What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 74: Blood Lotus Essence

Chapter 74: Blood Lotus Essence

At that moment, Xiao Yan felt the noise outside the door gradually diminishing. He turned his head and saw the mercenaries bustling and leaving. At the same time, a clear and gentle voice came in.

Boss Yao! Im setting off!

Yeah! Be careful on the way! Boss Yao replied loudly, then explained to Xiao Yan, Xianer goes into the mountains with the mercenaries every now and then to gather herbs. Since Xianer has superb medical skills, the mercenaries are happy to have her accompany them.

With that, Boss Yao suddenly leaned in, grabbed Xiao Yans shoulder, and his eyes sparkled.

And Xianer is so beautiful! Its only natural that shes popular, right? Right?!

Uh uh haha

Looking at Boss Yao, who excitedly approached his face, Xiao Yan awkwardly twitched the corners of his mouth.

Even if you ask me like this, I havent seen what she looks like

Then Boss Yao seemed to realize that he had been a bit too excited, coughed lightly into his fist near his mouth, and quickly changed the subject.

Anyway, what do you think of the proposal to learn pharmaceuticals with me just now?

Boss Yao has such high regard for me, and I am naturally honored, Xiao Yan clasped his fists and calmly said, But I have already apprenticed under a teacher in alchemy, so I cannot study with you. I hope Boss Yao understands.

An alchemy teacher? You mean an alchemist?

Boss Yao asked in surprise, and Xiao Yan nodded in response.


Oh I see. After getting confirmation from Xiao Yan, Boss Yao scratched his head and didnt seem disappointed. Well, since youre already learning from an alchemist, I wont mislead you as an amateur. But Im about to start making healing medicine. If youre interested, would you like to watch?

If Boss Yao doesnt mind my presence, I would be glad to, Xiao Yan replied.

Haha~ Youre a young man, but your manners are quite impressive, just like an old man. Young people should be full of vitality and be more casual.

Boss Yao lightly laughed and patted Xiao Yans shoulder, making him feel a bit awkward.

Like an old man really?

Wait a moment, Ill go inside and prepare things.

Boss Yao waved his hand and turned to enter the house.

Suddenly, a small figure ran in from outside the door.

It was a young boy, wearing worn-out yet clean clothes, with tears streaming down his face.

Uncle Yao! Uncle Yao! My grandma she she

Perhaps due to running with all his might, the young boy was out of breath. Boss Yaos face, which was just filled with smiles a moment ago, instantly changed. He quickly grabbed a medicine box from the counter and pulled the young boy, rushing out of Myriad Medicines Hall in a hurry. He even forgot to close the door, leaving Xiao Yan alone in the shop.

This sudden turn of events left Xiao Yan stunned, staring blankly at the empty shop.

Although Xiao Yan didnt know exactly what had happened, he could guess from the young boys fragmented words that his grandmother must have had a sudden illness. It seemed that Boss Yao was already accustomed to such situations and didnt wait for the young boy to finish speaking before taking him to receive treatment.

Hmm Ill just wait then.

Xiao Yan sighed with a hint of helplessness.

There was no one in the shop now, and if he left and something went missing, even if Boss Yao didnt hold him responsible, Xiao Yan wouldnt feel right about it. After all, it had nothing to do with him in the first place.

Boss Yao showed respect to Xiao Yan, so Xiao Yan would naturally reciprocate that respect. Their brief conversation had left Xiao Yan with a favorable impression of Boss Yao. It was just helping to watch the shop, not a big deal.

Xiao Yan gently leaned the Heavy Black Ruler against the wall, so as not to damage any of the shops facilities. Then he wandered around the herbal shop, carefully examining the herbs displayed inside while identifying them with the help of Yao Chen.


Suddenly, when Xiao Yan saw an herb labeled as Yellow Lotus Essence, Yao Chen expressed surprise, which confused Xiao Yan.

(Senior Yao, whats wrong?)

