Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 213 Orion's Unconventional Choice (2)

"What I propose is that we unite our efforts to not only ensure the growth of our current village but also establish a brand-new settlement," I revealed. The room fell into a momentary silence as my words hung in the air. 

The old man, with a deep furrow in his brow, voiced his thoughts, "You mean another stronghold to shield us from the relentless Vylkr Vines?" I empathetically shook my head, a hint of weariness in my sigh, and clarified, "No, not just a stronghold. I mean an entirely new village."

"Another village," the woman in her fifties interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of confusion. "So, if I understand correctly, your alternative proposal is for us to collaborate and construct a completely new village -a separate settlement that will accommodate the increasing numbers of our community. Is that what you're suggesting?"

I responded, my voice filled with conviction, "Yes," as I nodded in understanding. "I am well aware that the exponential growth of our village could lead to undesirable consequences for obvious reasons," I acknowledged, observing their heads turning towards the Village Chief, likely surmising that he had briefed me on the adverse effects that their expanding population had previously caused. 

Undeterred, I pressed on, their attention returning to me. "However, what if we were to establish another settlement, separate yet connected to this village, located at a considerable distance -around eight hours or a day's walk away? This would provide a separation zone, preventing the Vylkr vines from perceiving our collective presence and launching a unified invasion. It would also allow us to maintain proximity, enabling efficient management and protection in case of any unforeseen incidents."

I emphasized the advantages of this approach, capturing their interest. "By dividing their attention, we can weaken the strength of the Vylkr vines. I have witnessed firsthand that while they may be overwhelming in numbers, they require time to refocus their attacks on a previously subjugated area. Hence, as our village continues to grow, we can seize the opportunity to construct a secondary stronghold nearby."

"This will serve to safeguard the expanding population and prevent their destruction. Importantly, the new village will remain connected to the main village, strategically designed to reduce the burden of Vylkr vine attacks. By channelling their assault towards the secondary settlement, we can alleviate the strain on this village. This way, our warriors can effectively protect both areas, dispatching any infiltrating vines with ease. Even if a few Vylkr vines manage to breach the secondary village, the presence of numerous skilled warriors will render their attacks negligible and easily manageable."

I concluded, hopeful that my proposal had sparked their imagination and consideration for this alternative path.

As their gazes shifted away from me, I could sense the room enveloped in a perceptible atmosphere of contemplation. The village Chief and the elderly man, whom I presumed to be the oldest among them, seemed lost in their own musings, their eyes distant.

It was as if they had delved into the depths of their thoughts, exploring the possibilities and ramifications of my words. Although their eyes were no longer focused on me, I couldn't help but feel that their ears were attuned, eagerly catching every syllable that escaped my lips.

The subtlest cues revealed the intensity of their engagement -slight nods, furrowed brows, and the occasional stroking of chins. It was evident that my words had struck a chord, igniting a flurry of thoughts and considerations within each individual present.

"But why should we stop there..." I seized the opportunity, my words flowing seamlessly, revealing the blueprint of my carefully planned thoughts. "If we envision this other village as a protective wall surrounding our main village, alleviating the pressures upon it, then why not continue? Let us construct additional settlements strategically positioned on each side of our village, maintaining a similar distance or, at most, a two-day journey away -exercising caution and prudence. Alternatively, we could reduce the distance to a one-day or six to eight hours' walk, once we have established a firm understanding and confident grasp of the task at hand."

Continuing, my tone now a soothing cadence, I added, "Once we have carefully put all the necessary elements in place, including well-established communication routes between the settlements, we can devote our time and efforts to the collective growth of our village. It will become abundantly clear that our main village, fortified by these secondary settlements, will stand as a stronghold of security and prosperity."

Having unveiled my thoughts, I exhaled deeply, allowing the weight of my words to settle upon the room. Time seemed to stretch as each person absorbed the magnitude of my proposal. Their composed demeanour and astute manner of processing my thoughts revealed the calibre of individuals they were -the very architects of our village's fate.

And suddenly, breaking the reverie, the village Chief's voice resonated through the room. "You've brought forth the idea of building another village, a vision that impresses me greatly. None of us had ever envisioned  such a thought to tackle the challenges posed by our growing numbers -a sentiment you surely understand, considering the dangers that surround us."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "However, besides the issue of increasing our numbers, which we might be able to manage considering our warriors have already unearthed plentiful clay sands to rebuild our village during their explorations, what about sustenance? Surely you don't believe that a thriving village relies solely on flourishing numbers alone?"

"Yes," the woman in her thirties retorted, her gaze piercing and focused on me. "Since it appears that you arrived here with all the solutions preconceived, then surely you have a solution for that as well." Her words carried a hint of mistrust, challenging the feasibility of my plans. 

However, not everyone in the room shared her scepticism; some were lost in deep contemplation, their attention drifting away from me.

In response to her challenge, I met her gaze directly and replied, "Expanding the farm is the answer. As the pressure on our main village decreases, we will extend the farm's territory to cover the entire forest." Memories of my training with Warrior Jean flooded my mind, recalling the trees I had encountered that bore both Kalna and Lipry fruits.

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