how the Snow Glazed Hawk died, but I couldn't really spot the three who did it. Even when they came to the Village, everyone was in an uproar, but only a few people caught slight glimpses of them."

It was excited talks like these youths were having that rummaged throughout the whole Thornshell Village.

And unknown to the whole Village, the ones that everyone had their minds on were hiddenly observing the festivities under their masked presence state. 

And once they had their full of their festivities, the trio silently returned in for the night, eager to start their own celebrations. 

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