Villain Steal the Heroines

Chapter 15: Stacey vs Selina; My mother you're too soft hearted

Chapter 15: Stacey vs Selina; My mother you're too soft hearted

After the initial whispering and unrest that came from the surprise of Selina's misery and the Archbishop's words, the room fell into a heavy silence as everyone processed the weight of the situation.

The whole Greenberg family was almost on their knees in fright, and even the arrogant Selina was like a scared cat at this time, hiding in her mother's arms as she looked at the surrounding situation, which was getting worse and worse.

She now finally understood the predicament they were in.

That is how her arrogance had led to this situation, and she should have listened to her mother's words and behaved more politely.

According to her, she did everything correctly, but she messed up afterward because she overestimated the effect of the potion.

When such a thought crossed Selina's mind, she couldn't help but resent her mother; she didn't want to believe that everything had happened because of her.

Selina's innocence and vulnerability were on full display at the moment, and it was clear that she was not yet equipped to handle the cruel realities of the world.

So, like every single hypocritical heroine, she just shrugged it off and put the blame on others.

At first, she laid the blame squarely on her mother, whom she considered to be the primary source of the problem.

After all, why else would she speak to me in such a condescending manner if her mother hadn't assured her that everything would be alright so long as she made me drink this potion and that I'd hopelessly fall in love with her?

Then, she blamed the archbishop too, who spoke so rudely to their family and made her fall into this predicament.

Why was he meddling in their affair when he wasn't even related to the Steelines?

Thinking as such, Selina instantly glared at the archbishop.

Noticing her expressions, even I was taken aback.

The f*ck?

Does this kind of operation also work?

For a moment I couldn't believe my eyes, and it almost made me doubt if I'd hit her too hard and created more problems in her already defective brain.

Glaring at the people of the Church of Light, Selina was about to open her mouth and say something again after feeling the stinging pain on her face.

However, before she could do anything,


Another loud sound of a slap echoed throughout the hall, and everyone was shocked to see that Stacey, who was just now so protective of her daughter and was shielding her like a mama bear, now slapped her own daughter on the face so mercilessly.

Sensing the gazes from the people around her, Stacey also had a bitter smile on her face.


She was now really regretting her way of teaching Selina, and she was also cursing Roy and Selina in her heart for pushing her into this desperate situation.

Otherwise, when had she ever suffered such humiliation in her life?

But today, this situation almost made her fall from the top of her life to the bottom in seconds.

So this slap was now also the only way for her to vent the frustration in her heart through the only outlet available.

Tonight was a real eye-opener for Stacey, who realised for the first time how stupid her daughter was.

First she spoke back to Steeline's son and threatened to slap him, and now she's glaring at the Archbishop?

Does she not want to go home alive?

And even if she herself didn't want to, then why was she implicating this poor mother in her mess?

Stacey felt that this one slap was really very merciful, and she was really not satisfied with it.

The crisp slap from her mother left Selina dumbfounded as she subconsciously touched her face on the left side where she was slapped, and then she looked at her mother with grief and pain-stricken eyes that almost burst into tears because of indignation.

But after being met by her mother's violently cold gaze that seemed to almost swallow her up, Selina immediately shut down as she took a step back in fear.

Then, with embarrassment, she turned her gaze outward, where the looks of disdain and contempt that were directed her way from the people around her made her realise that now she had no face left in the social circles.

And even the idiot in her understood that today's matter would now always be like her black history made publica stigma that will stay with her for the rest of her life.

It was then, when she was looking around, that her gaze paused at me.

Looking at my face, which had an innocent expression, like nothing happening here had anything to do with me, but whose lips were slightly turned upward and whose eyes had a mocking glint when looking back at her, made Selina instantly go furious.

At this point, she had at long last realised that I was openly making fun of her and laughing to myself about the predicament in which she found herself.

She was so enraged by my blatant disdain that her entire body shook as a result.

However, she was still unable to say or do anything because


Stacey, who saw her daughter's situation, instantly saw another opportunity and slapped her again.


which caused Selina's last remaining defences to crumble, and she sobbed loudly and uncontrollably.

Nevertheless, Stacey didn't give a crap about her useless daughter at the moment, and all she wanted was to escape this location safely.

