Why Did I Become the Villainess?

Chapter 235 - : The Infected Region (1)

 Mother holds my hand tightly, and she looks at me with her teary eyes. "My dear, you should be careful during your stay in the infected region. Immediately send us a letter the moment you arrive there. Also, don't' be stubborn and listen to your Brother Pascal, okay?"

 I smile at Mother and hug her. "I will, Mother. Don't worry, Mother, Father. I will make sure to come back with Brother Pascal safe and sound. So, please rest assured that I will not let anything happen to myself."

 Father, who has been silent for a long time, hugs Mother and me. "You should be careful there, Csille. We don't want anything to happen to you and your Brother Pascal. So, I hope you can keep your words."

 I nod my head and look at Father and Mother. 

 I'm sure nothing will happen to me because I have written what will happen. I just hope that thing that is trying to interfere with the storyline won't do anything.

 "Aunt, Uncle, we need to go now. If we delay it further, we might end up camping out." 

 Father and Mother hug Brother Pascal and me before they let us start our journey.

 I look at the already faraway capital and smile bitterly. 

 It's really starting. Things are beginning to change in Csille's life. I just hope... I just hope I still have time to let my Family be prepared for what will happen.


 I look at Brother Pascal. "I'm sorry, are you saying something, Brother?"

 "I was just asking how did you manage to make Aunt and Uncle let you join me? I thought they would be mad at you not until you take back your decision."

 What did I do? I smile awkwardly at Brother Pascal. I feel guilty every time I remember what I did.

 "Mother, Father, I know you are mad at me for wanting to go to the infected regions. However, I am only doing this to help the monarch. If this disease continues to spread and reaches the capital, it will become difficult to control this."

 Mother hold my hands. "My dear, it's the reason why we don't want to agree with this because we know the dangers that await you and Pascal. What will happen to us if something happens to you and Pascal?"

 "Mother, you shouldn't worry. Aside from Brother Pascal, his highness Prince Fraser, his highness Prince Rufus, and my senior, Doctor Leander, are also there. I'm sure they will help to protect me if something happens."

 Father shakes his head. "His highness, Prince Fraser will definitely be busy helping around. Doctor Leander is also busy helping the Royal Physician to find the cure, and Prince Rufus will also be busy helping his cousin. Do you really think they can protect you? The enemy here is not a person. Instead, it's a disease that is not visible to our naked eye. Do you think they can help?"

 I sigh. "Mother, Father, I know you are worried about me. However, I talked to Prince Fraser, and he promised me that no matter what happened, he would protect me at all costs. So, you shouldn't worry. Do you think his highness will back down to his words?"

 Father and Mother look at each other for a second before they nod their head hesitantly.

 "Okay, we will let you. However, you should promise us not to let anything happen to you and Pascal. You know that you two are the only living descendants of the LauretrĂ© Family. If something happened to the two of you, our legacy would end here."

 I look at Father and nod my head. "I will not let anything happen to us, Father."

 I feel guilty thinking I lied to my parents. However, I have no other choice. If I didn't tell them that lie, they would definitely not give me permission to go to the infected region.

 "I just tell them that I would not do anything that could harm me and that I would definitely prioritize my safety among anyone else."

 And I just lied again. I'm sorry, Brother. I'm sorry for lying even to you. 


 I look outside the window and sigh. It's already dark outside, and we still haven't reached our destination.

 Brother Pascal was right. If we didn't delay our trip, we would definitely be lying on a soft mattress right now.

 "Csille, the dinner is ready. Come here, let's eat our dinner."

 I step down the carriage and walk towards Brother Pascal. We don't have maids who come with us because Brother Pascal doesn't want that. He said he could take care of both of us without the maids' help. 

 We also didn't bring any guards because Brother Pascal insisted. He thinks bringing guards will just interfere with our aim in going to the infected region.

 Also, having too many people going to the infected region increases the risk of spreading the disease.

 I sit beside Brother, and we both eat our dinner in peace. From time to time, Brother Pascal asks me questions about how I feel. He is still worried that something might happen to me because I bumped my head the other day.

 "Csille, are you sure you feel okay? We will be arriving in the infected region tomorrow morning. Are you sure you want to do this? I'm worried about you."

 I stop eating my food and look at Brother. He is like my parents, who are always worried about my safety. 

 That makes me guilty because Csille will repay this concern with the mistakes that could endanger their lives.

 "Don't worry, Brother. I'm definitely sure I want to do this. I know I might not help a lot. However, I still want to help. Don't worry. I will not bring anyone down."

 Brother Pascal caressed my head. "I know you won't. I'm just worried about your safety. But since I know his highness, Prince Fraser and Prince Rufus will be with us. I feel assured."

 I smile at Brother. Assured? Nothing will happen to me, yes. But something will happen to his highness, Prince Fraser. 

 Is that something to be reassured about?


