Warlock of The Magus World (FanFiction)

Chapter 330

Chapter 330

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Leylin's dark shiny eyes were focused on the mysterious and graceful Ordell Omega, who was walking on the lake towards the bank, step by step.

Suddenly she coughed out blood and her body shivered, as a trace of hopelessness passed through her eyes.

As Leylin indifferently watched, the woman's face grew pale and her eyes dimmed. Just as she was about to reach the bank, she suddenly trembled and fainted.

In her previous fight, she must have been severely injured by Elrod Crystal.

"I can sense a strange and strong vitality radiating from her, so that's how the Immortal pills made from Immortal Demon Blood are like." Leylin activated the spirit sense he has acquired after breaking into Disaster Realm and noticed her peculiarity.

After reaching Disaster Realm one can generate Spirit Power, which could separate from the body and act on things that were outside of the warriors physical range.

As the Spirit Power extended, one could clearly sense others lively energy and otherwise suppressed Profound Qi. Through this and Leylin already insane level of understanding of spiritual sensing he could also sense minute changes in Ordell's body.

He seemed to have gained an additional pair of eyes, which seemed to have connected with his Spirit Power. As long as his Spirit Power reach out far enough he could feel the lives around him, both strong and weak.

"Shadows get out." Leylin said indifferently as two masked warriors appeared around him and bowed.

"Harris, have all the arrangements been made." Leylin asked.

"Yes, young master we have seen through to all of your plans and have our spies concentrated on all the targets." One of then opened their mouth and spoke in a familiar sound of Leylin's follower, Harris Wrogan.

Harris is not only his follower but also the acting leader of Leylin's private spy system who works under him.

"Good, we are at a vital stage of our plan. No mistakes are allowed." Harris nodded affirmatively as Leylin looked at the sinking Ordell and spoke to the other mask person, "Go take her, we need to leave to the base."

"Hnn!" The other masked person nodded and immediately rushed towards the lake and caught the Ordell before she could drown.

The person didn't care about handling an exquisite beauty and simply dragged her onto the bank.

Leylin's went forward and felt for breath under her nose and found her to be breathing steadily; there was a strange energy growing in her and nourishing her body bit by bit.

"Young Master, this mysterious woman was a Sky Realm warrior and she had been injured by Elrod Crystal. Therefore, she would be considered to be an enemy of Crystal Family!" Harris hesitated as he asked, Leylin didn't answer as he looked at the other shadow and could easily make out the rough outline of feminine characters from her posture but her eyes were cold and dull.

All of the people working in the Shadows are rather low leveled, except for Harris. Quite in fact, let alone a disaster realm like him others weren't even Human realm at the time of coming into his service but Leylin used his various means to momentarily increase their strength, fortifying their mentality and obviously using his charming and hypnotic skills to get them under his absolute control.

"In the Merchant Union, the Crystal Family is still the most influential power, as no other family could compete with them for now. This is why we would be settling in the underground base we made inside the brothel that you like so much." Leylin said, as Harris blushed slightly.

"Let's get going, we can't keep standing lest we are caught."

Leylin and other two immediately left.

This woman was so mysterious and her cultivation realm was high; Elord would be very unsettled as long as this woman was alive.

Leylin wasn't going to let her die so easily.

Tonight, Temion City would not be tranquil. Crystal Family would certainly send out it's experts to search for the mysterious woman, and Leylin would have to protect her until she woke up.


A quarter of an hour later.

After carrying and putting Ordell into the safe base, which was under Misty Rain House, in the south of the Temion City.

The two shadows directly walked into a small office like room where Leylin was sitting around cultivating, "Young Master, we placed her but are you sure we shouldn't make some contingency plans against her. She can fight against a Sky Realm Warriors irrespective of her means and could be possibly hostile towards us."

Leylin didn't respond and continued to remain silent and cultivate.

After an unknowingly long time.

Slowly, Leylin stirred as both of the shadows observed a strong pressure radiating from him, as Leylin could now precisely feel the wisps of mysterious energy coming out from his meridians.

Part of the mysterious energy had seeped in his blood, flesh, bones and veins, and the remainder had congregated in his dantain.

This mysterious energy had made his Profound Qi become extremely dense and fresh.

Under the control of his will, his Profound Qi was boiling in his body like a spring tide.

Holding his breath, Leylin went into meditation, clearing his mind of any thoughts and letting his Profound Qi flow freely in his body.

His body shook, and he immediately woke up opening his dark eyes which were strangely shinning like gems as the two shudder under his gaze as if all of their secrets are peeled apart.

His senses were different all of a sudden.

