World Domination System

Chapter 998 Coronation 2


A moment later, a change came on the continent, which made those who were the last to stop cheering pause and look around.

The ground began to rumble, making some fear that another threat might be revealing itself.

Instead, all around Angaria, the sovereigns who were still stunned due to everything changing so abruptly began to rise into the air.

It only took a few seconds, and during them, the people could only watch in a daze as gigantic stone pillars appeared in all the directions where the sovereigns had been trapped until now.

Each of the pillars stood as tall as a mountain, with a throne on top on which the sovereigns looked down at Angaria, with awe in their eyes due to its splendor that was now exposed to them. After a pause, another stone pillar shot out from below each of their feet, but these were parallel to the ground.

Like a web, or a net closing in, they met right at the spot where Daneel was standing, before creating a platform on which a majestic throne that was at least a hundred feet(30.5 m) tall and more than 300 feet(91.5 m) wide appeared out of nowhere.

Daneel walked to it slowly, savoring each step, and the moment he neared it, his figure grew in size to match it.

By the time he sat, he was a colossus who could simply lie down on the ground to look like a mountain.

His robes were a flashy gold, with live golden fire dancing along his shoulders. All kinds of Godbeasts danced on his figure, as if they were his pets, and as he raised his hand, a shadow fell over all the millions of people below, as if he was the Monarch of the sky who was protecting them from above.

He had a lot that he planned to say, but suddenly, seeing all the faces of the people, Daneel realized that he had been wrong: in times like these, perhaps...less was more.

His eyes, each of which were the size of a house, shone with unshed tears of happiness, and when he spoke, his words were soft, encompassing the main emotion that he felt right now.

"Thank you."

Almost each and every person had been expecting words filled with encouragement and bravery, as the main threat was yet to come.

But when they saw the earnest emotions of the man who was looking down at them like a God, even those who called themselves ’stone-hearted’ felt moved.

Unlike most of the rulers they knew, or had heard of, this was someone who had come from them. This was someone who had been born in a normal family, raised like a normal child with no privilege whatsoever.

He had lived their life, so he understood them better than anyone who had come before.

Thus, even in such a moment where most would feel pride, his heart was pure, and the first thing he had done was thank them.

No one knew who started it. All anyone could remember was that they heard the sound of knees thudding to the ground, so without hesitation, they had done the same, as they felt that it was the right thing to do.

One by one, the elves, reptilians, and people of Angaria knelt on the ground. Many tears graced the land, which were the crystallization of the feeling that was being reciprocated all over the continent: gratitude.

No one understood just what that thing in the sky had been, which had crushed such powerful Heroes being protected by such a powerful Artefact with ease. No one knew the meaning of the pillars rising to the ground, or the throne being formed in the middle.

All they knew was that the one to whom they had entrusted all of their hopes and dreams was safe, and that was all that mattered.

He was safe, and despite so many obstacles, they had succeeded in doing what they had come here to do: the coronation was done.

But what exactly had they crowned him as?

As soon as this question started to appear in the minds of a few, in a certain corner of the land where everyone had gathered, a little girl continued to jump up and down gleefully while screaming something repeatedly, over and over again, to her father who stood beside her.

"I heard him! I heard him! Father, I did! But I won’t tell! You have to hear it yourself! Ask it! Ask it in your mind, and you’ll hear the answer! Do it, do it, do it!"

Due to everyone else being quiet, the girl’s voice was carried over the wind, allowing a large majority of individuals to hear her.

Many ignored her, but there were some who tried...and took up the call.

As more and more people started to look up from where they knelt after asking the question in their minds, the rest realized that something was up. The entire atmosphere changed in the span of just a few seconds, and not even half a minute later, over 90% of the people were looking up at the gigantic figure in the sky with eyes filled with disbelief.

Amidst them all, the little girl started to tug her father’s shirt.

"You heard it, right? Say it out loud! Come on!"


The father muttered this word, but it brought so much happiness to the little girl that she screamed it in a shrill voice that echoed far and wide.


With that, many also started to whisper the word. At first, they were hesitant, but soon, the cry became so loud that it surpassed the volume of the cheers before.

Godking. To most, it just felt...right.

He could have been another Emperor, but that name didn’t really suit him, as too many people associated it with the man who had come before.

He could have been a Monarch, but that just wasn’t...enough.

He was known best as the King, but with his actions now, he was the closest thing to a God they had ever seen.

Even though it didn’t match the description in the legends, what did it matter?

He...was their Godking!

These thoughts echoed in millions of minds, and for a moment, Daneel truly felt humbled.

[First transmission of Godnet successful. All modules functioning as per pre-set norms. All who willingly open their minds will be able to make full use of all functions. Information sharing module will constantly be updated while being accessed by the masses.]

On hearing the system, Daneel just couldn’t control himself, as there was one other reason behind him going to such lengths to implement such an extensive network.

So, without further ado, he asked, "Has the other primary objective been accomplished, though?"

[Affirmative. Host can now readily empower his Path with the support of the entire continent. System also has sufficient resources to handle such a massive amplification of magic spells.]

There it was!

Daneel’s Path had always been limited in regards to the area which it would consider when using the support of the people present in it to amplify his power.

Now, though...that was no longer the case.

All of his planning had paid off. Angaria was his.

But what was the first thing he would do with all this power?

After a moment’s thought, Daneel got the answer.

"System, remember that spell we created all those years ago to increase magic potential? Prepare to cast it...on all the people of Angaria. A Godking should be able to do at least this much for his people, right? Begin the deployment."

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