With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 440 Strange Rumour (14)

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In another part of the desert, there was another cloaked figure that was chasing after a group of cloaked figures.

Just like with the other cloaked figure, they made sure to stay behind this group of cloaked figures without coming too close to them. The way that they were lagging behind almost seemed like they were playing around with this group of cloaked figures.

It wasn't hard for the group of cloaked figures to figure out what was happening, so they suddenly stopped.

The cloaked figure that had been following them also stopped when they saw this group stop.

They landed not far away from this group and the way that they stood there made it clear that they were just playing with this group of cloaked figures.

The group of cloaked figures stared at this other cloaked figure and neither side made a move.

That is until all of a sudden, the group of cloaked figures split apart.

They didn't run in different directions like the B Ranked Mercenaries had done, but rather they went to different parts of this area as if they were taking an array.

After they took their positions, they reached into their cloaks and pulled out small, strange looking daggers.

These daggers were curved, almost like snakes.

After they pulled out these daggers, the cloaked figures didn't hesitate at all to stab them into the sand underneath them.

The moment that the daggers entered the sand, there was a green glow that came from the sand. It was an eerie green colour that reminded one of the dead.

And after a few seconds, there were skeletal hands that suddenly came out of the sand.

These skeletal hands weren't the end of it as more and more of the skeleton came out.

In no time at all, the cloaked figure in the center was surrounded by skeletons.

This cloaked figure looked around himself before saying, "Corpse users? No, this is different from corpse cultivators." After a pause, he said in a certain tone, "Necromancers, it can't be anything else."

The cloaked figures around him didn't say anything when they heard this, but it was clear by the hesitation in the skeletons that they were surprised to hear this.

They never thought that someone from this cultivation continent would recognize them.

After all, necromancers came from the magic continent.

It was strange for them to be here on the cultivation continent in the first place, so they didn't think that anyone would be able to recognize their necromancy.

But that hesitation only lasted for a few seconds before the eerie green glow changed.

With this change in the eerie green glow, there was also a change in the skeletons summoned by this eerie green glow.

These skeletons suddenly jerked before running forward at the cloaked figure.

They ran forward without any fear, though they wouldn't have fear in the first place since they were nothing more than bones.

Seeing skeletons running at them would make most people terrified, but not the cloaked figure.

He just calmly stared at the skeletons coming at him and raised his sword.

With one single slash, all of the skeletons were shattered to pieces and the bones fell to the ground.

Then he just put his sword up to his shoulder and looked at the cloaked figures around him, almost as if he was asking, "What now?"

When the cloaked figures saw that all of their skeletons had been shattered to pieces, they didn't panic. Instead, they twisted the daggers that they had inserted into the ground and the green glow that was there became even stronger.

The pieces of bones from the skeletons that had been destroyed suddenly started to float. Then they suddenly gathered together to reform the same skeletons from before.

At the same time, there were more and more skeletal hands that came out of the ground.

It didn't take long before twice as many skeletons as before had appeared around the cloaked figure.

But even then, the cloaked figure didn't panic.

He just casually raised his sword and swept out with it, sending all of these skeletons flying once more.

Even though there were more skeletons than before, the single wave of the sword had sent them all scattering without any resistance.

These skeletons cracked apart and fell to the ground in pieces of bones.

But still, the cloaked figures standing in the array didn't panic as the eerie green glow became even stronger.

Once again, there were more skeletons that came out of the ground and the skeletons that had been defeated before reformed once more. Once they had all reformed, these skeletons completely surrounded the cloaked figure in the center.

There was only that small space around the cloaked figure where there weren't any skeletons.

But he still didn't panic as he once again raised his sword.

Then in one sweep, all of the skeletons were sent flying away in pieces.

This time, the cloaked figure didn't calmly stand there like nothing had happened. Instead, this time, he gave a disappointed sigh and said, "Is that really all that you have?"I think you should take a look at

The cloaked figures around him didn't say a thing as if they were completely focused on what they were doing.

Seeing this, the cloaked figure in the center gave another sigh before saying, "Since that's the case, there's no reason to play around with you any…"

Before he could finish, there was a shaking that came from under him.

The sand seemed to fall apart under him, as if something big was about to come through it.

Then all of a sudden, there were a bunch of bones that appeared out of nowhere.

Even if the desert was a dangerous place, there was no way that there were this many bones that were hidden under the sand.

So these bones had to be created by the magic of these necromancers.

It was what they were using the skeletons to stall for.

The eerie green glow wasn't to create the skeletons, but rather to create all of these bones.

Once the bones came out of the ground, they suddenly surged into the sky, creating walls of bones all around the cloaked figure in the center.

Even underneath the feet of the cloaked figure, there were bones.

It seemed that these bones would be used to create a mausoleum for this cloaked figure.

But even then, the cloaked figure didn't seem afraid.

He put his sword on his shoulder once more as if he was about to swing it and then the sword disappeared. When it appeared again, he had already swung the sword down and it had created a crack on the bones under him.

There was a second of delay before the wave of the sword came out.

This powerful wave of wind cut right through all of the bones around him, shattering them to pieces.

The powerful winds created by the slash cut right through all of the bones around him and the cuts had been so precise that the bones had turned into sharp chunks of shrapnel.

With the force of the powerful swing that he made, these chunks of bone shrapnel flew out all around him.

Unfortunately, the cloaked figures were still standing around him.

They had been so focused on the array that they had set up that they weren't able to notice these pieces of bone shrapnel flying at them until it was too late.

By the time that they noticed these pieces of bone shrapnel, they were already piercing through their bodies.

All of these cloaked figures crumpled to the ground after being pierced through, leaking their red blood into the sand.

The cloaked figure in the center looked at them and said, "So they still have red blood."

Then he put his sword away and turned as if he was about to leave.

But right before he could, he suddenly sensed something and pulled out that sword again.

He quickly swung that sword out and there were two blades of wind that came out.

These two blades of wind slammed into the spirit beast claws that were at his side. These were two spirit beasts that had appeared out of nowhere that had suddenly attacked him.

The momentum of the spirit beasts were completely stopped by the wind blades.

When the cloaked figure saw this, he couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

After all, he could tell that these spirit beasts were just as strong as him.

However, the assault wasn't over yet.

Before he could let his guard down, there was another sensation that came from above him.

The cloaked figure quickly raised his sword and created another blade of wind that he sent upwards.

This time, it was a large beast that was trying to use its weight to crash down on this cloaked figure and…it was powerful enough that the cloaked figure's wind blade was shattered by it.

Seeing this, the cloaked figure didn't hesitate to send out two more slashes, creating a net of wind that blocked this large spirit beast from crashing down on him.

This wind net didn't shatter and was able to stop this large beast in the air.

But…it still wasn't the end.

There were a pair of claws that came out of the sand and grabbed his legs.

Then there were two more pairs of claws that came from around him that slashed out at him.

The cloaked figure wanted to block this, but the first two spirit beasts had broken through his wind blades and used their claws to grab his hands.

Just like with the other cloaked figure, this cloaked figure had no choice but to watch as the claws ripped him to pieces…

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