Using his Spirit Sense, Leylin could now more clearly sense the essence of the air between heaven and earth as well as observe everything around him.

'A. I. Chip, show my status."

[Beep! (Berkan Lenoir) Leylin Farlier, Strength: 18.6, Agility: 17.9, Vitality: 23.5, Profound Qi: Second Sky of Disaster Realm. Status: Healthy]

"Hmm, I have invested a larger portion into my body stats this time around rather than the increasing my realm. I would soon have large amount of Profound Qi to increase my realm at a fast pace, for now I can't go wrong improving my skills. For the next phase of my plan, I need to breakthrough to Earth Realm and then proceed, it's better to be safe." Leylin thought as he scratched his chin.

"Harris, you don't have to worry about her animosity, we have saved her and she would be sensible enough but if we are to be strict then it would raise her guard against us. But obviously our safety is much more important." Leylin stood up and walked around stretching his body, He then looked at the shadow women and said, "Emerald, you know what to do."

"Yes master." The women addressed as Emerald nodded and left.

"Harris, what's the situation in the city?"

"Chaotic and wild, I have already notified housemaster and brother about your safety and have also arranged for the list of targets that you asked for." Harris Wrogan passed a parchment to Leylin which was filled with various name.

Leylin is considered as the future hope of the family by Eren who would do anything to find him making more trouble, to him Leylin is a Twin Martial Spirit talent.

Warriors with twin Martial Spirits were one in ten thousand. Each one of such warriors would all eventually become outstanding figures!

This was why Elrod arranged Aaron and Harold(two Nirvana Realm Warrior)to protect Kyle.

A family descendant with twin Martial Spirits, if under normal circumstances, would definitely become the future leader of the family. They can bring a family to new heights.

If such a figure suddenly died, it would become a painful strike to a family!

"You can go back and make preparation, We would leave soon. Things are about to get more turbulent but the waves would be crashing somewhere else after a month." Leylin thought as he smirked evilly, sending shivers down Harris spine.


The sky was dimly lit.

In the dark room lighted with candles in the Underground base under Misty Rain House, Ordell Omega slowly woke up.

A pair of eyes as clear as water were filled with confusion. She looked around the room and finally saw she was under bed wrapped under covers.

Her eart shook. She abruptly sat up on the carpet, and looked at the bed in panic.

Numerous thoughts flashed through her mind. She hurriedly checked her own body, and realizing she was still untainted, she finally sighed in relief.

Her fight with Elrod had injured her quite seriously. When falling into the Moon Lake, she only had the time to take a Nutrition Pill.

It was due to the improper distribution of the medicinal powers of the Nutrition Pill that she had suddenly fainted and fell unconscious while walking up onto the bank.

Her memories just before she fainted slowly became clear, and she remembered seeing someone standing at the bank of the lake

That was the last thing she could remember before she fainted.

She felt someone else in the room.

She turned around and looked at a masked women, staring as she furrowed her brows, and she became even more confused.

What happened?

Ordell stood up, gazing at the masked person on and groaned.

"Who are you? Why have you brought me here?"

"I have no name, but you can call me Emerald." The voice of the masked women rang out.

"I know you must be confused, but we mean no harm. I am here representing my master who would like to offer you what you desire."

"Master?" Ordell furrowed her brows, and a strange light flashed across her eyes. "Where is this place? Who brought me here?"

"This is a safe house made for emergency, after your fight we found you and knowing that Crystal Family would search frantically for you, we arranged to keep you here. As for who is my master, I can't disclose it until unless allowed by him but let me assure you, even my lady here would be rather more interested in our deal."


That solid wooden table was instantly crushed, wooden chips and sawdust spreading everywhere on the floor.

Ordell's eyes turned cold as she glared at the her but Emerald remind unfazed.

"Don't tell me what I want and whatnot, speak."

"Straight to business, exactly what we are looking for." The masked women smiled and took out a book from her pockets and threw it towards Ordell.

Ordell caught the book and opened it while frowning, "Dunn family's Selva, Fury, Deepen, Satyan. Delaney Family's Gauram, Furom... What's is this?"

Ordell read the book filled with various names of expert from different families, different martial skills, different alchemy materials, elixir, poison, and many other.

"A transaction, we would want to borrow the impressive power of Misty Pavillion to gather these items as well as capture all of these people mentioned from different family. All of these things are rather easy to acquire and no warrior is above Earth Realm. In total there are 15 Disaster and 5 Earth realm warriors, a quota that can be easily met with your Misty Pavillion prowess, and in exchange we would like to offer to you... "

"The other half of treasure map to the Gate of Heaven!"

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