Villainous Young Master's Otherworldly Harem

Chapter 204 Lunch And Drama

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he looked at his watch. He and Feng Hongyan drove to the Jade Lake Hotel.

Both wore fashionable clothes and Feng Hongyan looked like a striking beauty. However, Jun Tianyun wore black sunglasses, With a dark coat, making him look like a rich second generation.

The moment they entered the hotel, everyone looked at them with awe.

" Holy! Are they some sort of celebrities?! Such a beautiful pair!"

" My god! That young man looks so handsome. Just his figure alone is enough to make me go crazy."

They reached the top floor, the luxurious VIP hall. As they went there, they finally saw their seat.

However, Feng Hongyan's eyes narrowed as she saw someone was already sitting there.

The young man wore simple clothing as he was drinking red wine. He looked very ordinary,like any random passerby.

He was somewhat handsome, but there was an indescribable, mysterious aura around him.

But what made Feng Hongyan's expression change was… He knew that man.

" N-No way! Ho-Why is it you!!" Feng Hongyan stood near the table with a stunned expression.

Jun Tianyun didn't mind as he took his seat.

" Well? It seems we met sooner than we expected, Miss Feng." Yang Meng gave a light chuckle.

"I never thought you were actually the granddaughter of Feng Taihong."

" You! This must be your plan! Ho-How did you trick my grandfather!" Feng Hongyan sat beside Jun Tianyun as she shouted.

Yang Meng shrugged. " Well, You think your grandfather is that idiot? Do you think I can just coax him? It was him who called me to meet you."

Feng Hongyan was stunned as she looked at Yang Meng. She admits that he was somewhat handsome, and his martial power is really something.

But Yang Meng looked at Jun Tianyun with a slightly narrowed eye.

" I thought it was only lunch for you and me. This brother… Hmm, have we met before?"

Jun Tianyun raised his eyebrows as he looked at Yang Meng. " I don't think brother will forget someone if he ever sees him, right?"

Yang Meng was startled by Jun Tianyun's answer and he nodded. " Indeed, you are right. It's just… I kinda felt I met you recently."

Jun Tianyun smiled politely, but he was slightly shocked in his heart. It seems Mercenary King isn't just a random title. Even though Jun Tianyun used Xiao Yue's illusion to hide his identity, Yang Meng still somehow recognized his aura. Jun Tianyun couldn't help but become a bit cautious.

Feng Hongyan snorted as she looked at Jun Tianyun. " Why can't he be here? Well, He is my boyfriend after all."

Yang Meng was startled a bit as he looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Boyfriend? Him? Haha, nice joke."

Jun Tianyun laughed a bit as he suddenly hugged Feng Hongyan's waist with one arm. " Why do you think so, brother? Do you think I am unable to get Feng Hongyan?"

He suddenly caressed Feng Hongyan's cheek as he smiled a bit. Her face closed as he kissed Feng Hongyan's cheek.

Feng Hongyan trembled as her face flushed red. Although she agreed to let Jun Tianyun become his fake boyfriend, she never expected Jun Tianyun to be this bold. Jun Tianyun's hug became tighter as he chuckled, " Isn't that true, Hongyan? You are my precious girlfriend after all."

" Y-Yes."

Feng Hongyan tried to act calm as she looked at Jun Tianyun affectionately. Yang Meng's calm and smiling face stiffed as he looked at the scene in front of him. Jun Tianyun chuckled as he could see the visible discomfort of Yang Meng.

However, it didn't take much time before Yang Meng's face returned to calm again as he laughed. " Well, I have to admit. You are really putting a great effort into acting. But, I don't think you need to go that low, to make a kid kiss you."

Feng Hongyan was startled as she realized that Yang Meng might have already seen through their actions. However, Jun Tianyun only smiled. He knew that Yang Meng is an old driver. There is no way he couldn't see through the guise.

" Well, Since you know that Feng Hongyan is trying to get away from you, why not let her go?" Jun Tianyun shrugged. " I think you are intelligent enough to notice that, right?"

" Uh..."

Yang Meng suddenly became speechless as he looked at Jun Tianyun and Feng Hongyan. " The thing is, It's Old Feng's decision, not mine. And, Why would I let my supposed-to-be fiance go?"

" I am not your fiance!" Feng Hongyan snorted. " Mind your words. You and I are simply unrelated."

" Oh my, Miss Feng already forgotten my help? Ouch, that hurts." Yang Meng chuckled as he took a sip of wine. Feng Hongyan stumbled as she clenched her fist.

'Although I think Jun Tianyun's words might be true, What if Yang Meng is really not a spy? I mean, Grandpa already knows him and trusts him so much. I don't think he will try to harm me at least.' She thought in her heart.

The dishes already arrived and Jun Tianyun and Yang Meng already started to eat. However, Feng Hongyan became speechless. Jun Tianyun and Yang Meng ate the food as if nothing happened. She couldn't help but feel strange.