 The campsite for volunteers and medics can already be seen from where we are. 

 "Csille, we are about to arrive. Once we arrive, I will be talking to the Royal Physician to help them with finding the cure. I think the research Principal Germund gave me can help us solve this disease. So, I won't be able to look out for you. But don't worry, I will check you from time to time."

 I smile at Brother Pascal. "Don't worry, Brother. I will find my way once we arrive there. Just do your thing."

 Brother Pascal caressed my head. "Just look for me if something happens so I can immediately help."

 I nod my head at him and look at the campsite. We are here. I really cannot escape from Csille's fate. 

 After a few moments, the carriage stops in front of the campsite. Everyone who is doing something outside the tent immediately looks at our carriage.

 Brother Pascal gets off the carriage first before he helps me descend. A group of Doctors immediately run towards us. 

 I look at the logo from their coat. I recognized that logo. Isn't that the logo of Holycross Hospital? The Hospital where Brother Pascal works.

 "Doctor Pascal, you're finally here. We have received a letter from the Director that you will arrive here. We have been waiting for your arrival. It's a good thing you are here already." One of the Doctors said. He looks a few years younger than Brother Pascal.

 "What's the situation here?"

 The doctor shakes their head. "It's grave, Doctor Pascal. Some of the infected already died, and there are some who are on the verge of dying too."

 I clenched my fist. People are dying because of the disease. But I was the one who wrote this. Does it mean I was the reason why people are dying? 

 I winced in pain when I felt something was piercing my heart. I feel guilty. A lot of people died because of this disease, and soon lives will be taken because of Csille's future mistakes. 

 "What about the Royal Physicians? How is their research going? Did they find the cure already?"

 The Doctors shakes their head. I heard Brother Pascal sigh. He then looks at me. "Csille, I need to see the Royal Physicians first. I will let Doctor Alena show you to your quarter. I will see you late."

 Brother looks at the Doctor Alena. He is talking. "Doctor Alena, please take care of my cousin while I was away. I need to talk to the Royal Physicians first."

 Brother Pascal didn't wait for Doctor Alena to reply. He just rushes in a certain direction. Probably to where the Royal Physicians are. The other Doctors who welcome us follow him behind.

 I look at Doctor Alena and frown. She looks beautiful, and she seems like a nice person. Is she the one Brother Pascal likes?

 Doctor Alena probably notice that I am looking at her. She smiles at me. "Welcome to the northern region, Lady Csille. Are you tired? I'll show you to your quarter. Don't worry about your luggage. I will ask someone to take care of that."

 Doctor Alena didn't say anything after. She just showed me my quarter. 

 "This is where you will be staying, Lady Csille. Apologies if we cannot provide you with a comfortable room. All the inns in the northern region close down because of the infectious disease. So, we have no choice but to set up tents. Apologies also if you need to share a tent with many people. We only have limited tents, so most of us are squeezing to the tents available."

 I looked around and found several beds inside the huge tent. I also noticed that some tents have patches. Some beds don't even have foam. 

 The situation in the northern region is already severe. Most of the volunteers and Doctors are already overworking for almost the whole day to end up resting in this kind of place? 

 They need funding. They need a comfortable bed to sleep and rest. If this continues, I'm afraid all the Doctors and volunteers here will end up being infected with the disease.

 I look at Doctor Alena. "How come there are only a few tents? I thought his majesty sent funds?"

 Doctor Alena shakes her head. "Lad Csille, most of the funds were spent on medical supplies and for our daily food. The funds are already not enough for medical supplies and for the food. How can we spend it for tents only?"

 "But tents provide shelters for all of you. If you keep using these tents and if heavy rain comes. I'm afraid these tents can't stand the rain."

 Doctor Alena smile bitterly at me. "For us Doctors, the most important thing is to save the lives of our patients. We couldn't care less if we needed to sleep outside. As long we have enough resources to do our job, then everything is okay."

 This... they are really committed to saving people's lives. They even set aside themselves just to provide medical aid to everyone.

 However, they are normal people too. If this continues with the infectious disease, it's understandable if everyone here ends up being infected with the disease.

 "Doctor Alena, is his highness Prince Fraser already arrived here?"

 "No, Lady Csille. He still hasn't arrived. I heard from the Royal Physicians that his highness Prince Fraser and Prince Rufus are still on their way here. I'm sure they will arrive one of these days."

 I nod my head. Doctor Alene excused herself and left me alone to rest. I looked around my surroundings and found most of the beds were already not suitable to use, but they are still using it. 

 The roof of the tents has some holes, and some patches are starting to fall off. This tent won't last long if they continue to use this.

 I need to talk to his highness Prince Fraser about this. We need to do something.

 Wait. I frowned when I realized something was wrong. 

 I have written this scene. I have written the arrival of Csille LauretrĂ© to the northern region. 

 But how come I can still control my body? Why is this happening?

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