World Domination System

Chapter 918 Meeting End

Daneel watched on carefully after teleporting the Emperor over, as he wanted to reverse his actions if there was even a hint that this meeting might cause any damage to his psyche.

He knew that the probability of that happening was minute as he had managed to survive for so long, but still, it was best to be careful.

As for the reason he was even doing was the hope that the Queen might be able to heal him in the same way that he had healed Xuan.

He had a debt to the man which he couldn’t even put into words, and he also deeply admired him because of everything he had done. Hence, he was ready to do anything to help him.

True, it was a fact that the one who had actually captivated his heart and shared the best night possible before they had both marched to their deaths was the Empress of Torture, but from his own state, right now, Daneel knew that it was possible that this man might have felt something for the coldhearted and arrogant Arafell, too, even though she had not taken that step forward like the Empress.

He only had the memories of the Emperor, which did not give him a clear insight into his feelings. So, the only thing that Daneel could do was speculate, and hope.

For the first few moments, the Emperor looked mostly puzzled, as he had been disturbed from the nice nap he had been having. His short beard and shoulder-length gray hair were ruffled, and as always, he was wearing the simple grey robes of a teacher.

Yet, a few seconds later...everything changed.

The first hint that came was in the air, as it was as if nature was greeting the return of someone whom even it was indebted to.

The stillness in the room was broken by a strong gust of wind which blew back the Emperor’s hair, exposing his rugged face, and a natural pressure formed in the area, which had not been created by a Mageroot, but rather by the control that a consciousness had, which would not be lost even if one’s corporeal body was destroyed.

Those cloudy eyes cleared, that confused brow straightened, and his hands which had been at his side rose.

" haven’t changed a bit."

His sonorous voice echoed in the room, making the Queen, who had been frozen in shock until now, look up and see the same man who had stolen her heart and never given it back all those eons ago.



Interrupting her, the Emperor suddenly crumpled onto the floor, making both Daneel and the Queen gasp before they bent over him to see what had happened.

He was unconscious, but his breathing was steady. Just as Daneel was able to tell the system to scan him, though, the Queen who was beside him shouted, "NO, COME BACK RIGHT THIS SECOND! Fenoras, I only agreed to this for you! If you leave after giving me hope, again...I can’t take it! I won’t! COME BACK, YOU BASTARD!!"

Catching his collar, she shook him, and as Daneel reached over to try and calm her down, she swatted his hand aside and snapped, "FIX HIM! I don’t care from what hole you dug him out, just fix him!"

"You just did."


It was clear that the Queen had given in to the fear of losing the man who was still in her heart, as she hadn’t even heard what Daneel had said after hearing the answer from the system.

He had just gotten it, and it said:

[Scanning target’s consciousness. Sudden instance of healing has caused a temporary overload. Target is expected to wake up with a stronger control of his consciousness, which will enable him to be lucid for a longer time. Memories which were lost also have a chance of returning. Healing effect was not as pronounced as was present in the case of host and the target known as ’Xuan’, but because of a long time spent in the special Artifact which was passively healing the psyche, the overall effect was greater. It is unclear at this point whether prolonged healing effects will be present if exposure to the same stimuli is continued. However, the healing state is expected to prevail and have as much of an effect as possible if the stimuli is not removed.]

Seeing the Queen almost comically get a blank face as she realized what he had said, he chuckled and explained.

"A gesture of since emotion from a loved one is the best medicine to heal a fractured psyche. It was a theory during your time, but I recently saw it work, so I decided that I would try it. I cannot tell you where he has been, and what happened, but as I am in charge of him, I can continue to let him be in your presence. That is, if you want him..."

"Of course I do! He’s not going anywhere!"

Looking at the Queen suddenly clutch at the Emperor’s head and cradle him in her lap in a tender gesture akin to one that might be seen in the case of a mother who was afraid that she might be separated from her son, Daneel smiled and nodded, before continuing.

"Good. The method which allowed him to live- oh, and it wasn’t in his hands, by the way- damaged him in such a way that he lost his memories, or at least, most of them. He constantly goes into an unstable state, and even when he is lucid, he can only remember facts about magic and such, but not personal things. Be patient with him. Spend time with him. Talk about things you went through together. But don’t force anything. Also...this will only be possible if I can keep a constant eye on him, so keep that in mind in case you feel like trying, radical."