So with no other option in sight, she grabbed her daughter's head, disregarding her sorrowfully painful plea, and forced her head to bow down.

And then, with the other family members of the Greenberg family, she herself also bowed her head and asked for forgiveness.

"Archbishop, please forgive us. Forgive this little girl; she's just a foolish child. I swear it has nothing to do with the Greenberg family. We have nothing against the holy son or the Church of Light; in fact, we're great believers in the light goddess, Theia."

However, her apology had no effect on the Archbishop, who still had an apathetic face, as if he didn't even hear her words.

The same was the case with the paladins and priests who came with him.

None of them reacted to Stacey's apology. Instead, they turned their heads and looked at us for the final decision.

With these actions, the Archbishop was showing us his stance and respect by waiting for the final decision makers on this matter, aka us, to make a decision.

He was telling us that we could choose what to do with the Greenbergs and that he would support us no matter the case, even in the most ruthless decisions, by using the holy law.

Destroy the monkey and warn the chicken, or forgive and be merciful and magnanimous?

No matter the case, the Church of Light would stand by our side. It was what the archbishop wanted to convey.

I was really grateful for his thoughtful actions, but now was really not the time to destroy the Greenberg family, because he didn't know how deep the water in this matter was.

And how well-prepared the Greenbergs were, back in their territory in case the plan failed.

Understanding the meaning of the archbishop's actions, everyone's gaze in the hall, including mine and my mother's, turned towards my father, who was the head of the family and the final decision maker.

But he just shook his head dismissively and spoke to my mother.

"You decide on this one, Chlo; Stacey is your friend in the end, and I don't want to meddle in this one."

My mother nodded at my father's words and got deep into thought.

Noticing the opportunity and understanding the situation, a glimmer of hope flashed in Stacey and Roy's eyes, who both immediately started begging my mother.

"Chlo, I know it's Selina's fault; she shouldn't have done what she did. It also makes us responsible for not properly teaching my kid, but I swear that we have no malicious intent towards Luke or any member of the Steeline family."


The streaks of lies, one after another, and that too in such a smooth flow without any interruption or even blinking

Really, Aunt Stacey, you didn't let me down.

Looking at Stacey lying through her teeth so shamelessly, I had to say that I underestimated this woman.

This woman, who was now crying, kneeling down, and begging for forgiveness, disregarding her own status, pride, and ego without even showing the slightest hint of malice or falsehood, was really a more cruel and difficult woman than I originally imagined.

And if not for the fact that I knew that deep inside her mind she was cursing her daughter, Roy, the count Greenberg, my mother, me, and everyone else present here, I too might have bought her act and believed her words.

Well, not so much of an act because at the moment her situation was indeed dire, though her words were full of lies.

Bang! Bang!

It was then that another rising actor from the Greenberg family started his play; he banged his head on the floor before finally stopping and speaking.

"Mrs. Steeline, we from the Greenberg family are all ashamed of Selina's behaviour, but please, as an elder, considering all the years of friendship between you and Stacey, please forgive us; we beg you. We agree to pay any compensation you ask."

Did he just say "friendship"?

Even hearing that word from this bastard's mouth made me want to punch him in the face.

Did these dogs consider the friendship between Stacey and my mother when plotting against her son and her whole family?

Did Stacey even consider it herself?

Aren't you guys from the heroine's family?

Shouldn't you guys be the epitome of kindness and love, spreading the values of friendship far and wide with your virtuous deeds?

But did you do so?

No, right?

Then, why in hell do you guys expect my villain family to give a f*ck about friendship?

But facts have proven that my mother was indeed a little softhearted for people she considers her own, and I could see her anger calming down a bit as a ripple of hesitation flashed past her eyes.

Mother, oh, my dear mother, how did you get married in this villain family?

This script is indeed too wrong.

Anyway, I never considered the protagonist or heroine family to be any saints; most of the time they are already dead because the character needs to be an orphan or needs a motive for revenge, and the rest of the time their families are basically filled with problematic people.

They look good on the outside but are hideous and disgusting on the inside.

covered up by the white light of the Child of Destiny and getting a seemingly successful and happy ending even after all their evil deeds, all the while being hailed as good people.

