With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 451 Humiliation (7)

When he finished with her, Lin Fan didn't even bother cleaning her up.

He just left her there on the ground and walked out of the cage.

As he walked out, he opened up the notification from the system and pressed confirm.

The moment that he did, there was a light that appeared around 'Mu Bao Bao' before it quickly faded. But there was something different about this light compared to the other tames.

This light wasn't the same light colour as before, but rather a very dark colour.

Still, it wasn't as if anyone other than Lin Fan was able to see this glow.

When he walked back into the house that they were staying in, Lin Fan found that there were two figures sitting on the couch waiting for him.

The table in front of them was turned off, but he could already tell that they knew everything based on the look on their faces.

So he just came up in front of them and played dumb as he asked, "How much did you see?"

Mu Bao Bao glared at him before turning away with a soft snort.

It was Senior Sister Bing who also looked at him with a glare that answered, "We saw everything."

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a bitter smile when he heard this, but he didn't let himself be bothered too much. He knew that he had to keep a calm mind to weather this storm.

He gave a cough and said, "I was just interrogating the prisoner and seeing if I could get her to talk. That was what that was about."

When the two of them heard this, they glared at him again which made Lin Fan unable to stop his neck from shrinking back a bit.

Mu Bao Bao just said in a cold voice, "Was it?"

Lin Fan gave a slow and hesitant nod, but it was still a nod in the end.

Then before he could react, he felt a pressure come down on him.

This pressure wasn't just from Mu Bao Bao, it also came from Senior Sister Bing.

Under this pressure, Lin Fan had no choice but to go onto his knees and kowtow in front of the two of them.

Seeing this, the two of them gave a snort before turning away again.

Lin Fan peeked upwards slightly and he gave an inner bitter laugh when he saw this.

He knew that they were both just waiting for him to give his explanation. The only problem was that he couldn't really explain it since he had never told anyone about his Love Gauge Taming skill.

It also wasn't something that he was planning on telling people, especially these two since they were both under the effect of that skill.

He didn't know what would happen if he told the people that he had tamed with that skill about the skill itself, but he didn't think that it would be a good thing.

So he had avoided telling them about this even if he did tell them about certain things about himself.

Seeing that he wasn't saying a thing, Lin Fan could feel the pressure on him getting stronger. This time, even Senior Sister Bing was also putting her pressure on him, which combined with Mu Bao Bao's pressure to put more force on him.

However, he knew that neither of them planned on hurting him.

He could tell from the force that came from this pressure that this pressure was only strong enough to push him down if he didn't resist. If he did resist, he could break through it without any problems.

But how could he break through it when they were mad at him?

He knew that it would just make it worse.

The best way to make a girl happy was to let her vent her anger and then slowly appease her.

After thinking for a bit, Lin Fan finally said, "I was breaking her will so that she would be more willing to listen to us."

When Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing heard this, the two of them immediately revealed skeptical looks as they looked down at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan could see this, but he kept his face as serious as possible.

Seeing the serious look on his face, the two of them couldn't help wavering a bit.

This caused the pressure on Lin Fan to also waver a bit.

But it quickly returned to normal as their expressions returned to the way that it was before.

Still, Lin Fan was able to tell that he was slowly getting to them.

Since he was getting to them, he didn't hold back as he said, "I was doing all of this so that we could get information from this fake on the enemies. I was doing all of this for the Love Sect."

However, after he said this, he felt the pressure getting stronger on him.

It seemed that he had made a mistake thinking that he could use this kind of guilt trip on them.

In fact, it even seemed to make them a bit angrier…

It was just a bit of anger that made the pressure on him a bit stronger, but it also quickly returned to normal.

That was because both of them knew that he was right.

They just never expected him to do something like this without telling them.

That was right, that was what they were angry about, the fact that he didn't tell them that he was doing this.

The two of them had already made up their minds to support him and they knew about how many girls he had, so it wasn't as if they were against sharing him.

But at the very least, they wanted some kind of notice before he did this.

It wasn't just all anger that he had done it with the fake, it was also worry that something might have happened to him when he was alone with her.

If something did happen, they really wouldn't be able to forgive themselves.

Lin Fan knew that if he let things stay this way, all that would happen is that he would make it worse for himself.

He had even seen notifications that the affection of these two were dropping.

If they kept dropping, he didn't even know if they would still be in love with him anymore…

That was what worried him the most.

So Lin Fan decided to take a risk…he would use this special move that he had only seen before and had never done.

Of course, he had only seen it in his previous life and had never used it because it was impossible with his old body. But with this body that had been strengthened by his immortal cultivation, he should be able to pull off this maneuver.

So while everything was silent as they were all lost in their thoughts, he looked up at Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing and said, "I want to do something to show my sincerity and how sorry I am."

The two of them were surprised by this sudden outburst by Lin Fan and they were immediately pulled out of their thoughts.

They looked at Lin Fan with strange looks as they tried to figure out what he was doing, but all they could see was the sincerity on his face.

When they saw this, along with his handsomeness, they really couldn't help being moved by it…

So in the end, they both released their pressure on him and let him do what he wanted.

Lin Fan stood up without hesitation before suddenly turning upside down.

He had brought his hands down so that he was doing a handstand and then he started spinning.

He did a full spin while doing this handstand before suddenly bringing his legs down.

After bringing his legs down, he still continued to spin, spinning them under his arms a few times before finally landing on his back.

What he had done was the windmill move before going into the backspin move that was popular in breakdancing from Earth.

But that wasn't the end of it.

Once he was on his back, his legs were still up in the air and his hands came to the ground behind his head.

With a single push off from his hands, he pushed his body off the ground and then he landed in the dogeza position.

After that landing, he bowed his head deep to show just how sincere his apology was.

There was only silence that followed this spinning dogeza since…both Mu Bao Bao and Senior Sister Bing didn't understand what they had just watched. Both of them had been very confused during all of it and they still looked confused after they had watched it.

They looked down at Lin Fan with this confused look, trying to understand what had just happened.

But as they looked at him lying there on the ground like this, they didn't know why but their hearts started to waver.

As they watched him on the ground with his head bowed low like this, they could feel the true sincerity in his apology, so they started to slowly buckle under this.

Finally, both of them gave sighs before Mu Bao Bao said, "Alright, we understand that you were just doing what you had to do."

Senior Sister Bing gave a nod before giving an 'un' sound.

Lin Fan couldn't help letting out an internal sigh of relief when he heard this, but this wasn't the end yet.

Mu Bao Bao then suddenly lifted him up and said, "You have to show just how sincere you are now."

As she said this, she and Senior Sister Bing seemed to be dragging him somewhere.

In front of them…was the door to the bedroom.

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