Daneel felt slightly awkward as he said that last part, but it was necessary- he was in charge of the Emperor as a member of the Chamber of Golden Lightning, so if anything happened, it was his responsibility to place him back in that Artifact which would stop any permanent damage from being caused. Hence, he needed to constantly be watching.

The Queen frowned as she heard this, but thinking it through, she nodded. Her eyes were still fixed on the Emperor, and it did not look like they would leave any time soon.

Seeing this, Daneel got a happy smile, as it was an amazing thing to be loved.

Getting up, he was about to leave, but right before he did, the Queen spoke.

"I know what you came for. Arafell is yours. I am talking about both the Kingdom, and me, as I am indebted to you for this. I don’t like it...but I have never skimped on my debts. Call for me if you need anything. Oh, and bra- I mean, King, you have brought the continent under you so quickly. You rose from nothing to such heights that would normally take centuries to reach, but be careful- you can even fall just as quickly. Farewell, and send me instructions if you need something to happen before we become allies."

Daneel stopped and raised his eyebrows as he heard this, but after that, they relaxed, and his face filled with the purest of satisfaction.

Indeed, that was what he had come for, and if he was being frank...that was the second reason behind him bringing the Emperor over.

Anyone would feel indebted if they were given water after walked parched in the desert for days. In the case of the queen, it had been thousands of years, so he knew that she would definitely feel that she was indebted if he did this. He had also structured his dialogue to make sure that he made it clear that he was doing it almost as a favor, and it had worked.

Thinking about this now, he saw that his scheming side had returned, so he welcomed it, but followed that greeting by a promise that soon, it might not have to emerge anymore, at least, in regards to matters in Angaria.

As for the Queen’s warning...he simply nodded in response to it, as his mind was filled with the realization that he had finally done it.

Finally...the continent was his!

It felt incredible, and the sense of achievement was branded into his mind and heart. He enjoyed it immensely, allowing himself a broad, broad smile that stretched from ear to ear, which made the Queen say, "Don’t look so smug- I was going to make you work for it, but I now have other things to do. Go. And watch all you want- but if you get shy, close your eyes like the little boy you still are."

With that cryptic sentence, the Queen disappeared along with the Emperor, and for a moment, it looked as if she had kidnapped him.

However, a moment later, a trinket dropped to the floor in front of Daneel, and as he picked it up, he saw that it was a direct line to the man, allowing him to see him, but only him.

Well...this arrangement was fine by him.

With this task which he had expected might take a long while finished, Daneel prepared to go back to the sovereigns.

First, he returned to the air above Arafell, and that broad smile returned as he saw the Kingdom that was soon to be his.

It was not the greedy, money-grubbing smile of a dictator who had obtained command over the entire area he had always had an eye on. No, it was the honest, genuine smile of joy that came from achieving something that he had been working for for a long, long time.

But, of course...the system was silent, indicating that he needed to make it official, almost like a loved one who insisted on the same before letting a relationship proceed to the next stage.

Chuckling as the image of the system as a woman with an icy face appeared in his mind, Daneel jumped in the air, alone among the clouds, whooping and laughing to himself as he was in such an exceptionally good mood.

It was important to revel in victories, and this was one- but now, it was time to get back to work.

With that thought, though, the shyness due to what had happened with Eloise returned, but almost in an instant, it vanished.

And as for the reason behind was what he had just seen.

In many ways, the Emperor was just like him. He was cold and narrow-minded a lot, doing everything that was necessary to reach his goal, and the only moments of warmth that he experienced were when he saw all the good he was doing, and was reminded of the reason he had even set out on his path.

But living in that way, he had missed so much. Daneel had seen the regret in his eyes in that instant when the Empress had lain with him, and also the affection that had been visible just now, when he had been hugged by the Queen and had returned to his original self for a moment.

Perhaps, if he hadn’t chosen to always be so unemotional...perhaps, so many things might have been different, in ways that would have allowed him to not feel any regret on that night.

Daneel did not want to have a similar moment in his life, at any cost. His heart of stone that he had sculpted in order to help him reach his goal needed to be chipped away, bit by bit, and the first strike had already been delivered.

No, it was two strikes, and frankly...they had been amazing.

Returning to the sovereigns with that same triumphant smile, he delivered a statement, which made everyone turn and stare, before similar expressions appeared on all of their faces, too.

"Arafell is ours. Sovereigns...we have succeeded! Now, it’s time to build that Empire, and make me a God. Let’s go all out!"

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