What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 93: Knocking on the Door

Chapter 93: Knocking on the Door

Do you ask about Xiao Yixian and Boss Yao? I dont think anyone in Qingshan Town would dislike them, right?

Boss Yao is my savior!

Xiao Yixian is the goddess of all the mercenaries! Whoever dares to harm her, give it a try!

On the streets of Qingshan Town, Xiao Yan asked over a dozen passersby about their opinions on Xiao Yixian and Boss Yao. Not a single person had a negative response, and even other herbal shop owners, who were competitors, showed no envy.

(Looks like there should be no problem.)

Xiao Yan thought to himself. Even if he wasnt in Qingshan Town, the Wolf Head Mercenary Company wouldnt dare to touch Boss Yao and Xiao Yixian. Any such attempt would be met with retaliation from the entire town.

As long as the Wolf Head Mercenary Company had a functioning brain, they wouldnt take such a risk.

The next step was to deal with the rumors.

After inquiring about the location of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company, Xiao Yan walked in the direction indicated by the passersby. It didnt take long before he saw the fortress-like building ahead, with two ferocious metal wolf heads embedded in the three-meter-high iron gate. Two mercenaries dressed in the same uniform stood guard on either side of the gate.

So, lets begin.

Xiao Yan murmured, reaching for the Heavy Black Ruler at his back and slowly approaching the gate of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company.

The two guards at the gate noticed Xiao Yan approaching and felt an inexplicable sense of danger. They quickly raised their weapons and sternly shouted at Xiao Yan.

Stop! What are you doing?!

Im here to resolve some troubles, Xiao Yan calmly said as he slowly took down the Heavy Black Ruler, I have no intention of hurting anyone. I hope the two of you can step aside.

What Are you kidding? This is the Wolf Head Mercenary Company!

Xiao Yans words left the two guards in a panic, but they showed no sign of backing down and continued to shout at Xiao Yan.

Get lost! Or else

Excuse me.

As Xiao Yan interrupted their words, the two guards instantly lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground.

Then, Xiao Yan dragged the unconscious guards further away and returned to the three-meter-high iron gate. He silently recited a few words.

All right

Xiao Yan lifted the Heavy Black Ruler with one hand, gazing intently at the iron gate in front of him. His eyes suddenly became cold.



Xiao Yan deliberately controlled his strength and swung the Heavy Black Ruler, fiercely striking the iron gate. As a visible depression appeared on the gate, the sound of metal colliding echoed throughout Qingshan Town.

Whats going on? Where is the noise coming from?

It seems to be from the Wolf Head Mercenary Company fortress?

Lets go check it out!

As some residents of Qingshan Town noticed the source of the sound, Boss Yao and Xiao Yixian naturally heard it as well. They quickly rushed towards the Wolf Head Mercenary Company fortress along with other townspeople.

At this moment, Xiao Yan pulled back the Heavy Black Ruler and struck the gate again.



The same resounding noise echoed through Qingshan Town once more, attracting even more people to gather around the fortress. In no time, a dense crowd surrounded the perimeter, and Xiao Yixian and Boss Yao were among them.


Seeing Xiao Yan standing at the entrance of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company, Xiao Yixian was about to call out to him when a furious shout rang out from inside the iron gate.

Who is it! How dare you cause trouble at our Wolf Head Mercenary Company!

Upon hearing the thunderous roar, Xiao Yan immediately stepped back. The next second, the iron gate was kicked open from the inside, and Mu Shes enraged face appeared before Xiao Yan.

Of course, at this moment, the two of them still didnt recognize each other.

Looking at the unfamiliar young man before him, Mu She furrowed his brows slightly.

As far as he could recall, he had never seen this person before.

Father! He is Xiao Yan! Mu Li, who arrived behind them, immediately informed Mu She of Xiao Yans identity. Mu Shes expression instantly turned cold.

This brat is Xiao Yan

At the same time, Xiao Yan noticed Mu Li standing next to Mu She. His eyes flashed with a crimson killing intent, and a black aura surged from the depths of his heart, accompanied by a soaring murderous aura!

Xiao Yan remembered what he said before.

Last night, in that cave, during his massacre, all the mercenaries of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company could have escaped, except for Mu Li!

He was the one who deserved to die the most!

Mu Li also felt the overwhelming killing intent emanating from Xiao Yan and was scared out of his wits, sitting on the ground trembling, his eyes filled with fear as he gazed at Xiao Yan.

Mu Lis fear was not only because of Xiao Yans terrifying aura, but also because of the scene of Xiao Yan killing every Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level) in the cave last night!

At that time, he was the last one standing, witnessing his subordinates being brutally smashed against the wall one by one, their heads shattered!

If he had been a little slower last night, he would have met the same fate! Whenever he thought about it, Mu Li felt like he had narrowly escaped death!

But this young man, Xiao Yan, had become a psychological shadow for him, without a doubt!

Mu She also felt the sudden and terrifying aura emanating from Xiao Yan and frowned slightly.

Normally, if he saw his son in such a state, he would definitely give him a good scolding or even resort to violence if he became too agitated. But at this moment, Mu She had no time to care about his sons behavior.

Mu She could sense that the killing intent radiating from Xiao Yan was even more intense than that of an experienced middle-aged man who had fought life and death battles for decades!

How was this possible?!

Mu Shes eyes were filled with disbelief, unable to believe what he was feeling from Xiao Yan.

How could a sixteen or seventeen-year-old young man like Xiao Yan exude such a dense killing intent?!

Yes! Mu She knew that there were geniuses in the world, and he also understood how incomparable he was compared to a true genius!

However, even with so-called geniuses, their strength was limited!

But this killing intent, even geniuses couldnt cultivate it to such an extent so casually!

This kid Who exactly is he?!

The members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Company who came out with Mu She were also stunned and dared not move. The same was true for the others who were attracted by the sound. Boss Yao was also shocked as he looked at the figure in front of him.

Thats Xiao Yan?

Boss Yao couldnt understand it. He simply couldnt reconcile Xiao Yans upright and sunny image with the current imposing figure before him.

This was simply not the same person!

And as Boss Yao was shocked, Xiao Yixian also furrowed her delicate brows.

Last night, in that cave, she had also sensed the unusual aura emanating from Xiao Yan.

At that time, perhaps due to her disgust at Mu Li and the others actions, she didnt feel it so intensely and wasnt too concerned about their fate.

But at this moment, Xiao Yixian clearly understood.

This state of Xiao Yan was truly frightening.

The negative emotions emanating from his soul were not something that could be ignored

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