Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 142: Dressed in Mourning

Chapter 142: Dressed in Mourning

“Li Ting, how did you come back?”

Gu Wanyu was surprised to see Li Ting return, and she wasn’t the only one. The rest of the Li family was also astonished.

Wasn’t Li Ting supposed to be in the Luo family’s clutches? Could it be that Luo Mingde miraculously let her go? Impossible. Given the current hatred between the Luo and Li families, it would be a miracle if they let Li Ting live, let alone release her.

“Hmph, you wretched woman, you killed my father, are you surprised to see me back?”

Li Ting tried to strike Gu Wanyu.


Gu Wanyu kicked Li Ting, sending her tumbling. She had intended to slap Li Ting, but seeing her dirt-streaked face, she couldn’t bring herself to touch her. Hitting her would only dirty her own hands.

Li Ting screamed like a slaughtered pig.

Ye Chen’s gaze sharpened. Gu Wanyu’s speed was unnaturally fast, indicating she was no weakling. His face darkened as he realized Gu Wanyu posed an even greater threat than he had anticipated.

“Accusing me of killing Li Zhong, what do you mean by this?” Gu Wanyu’s voice was icy.

She was suspicious. How could Li Ting possibly know? No, she must be guessing. But who could have rescued her? Her eyes shifted from Li Ting to rest on Ye Chen, who seemed the most likely suspect.

Did Ye Chen rescue Li Ting? And if so, what was his purpose? Gu Wanyu was certain it wasn’t out of love.

He despised Li Ting, everyone knew how reluctantly he had married her.

“You dare accuse my mother of killing my father? Watch as I beat you to death.”

Li Qiwen’s eyes flashed with ferocity as he looked at Li Ting. The resentment and jealousy he had once felt surged back, and he even harbored a killing intent.

Li Qiwen kicked Li Ting, causing her to scream again.

“Stop it,” Gu Wanyu said indifferently.

Hearing Gu Wanyu’s cold words, Li Qiwen’s body trembled slightly, and then he stopped. He was afraid of Gu Wanyu. She held something that could make his life worse than death.

A gleam passed through Ye Chen’s eyes. Why was Li Qiwen so fearful of Gu Wanyu? He didn’t remember Li Qiwen being afraid of her before. Truthfully, he didn’t know much about Gu Wanyu since she didn’t usually live with the Li family, and he had only met her a few times.

Gu Wanyu’s command to stop wasn’t out of pity for Li Ting but because she noticed some disapproving frowns among the Li family members. To avoid giving them an excuse to strip Li Qiwen of his inheritance rights, she told him to stop.

“Take her away first. She smells so bad, it affects our family’s image,” Gu Wanyu said lightly, her tone leaving no room for refusal.

Many people noticed that Gu Wanyu had changed. Her personality had never been so assertive before. But Gu Wanyu hadn’t changed. This was her true nature, only revealed when she had the power to do so.

Additionally, if one wanted to control the Li family, one had to be assertive. The people of the Li family would not just obediently follow.

“Ye Chen, let me ask you, was it you who rescued Li Ting?” Gu Wanyu questioned Ye Chen.

Ye Chen frowned, not liking the accusatory tone in Gu Wanyu’s voice.

“Yes, it was me. I personally sneaked into the Luo family and rescued Li Ting,” Ye Chen admitted outright.

Gu Wanyu gave Ye Chen a cold look before turning away. Others chatted with Ye Chen indifferently, not taking him seriously.

Finding a secluded spot, Gu Wanyu contacted Chen Luo.

“Chen Luo, Ye Chen has rescued Li Ting from the Luo family. He must have other intentions by doing so.”


Hearing about Ye Chen rescuing Li Ting, Chen Luo pondered for a moment, nearly understanding Ye Chen’s motives. “That guy Ye Chen is ambitious. He wants to use Li Ting to fight for power in the Li family. Seems like he also wants a piece of the Li family.”

Chen Luo sneered internally, thinking Ye Chen still aimed to influence the Li family.

“Does he still have time for that? I’m already prepared to deal with Ye Chen.”

“In the next few days, as soon as the opportunity arises, it’ll be Ye Chen’s end. Even if Ye Chen plans to take over the Li family, he won’t have the life to see it through.”

“So that’s his grand plan, wishful thinking. To think that with Li Ting, that useless woman, he could contend for the Li family,” Gu Wanyu said with disdain.

She had no regard for Li Ting. Now without Li Zhong’s protection, getting rid of her would be easy.

Moreover, Li Ting was not well-regarded in the Li family, mainly because she was too arrogant and overbearing. Her arrogance wasn’t just directed at outsiders, she was just as haughty with her own family members.

Gu Wanyu couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of using Li Ting to fight for the Li family. A person who couldn’t win the hearts of the family had no right to compete.

Furthermore, who in the Li family would want it to fall into the hands of an outsider? Although Li Ting was a member of the Li family, being a woman made her an outsider in the eyes of many in the family. It was already generous not to have driven her out, yet she dared to covet the family’s headship.

“Sister misses you, can you come and comfort me?”

Gu Wanyu struck a tempting pose on purpose, took a photo, and sent it to Chen Luo immediately.

Chen Luo opened it and saw her in white mourning clothes, completely in pure white, seductively pure.

“To want to look attractive even in mourning clothes, indeed not wrong.”

Taking a deep breath, the temptation from Gu Wanyu was quite significant for Chen Luo. He felt he could hardly restrain himself.

“Tonight, I have to stay at the wake. I’ll send others away, leaving only me. Can you come and keep me company? I’ll be scared otherwise.”

Her tone was filled with allure.

“Hiss~!” Chen Luo clearly understood what Gu Wanyu implied with those words, and he could only say that she really knew how to play, and indeed, he was tempted. ‘Wonder if Li Zhong’s coffin can keep him down.’

Then, responding to Gu Wanyu, he said, “Alright, I’ll come over to keep you company. How could I let you be afraid?”

“Li Zhong should be so angry he comes back to life,” said Zhao Yingxuan.

Zhao Yingxuan had heard the entire conversation between Chen Luo and Gu Wanyu, including the photo Gu Wanyu sent, which made Zhao Yingxuan inwardly curse her as a foxy vixen.

Suddenly, Zhao Yingxuan’s eyes lit up, and she whispered into Chen Luo’s ear, “Although Xiao Yongqiang has been dead for a long time, his funeral hasn’t been held yet.”

“How about Xiao Qingxue and I wear identical mourning clothes at that time? What do you think?”

Zhao Yingxuan’s seductive glance made Chen Luo exclaim inwardly at her enchanting allure.

However, spurred by Zhao Yingxuan’s suggestion, Chen Luo found himself genuinely looking forward to it. Indeed, he wasn’t a good person. He eagerly anticipated such a thing.

“I’ll be waiting.”

Chen Luo kissed Zhao Yingxuan and then prepared to head over to Gu Wanyu’s place.

“I need to find an opportunity to meet that woman,” Zhao Yingxuan said, watching Chen Luo’s departing figure with a hint of grievance in her eyes.

Gu Wanyu was very playful and scheming. Zhao Yingxuan felt it necessary to meet this woman at some point to dampen her spirits. Zhao Yingxuan was jealous, worrying that Chen Luo might be enticed away by that seductress.

Chen Luo headed straight for the Li residence. By the time he arrived, including Li Ting, Li Qiwen, and Ye Chen, everyone had been cleared out by Gu Wanyu, leaving just the two of them in the villa, plus a dead person.

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