Anyway, having lived with my mother for the last 7 years, I know more about her than even her parents.

So, I have already speculated on such a scenario taking place tonight and have already planned my future plans keeping this situation in mind.

That's why I wasn't worried about my mother's decision, because I knew that as long as I didn't show her the true face of Stacey and the Greenbergs, she would always hesitate to take a decisive action.

She really trusts her people too much.

It was also because of this reason that, in the novel, she was betrayed, poisoned, and killed by her own parents in the end.

But don't worry, mother, after this night, I will never let you be fooled by these scums who took advantage of your kindness.

A few seconds passed in silence, and as expected, when it was finally time to make a decisive decision, my mother indeed hesitated and eventually turned towards me.

"Luke, what do you say? You have grown up, and this matter is directly related to you, so you decide what to do. No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

"Okay mom."

That's why, when my mother asked, I agreed to it without any hesitation, which made her a bit surprised, but after taking a deep look into my eyes, she gave me a sweet, grateful smile and rubbed my head.

Do you think only I understand my mother?


As much as I understand my mother, she also understands me the same way.

I can fool the whole world, but I can never fool my mother, who sees through all my acts and tricks.

More than my father or anyone else in my two lives, she was the only person I spent so much time with, and she was also the person who knew me the best after myself.

That's why, although my innocent and cute persona fooled other people, it didn't fool my mother at all.

From the very beginning, she knew that I didn't like the Greenberg family because of how radically I behaved with them.

It's just that she didn't know the details of the matter, so she wasn't aware of the reason and its intricate details.

Nevertheless, she understood that although today's matter was really the Greenberg family's fault, it also had my hidden hand behind the scenes pushing the play.

However, my mother trusts me, and even though I am a kid, she believes in my judgement.

That's why, since I was the mastermind and initiator of today's situation, she left me with the power to make the final decision.

Also, because it was really hard for her to take some cruel actions against her friend without even knowing the ins and outs of the matter from my perspective.

That's why I decisively took the responsibility to make the final decision, because I just couldn't see my mother getting sad or hurt.

Anyway, back to the present situation inside the hall, where everyone was waiting for my decision, I didn't let them wait any longer.

My internal monologue also only took a few seconds at most, so others only thought that I was thinking things through.

Well, finally, the decision making part.

My favourite!

As everyone looked at me with anticipation and excitement, I made a solemn face, not showing my emotions on the outside at all.

Then, I looked at my mother and spoke slowly in a gentle voice.

"Mother, today's matter I really don't think it's Aunt Stacey's or other Greenberg family members' fault. So they shouldn't be implicated in this matter. As for whose fault this is, we all know."

As I came to the last part of my speech, my gaze turned from my mother to Selina, but instead of being gentle, now it was razor sharp like the edge of a blade.

Even the tone of my voice changed from soft and slow to harsh and majestic as I declared.

"So, punishment should be given, but since she's aunt Stacey's daughter, and aunt Stacey is my mother's friend, I can't be too harsh on Selina. Furthermore, since Selina is still a little girl, it's natural that she is too spoiled and lacks basic knowledge about etiquette, manners, and respect, which caused such a situation."

As I spoke up to this point, I took a pause and let my words sink into everyone's mind, so they could digest the information properly.


When everyone heard my words, they couldn't help but have their mouths wide open in astonishment, and they couldn't believe their ears for a moment.

Nobody thought that things would take such a turn.

They were all waiting for some kind of cruel punishment, but instead what they heard were such generous words from my mouth, spoken in such a mature manner, that they had to rub their ears and eyes to re-check that it was indeed me who spoke just now.

Even Stacey couldn't help but have a look of bewilderment on her face, but soon a wave of relief washed over her body, because now at least her and the other Greenbergs' safety was guaranteed.

However, there was still a little worry left in her heart because the matter related to Selina's punishment was still there.

And even though I said that I wouldn't punish her lightly, but Selina still had doubts about the authenticity of my words.

And not only she but everyone else was thinking the same, and they couldn't help but get eager for my next words.

However, before I could speak, Archbishop Drake, who also heard my words, suddenly spoke out.

"Then what does the holy son suggest should be the appropriate punishment?"

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