(That herb seems to be Blood Lotus Essence?) Yao Chens tone was filled with astonishment, followed by excitement. (Boss Yao doesnt seem to recognize it properly, mistaking Blood Lotus Essence for Yellow Lotus Essence.)

(Senior Yao,, isnt Blood Lotus Essence the main ingredient you mentioned before for refining the Blood Lotus Pill?)

Xiao Yan asked in surprise. Although he wasnt really involved in alchemy yet, Yao Chen had told him a lot about the essential herbs needed to tame the Heavenly Flame, and Blood Lotus Essence was one of them.

(Exactly! This is an extremely rare herb that may appear in only one out of thousands of Yellow Lotus Essences! The price difference between Blood Lotus Essence and Yellow Lotus Essence is more than a thousandfold!) Yao Chen exclaimed and urged him, (Quick, quick, quick! Youve stumbled upon such a great opportunity, seize it and take advantage of it!)

While Yao Chen was speaking, she suddenly remembered what kind of person Xiao Yan was, and her excitement instantly dissipated.

(Forget it, its useless for me to say anything.)

(Ha) Sensing Yao Chens helpless mood, Xiao Yan awkwardly smiled. (Senior Yao, Boss Yao is such a good person. It wouldnt be right for me to take advantage of him, right?)

(Enough! Even if it were a deceitful merchant, you still wouldnt take advantage of him!) Yao Chens tone was filled with displeasure, leaving Xiao Yan even more embarrassed and unable to retort.

If Boss Yao knew that this was Blood Lotus Essence and still sold it at the price of Yellow Lotus Essence, Xiao Yan would naturally not hesitate.

But now, seeing the label indicating Yellow Lotus Essence, and realizing that Boss Yao didnt recognize it as Blood Lotus Essence, Xiao Yan couldnt take advantage of this opportunity.

If Xiao Yan were to explain to Boss Yao that this was actually Blood Lotus Essence, and if Boss Yao still willingly sold it to him at the price of Yellow Lotus Essence, then Xiao Yan wouldnt hesitate anymore.

Taking advantage of others is the kind of thing that, once done once, one would want to do it a second time. Once it happens a second time, there will be a third time, and it becomes impossible to stop.

Xiao Yan didnt believe that his self-restraint was particularly strong, so he tried his best to avoid the first time, not wanting to taste any benefits from taking advantage. It was something that should be strictly prohibited for Xiao Yans righteous path.

After completing a round inside the shop, Xiao Yan sat down quietly and waited.

He didnt know how long it had passed, but Xiao Yan was almost falling asleep when Boss Yao returned, carrying the medicine box on his back, with deep worry on his face.

Boss Yao, youre back.

Xiao Yan saw Boss Yao come in and stood up to greet him. Boss Yao snapped out of his daze, looking somewhat surprised at Xiao Yan, then his face filled with embarrassment.

Sorry I forgot you were waiting in the shop.

No need to apologize, Boss Yao. As a healer, its natural to prioritize the patient. I just waited a bit longer in the shop, which is far less important than the patient. Xiao Yan said softly, observing the distress on Boss Yaos face. He furrowed his brows slightly and asked, Boss Yao, is the patients condition not good?

Its okay for this time, barely getting through, but next time sigh~

Boss Yao let out a deep sigh, and Xiao Yan pressed for more information.

Is it a severe illness?

To be honest, the condition is not particularly severe. Its just lacking an herb, but that herb is rarely needed and cant be sold even if I try. Moreover, there are several second-tier magical beasts roaming around the herb gathering area. Its not worth the trouble for that herb, and its easy to get injured. No mercenaries are willing to go there.

Saying this, Boss Yaos worried expression deepened.

As Xiao Yan looked at Boss Yaos distressed face, he lightly furrowed his brows and glanced at the Blood Lotus Essence on the shelf, forming a plan in his mind. He clasped his fists and said to Boss Yao with a serious tone.

Boss Yao, may I make a deal with you?


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