With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 406 Minor World (31)

Mu Bao Bao just sat there and waited for Senior Sister Bing to do something, to do anything.

The look in her eyes made it clear that she was expecting Senior Sister Bing to blame  her or to hate her,  but that didn't happen in the end.

Senior Sister Bing just stared at Mu Bao Bao with a complicated look at first. However, her eyes turned gentle as she came forward to take Mu Bao Bao in her arms.

Mu Bao Bao didn't know how to react since she was completely caught off guard by Senior Sister Bing acting like this. After all, she had expected any kind of reaction other than this.

Senior Sister Bing held Mu Bao Bao close and patted her back as she said, "It must have been hard on you. I know that we don't pick the family that we're born into, but it's about the family that we make along the way that matters."

Mu Bao Bao's eyes couldn't help tearing up when she heard this.

She gave a sniffle before putting her head in Senior Sister Bing's chest.

The two of them just stayed like that for a while before Mu Bao Bao finally came out with eyes that were completely swollen.

Lin Fan wanted to let them continue along in this world of theirs, but there was something that had to be taken care of first. After all, there was still a group of people that were waiting outside for us.

So I interrupted them by saying, "What do we do about Bi Qing's group?"

When the two of them heard this, they couldn't help revealing knitted brows and worried looks.

This was especially bad since Senior Sister Bing also had this same worried look.

I had thought that she would know what to do since she was the one who had invited them here in the first place, but that didn't seem to be the case. It seemed like even she had been caught off guard by the appearance of Bi Qing's powerful group and she didn't know what to do about them.

So I gave a sigh and said, "Then should we let them go even though they know everything? Or should we trap them in here? Can you even trap them in here?"

Senior Sister Bing shook her head with a bitter smile.

"No, the array that I used to trap them will only last so long and then I would have no way of dealing with them. Of course, when worse comes to worse, I can just kick them out. I am the master of this Minor World, so I can throw out anyone I don't want in this place with ease."

This was the part that she said confidently, but as for the rest…one could hear the worry in her voice.

After a long period of silence, Lin Fan said, "There's no point in thinking too much about this. We should go and talk to them. At the very least, I can tell that she's in the mood to negotiate."

That was what Lin Fan hoped was true.

Bi Qing always seemed mysterious and seemed like she had her own plans, but so far,  she had shown that she was willing to talk things over.

He hoped that he could use this to come up with a way for them to settle this peacefully.

Senior Sister Bing hesitated a bit before giving a nod.

She didn't think that this matter would be settled that easily, especially since what the other side wanted was…her.

They had come for the Extreme Yin Essence, that was something that made up the foundation of the Extreme Yin Body that she had. If they wanted to take the Extreme Yin Essence from her…they would have to rip it out of her body.

As for whether she would survive that or not…she definitely wouldn't survive.

The Extreme Yin Essence was something that was in her body innately, so if it were to be ripped out of her, then she would be left with an empty body. An empty body void of this energy would shrivel away and die.

So the only way that this could end was if they were chased off or she was killed from having the Extreme Yin Essence sucked out of her.

Or that was what she thought.

Lin Fan had them all put on their cloaks again before leading the way back out.

When they came out, they were surprised to find that Bi Qing's group were all sitting there with some tea on the table in front of them. They clearly weren't restrained by the array that should have been restraining them.

As soon as we saw this, all three of us stopped moving and raised our guard.

We didn't know what Bi Qing's group was up to, but they were able to do whatever they wanted now.

With how much stronger they were, this could all end in an instant…

But seeing us like this made Bi Qing reveal an amused look.

She waved her hand and said, "There's no need to act like this, we just wanted to talk in the first place."

We had a wary look on our face as we looked at the other cloaked figures of Bi Qing's group.

While she had a friendly look, we could tell that they didn't have the same friendly look. But at the very least, they restrained themselves because Bi Qing told them to restrain themselves.

At the very least, we were able to have a conversation because of this.

So the three of us stood on the other side of the room from them while waiting for Bi Qing to speak.

Bi Qing didn't say a word as she looked at the three of us with an amused smile. One would think that she would focus on Senior Sister Bing who was the one that she knew the least about, but that wasn't the case.

Her eyes seemed to be on me the entire time.

After a long period of silence, Bi Qing finally said, "So, is it safe to assume that you know each other?"

Lin Fan didn't answer right away and looked at Bi Qing's face, trying to get a reaction from her. But in the end, he wasn't able to judge anything from her deadpan face, so he just gave a simple nod in response.

Bi Qing gave a nod as well before saying, "Then is it safe to assume that you can speak for all three of you?" Naturally her eyes were looking at me as she said this.

Lin Fan looked right back at her and then he gave a nod in response to show that this was indeed the case.

Since he had agreed, Bi Qing's stance changed from a whimsical one to a serious one. She looked right at Lin Fan with that serious look and asked, "Are you all from the Love Sect?"

This time, there was no answer that followed.

Although there was no stopping her from making assumptions, there was no need for us to confirm these assumptions. After all, there was nothing to gain from confirming that the remnants of the Love Sect had remained and gathered.

Even if she had shown that she was friendly towards the Love Sect, not everything was as it seemed on the surface. There was no knowing if anything that she had shown was true or not. At the same time, there was no knowing if she had any ulterior motives.

If we revealed ourselves while she still had ulterior motives, we would be the one that suffered in the end.

Seeing that I wasn't answering at all, Bi Qing didn't mind. She just moved on to the next question, "Can I assume that the Extreme Yin Essence is indeed here, but you aren't willing to give it to me?"

This time, I didn't know whether to answer or not. If I did answer and confirm it, then there was the chance that they would attack right away in an attempt to take it. If I didn't answer, then there was the chance that they would attack anyway to clear out this place to search for it.

In the end, it was all about which answer made it less likely that they would attack us.

After thinking about it, I just decided to tell the truth and trust that she wouldn't do anything to us then and there. So far, Bi Qing had shown that she was a calm and relaxed person that was easy to talk to. I'm sure that she wouldn't jump the gun and attack us for now reason.

Though for the cloaked ones in the back that seemed like they were glaring at us, I wasn't so sure.

But they weren't making a move yet, so Bi Qing should have given them some kind of order not to do anything.

Seeing that I responded with a nod, Bi Qing revealed an amused smile before saying, "Then it seems like we're at an impasse."

The cloaked protectors around her seemed to want to say something, but she cut them all off by raising her hand to stop them. Seeing that she didn't want them to act, these people had no choice but to sit calmly.

Even though their faces couldn't be seen, it still felt like they would attack if they were given the chance.

So as they sat there, there was an awkward silence that filled the air until Bi Qing suddenly said, "If you can't hand over the Extreme Yin Essence, then I'll consider leaving if you can help me solve one problem."

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