Jun Tianyun was trying to formulate a plan to deal with Yang Meng as he smiled a bit. He remembered the medicine that he prepared for Hiroto back then. ' If it could cripple Hiroto's little brother, It might work on Yang Meng as well. No, I don't think the normal one will work.'

Jun Tianyun thought about his impotence medicine. He knew that Yang Meng is the Mercenary King. He also practices some powerful techniques called Demon Tyrant Body Arts. Jun Tianyun believed that Yang Meng should have gotten poison immunity. Otherwise, he would have died on the battlefield long ago.

'But, what if I enchant it?' Jun Tianyun grinned in his heart as he shouted in his heart, ' Control of Fortune! Bestow me with good fortune!]

[ Ding! Good fortune has been activated! -100 Fortune points per second!]

Jun Tianyun hurried to his Altar of Heaven as he took the bottle of medicine and started enchanting.

[ Ding! 200 Fortune points per attempt of Special Enchantment! 50 Points per Normal enchantment!]

Jun Tianyun tried special enchantment. Soon, 800 Fortune points vanished. But then, the medicinal bottle changed as a new prompt appeared.

[ Ding! Item got specially enchanted! Host gets Yang Spear Breaking Poison!]

[ Ding! No matter whether a Human Male or a Stallion beast, all will have their spear broken! Tasteless, odorless, extremely effective. However, one needs to take two dosages to show effect and five dosages to permanently make a eunuch.]

Jun Tianyun grinned as the bottle secretly appeared in his hand as he suddenly dropped a spoon to the floor. The spoon fell as it made a metallic noise. Everyone became startled as Yang Meng bent to see it.

Jun Tianyun smiled awkwardly as he hurriedly picked up the spoon. " Ahaha, My bad. But, I have to admit, The food here is very good. Why don't you have another glass, brother?"

Yang Meng was startled as he saw Jun Tianyun pouring another glass of wine for him. It looked like Jun Tianyun didn't mind the quarrel earlier. " What is it, Brother? It seems you really like to hold grudges, eh?"

Yang Meng was startled as he was clearly hesitating a bit. However, since Feng Hongyan was watching him, he decided to act politely.

" Not really. I love wine after all." He took the glass and gulped it in one go. JunTianyun's grin became wide as he saw Yang Meng drink the wine with which he secretly mixed his medicine. As he was talking, Jun Tianyun suddenly saw a man and a woman walking inside the hall. Feng Hongyan raised her brows when she saw that man.

" Mr. Ling Hong? Miss Shen Ye?"

" Oh my! Miss Feng? I can't believe that the CEO of Hundred Treasure Pavilion is actually here. What a pleasant surprise."

Ling Hong looked like a middle aged man. But Jun Tianyun instantly classified him as an ugly bastard. But what made him more interested is his wife, Miss Shen. Well, although Jun Tianyun knew that married mature woman got their own flavor, but he wasn't interested in her because of that.

It was because, he already saw her before, in his Heavenly Luopan's projection. She was the one who cucked Ling Hong and slept with Yang Meng back then. Jun Tianyun instantly opened the file sent by Luo Bingyu as he started to check some details.

" Ah, I see. Jade Lake Hotel is Ling Hong's after all. No wonder." Jun Tianyun chuckled as he looked at the couple.

Shen Ye was clearly surprised as his expression turned strange after seeing Yang Meng here. She never thought that she would see the random man he slept with a night before again and in such a place.

However, Yang Meng was calm as he enjoyed his food. Ling Hong looked at Jun Tianyun and Yang Meng as he felt a bit surprised. Feng Hongyan nodded as she looked at Jun Tianyun. " He is Jun Tianyun, My...boyfriend. And this is Yang Meng. You can say, we are acquainted."

" Good After noon, Miss Shen Ye. I hope you had a good time." Yang Meng smiled mysteriously. Shen Ye's heart thumped as she tried to hide her blush. Ling Hong ddn't doubted much as they both sat at the table and chatted.

" Eh?" As Ling Hong was chatting, his bodyguard came and whispered hims something. Jun Tianyun could see a lecherous grin appearing on Ling Hong's face for a moment as it vanished.

" Miss Feng, It seems there is an urgent meeting I need to attend. I hope you will enjoy Shen Ye's company." Ling Hong got up as he walked out. Shen Ye sneered as if she knew what kind of *meeting* Ling Hong was going to attend.

Jun Tianyun felt a shiver as he saw Yang Meng giving a naughty wink to Shen Ye as he got up. " Hongyan, I am going to the washroom for a bit. Please, enjoy your food."

After he walked out, Shen Ye bit her lips as she smiled suddenly. " Miss Feng, I think I have an urgent call. Can I..."

" Ah, Sure, Miss Shen. You can." Feng Hongyan nodded. Jun Tianyun trying contain his scoff as he saw the thing happening.

" This bastard... he is really fucking around."

But then, a evil grin appeared on Jun Tianyun's face.

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