With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 494 Repairing The Truck

After talking it out with the girls, Lin Fan didn't waste any time heading to the dungeon.

He was heading there because he needed to use the dungeon space to repair the truck.

In fact, he had created an entire garage in the dungeon dedicated to building and repairing the truck. It could even be considered a hobby that he was doing on the side.

Though at this point, it would be considered an obsession rather than a hobby.

Just like how Rokuko was obsessed with playing video games, he was obsessed with building this truck and finding new ways to make it better.

But the truck was actually something that was useful.

As for what the truck was made of, it was a very special ore that Lin Fan had bought from the Dungeon Master System.

As for why it was special, it was because this ore was a very condensed ore that was very thick and hard. This property gave it the ability to repel and scatter spiritual energy when it came in contact with it.

That was how the truck had been able to smash all of the attacks that had come at it.

But the better way to put it was that it was so dense that there was just no space for spiritual energy to exist in.

However, because of how dense and hard it was, it was not something that normal people could carve. Even powerful experts would find it hard to carve because it required very powerful spiritual energy and fine technique to carve it.

So this ore was something that very few people wanted in the first place.

Some people might buy it because they were curious about its abilities to scatter spiritual energy, but that was the extent of it.

Because of that, Lin Fan had been able to get the ore for a very cheap price even though it was so powerful.

This was an ore that could even scatter attacks from those in the Nascent Soul Realm, so it was without a doubt powerful.

So how was Lin Fan able to shape the ore into the shape of a truck even with how hard it was?

It was because the system would shape the ore for him when he bought the ore from the system. This was a service that was provided by the system without costing him any extra DP.

So all he had to do was designate the shape that he wanted the ore to be in and it would be delivered that way by the system.

This was what he had used to create the body of the truck, but there was still the problem of making it move.

Wheels and such were easy since they were sold by the system.

The only actual problem was that he needed some kind of engine to run this truck.

At the same time, it couldn't just be a normal engine since it would be too weak to run this heavy truck.

Because it used the special ore, this truck was much heavier than any other truck that was of the same size. That meant that there needed to be a powerful engine to even be able to move it.

This was not something that the combustion engines of Earth could do.

So Lin Fan had to turn to using arrays.

But at the same time, the benefit of using arrays was that he could imbue secondary effects on it like the ability to fly. That was how the truck had been able to fly through the air and crash into the Gale Sect.

It took him a long time, but he had been able to find an array that worked.

This array was carved into the space where the engine would have been and instead of having an engine, there were spirit stones that were inserted in place of the engine to power the array.

This was what moved the truck itself.

All of this came from Lin Fan's obsession with building a truck in this other world.

As for why he wanted to build this truck, it wouldn't be a complete lie to say that he built it as a weapon. However, it also wasn't the truth.

As Lin Fan worried about what would happen in the future as the Love Sect became bigger, he had already been thinking about building some kind of secret weapon just in case the Love Sect was ever involved in a sect war or something similar to that.

This weapon was perfect for crushing the enemy formation when the time came.

But in truth, the real reason that he wanted this thing was…because he wanted to ride around in a cool truck in this cultivation world.

After all, a truck was something that would never appear in this kind of cultivation world and it would be cool to be the only one that rode around in one.

For this, he had done all of this research just to build it.

And now, he felt that it was definitely worth it after seeing the reactions that he had gotten from debuting it at the Gale Sect.

When he reached the garage, Lin Fan immediately pulled the truck out of the Pet Storage Space.

When he did, he started walking around the truck and started examining it from different angles, as if he was trying to find what was wrong with the truck.

The truck was made of a dense ore that had the power to negate spiritual energy, but that came at the price of slowly chipping away bits of the ore. So every attack that the truck had negated, it had chipped away at the outer shell of the truck.

After walking around for a bit, Lin Fan said, "It's a good thing that I didn't use it to attack another time or else it really would have been shattered to pieces."

As he said this, he opened up the system's store and started buying another coat of this ore.

Since the ore had been chipped away, all that meant was that the outer coat of the truck's body had been shaved off. All he had to do was buy some more of this ore and shape it so that it replaced the part that had been shaved off before attaching it.

All of this was within the scope of the system, even if it did cost him a few extra DPs.

But those DPs were nothing compared to what the dungeon was currently making now that they had created a city.

So he happily spent those DPs to repair his beloved truck.

After it was finished, Lin Fan couldn't help looking at the truck and saying, "Now that it's made its debut, maybe it's time to change to one that has more impact."

After saying this, Lin Fan turned to look at the wall of the garage where there were different chassis hung up on them. There were many different kinds of trucks, even kinds of trucks that didn't exist on Earth that he had made himself.

He had tried all kinds of different modifications with these chassis and the ones that were on the wall were the ones that he was the most proud of.

These were the ones that he really wanted to use in the future.

But for now, Lin Fan was just going to pick one just in case he had to use it in the capital.

These chassis on the wall were just empty chassis without wheels or engines. But as long as he moved them off the wall and added these things, they would move like a normal truck.

As for how he would move them…

These chassis were very heavy since they were made of that dense ore, so Lin Fan wouldn't have been able to move it on his own. He had no choice but to buy something from the system that would help him move and install the other parts.

This was something that had cost him 1000 DP, but he happily spent it since it was something that would help him build trucks that could defend the town.

Though he did feel guilty about spending this on his personal hobbies, he also gave Rokuko 1000 DP to spend on her own which she immediately blew on more video games and junk food.

At the very least, his conscience was clear since he had given her 1000 DP as well.

"Now, which one should I use?" Lin Fan said to himself as he stroked his chin.

He walked back and forth in front of the wall, looking at the various different chassis that he had placed up there.

Finally he stopped in front of one and said, "This one should be good."

After saying this, he began losing himself in his own thoughts about riding around in this truck…though he was forgetting that this was only if he was in danger and needed to pull it out to escape.

This was just how it was with men and their hobbies sometimes.

Sometimes, they would just get so deep into them that they would forget themselves.

It was just a good thing that Lin Fan had the excuse that this was for protecting himself that the girls wouldn't bother him.

However, with the collection that he had, it was clear that he had a problem.

For now, Lin Fan just enjoyed himself with this hobby.

But what he never thought was how terrifying this room was.

It was filled with the chassis of different trucks that could all do the same thing as the truck he used at the Gale Sect. Not to mention, they would all work as long as he installed an engine and wheels on them.

So if there was an entire line of these trucks that drove at a sect…there wouldn't be many that wouldn't be terrified by this.

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