Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 203 Dariya's Company

Dariya chuckled lightly, responding with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Of course, I told him my name. Didn't you listen when I mentioned it to Sura and the others?" She raised a fiery red eyebrow playfully. "Or have you already forgotten?" Mrs Shani looked at Orion with newfound curiosity, similar to how she viewed Sura after discovering the same revelation.

Indeed, Mrs Shani vividly recalled the moment Dariya had mentioned that she had shared her name with more than just Sura. At the time, Mrs Shani hadn't bothered to inquire about the identities of the other two individuals, assuming they wouldn't be involved in the farm. 

However, as she connected the dots and realized that Orion was one of those individuals, coupled with his reputation and popularity, Mrs Shani couldn't help but elevate her opinion of him, surpassing even her regard for Sura. Her thoughts settled, solidifying her newfound admiration for Orion.

Observing that Orion seemed comfortable waiting for them and wouldn't be awkwardly eavesdropping on their conversation, Mrs Shani motioned for him to take a seat nearby, ensuring a respectful distance from where they were engaged in discussion. "Just give us a few more minutes, alright?" she requested. 

Orion nodded in understanding, releasing a contented sigh as he took the chance to ease his tired body. He extended his arms in a satisfying stretch before allowing his shoulders to relax, feeling the weariness settle in.

True to Mrs Shani's prediction, the meeting concluded within a mere twenty minutes. The discussions primarily revolved around crop selection, assigning specific soil plots, and the role of the tree nymphs in nurturing the crops and resolving any conflicts that arose between some of the tree nymphs and villagers working on the farm. 

Although these matters were crucial for the farm's productivity, Orion found himself disinterested in the details. With his eyes closed, he supported his head with both hands, lazily propping himself up on his elbow, as he allowed his mind to drift. Lost in his own thoughts, he was roused from his brief respite when Mrs Shani called out his name, drawing his attention back to the present.

Orion's eyes snapped open, instantly captivated by the two stunning women before him. Dariya beamed at him with her enchanting smile, radiating warmth, while Mrs Shani maintained her usual composed demeanour, her indifferent gaze fixed upon him. Mrs Shani, acknowledging her own exhaustion, expressed her regret, confessing that she lacked the energy to accompany him to where the other women were staying after such a taxing day. 

However, she quickly pointed towards Dariya, redirecting her gaze towards her, and continued, "But Dariya has kindly offered to ensure your safe arrival. Since you already know each other, I don't see any issues, do you?" Orion shook his head, agreeing with her statement. He empathized with Mrs Shani's fatigue, evident on her face, and acknowledged her genuine concern for his well-being.

"Alright then, let's start moving before you suddenly collapse and fall asleep right here," Dariya stood up abruptly, paying no mind to her flower-patterned dress riding up and revealing half of her two protruding ass cheeks. Meanwhile, Orion's attention remained unaffected by the revealing sight as he nodded groggily and rose from the ground. He stretched his limbs and let out a tired yawn, preparing himself to move forward. In his dazed state, his mind wandered back to the vivid dream he had just experienced moments ago, right before dozing off.

Within the dream, he found himself being chased by a furious and muscular Fiona, wielding a menacing machete. As she frantically searched for him in her otherworldly form, wisps of black threads coiled around her body, growing thicker by the minute. 

Orion attempted to flee and hide, but his desperate efforts were thwarted when he unexpectedly encountered Sura. In his dream, Sura promptly betrayed him, feeling hurt and neglected since he hadn't visited her for quite some time after proposing and accepting her as his partner.

Considering the validity of their reasons, Orion couldn't blame them for their actions within the dream. He simply hoped that such a distressing scenario would not manifest in reality.

And so, the weight of making amends in real life hung heavy on Orion's mind, knowing that he had to find a way to mend the strained relationships before his unsettling dream turned into a disturbing reality, where winning over Fiona seemed like an insurmountable task in a contest of strength.

As Orion and Dariya bid farewell to Mrs Shani and stepped out of the wooden hut, Dariya proposed, "Although I am aware of the route you guys have established, I can take us on a shortcut through the forest." Orion, feeling the weariness in his bones, nodded wearily in agreement, appreciating the idea of a faster path. With tomorrow's tasks to address, come what may, he decided to savour the tranquillity and beauty of the forest at night, following closely behind Dariya.

But, however, exhausted Orion may have been, he found himself unable to resist being captivated by the alluring sight of Dariya's immense ass cheeks, provocatively revealed by her dress that clung to her waist, riding up and encircling her firm ass. 

His weariness battled against the rising desire that stirred within him, causing an undeniable bulge in his tulga and an overwhelming curiosity about the biology of a tree nymph, whether they had a butt hole or not.

And also, despite the village chief's words echoing in his mind, Orion contemplated the blurred lines of his own rules, believing that tree nymphs fell outside the scope of the women he pursued -after all, they were not human women, were they?

Regardless of the conflicting thoughts swirling in his mind, Orion's curiosity intensified with each passing moment, propelling him purposefully forward until he stood beside Dariya. With cautious deliberation, Orion extended his left hand, its touch light and tender, as it encircled Dariya's waist, urging the hem of her dress higher. Mindful of the delicate nature of her flower, he refrained from making contact, fully aware of its sensitivity.

However, Orion's subtle movements didn't escape Dariya's notice. She swiftly turned her head, her eyes fixating on his hand encircling her waist, momentarily capturing her attention. Yet, after a few seconds, she redirected her gaze ahead, dismissing the significance of his action as unimportant. 

With a mixture of hope and a sense of discovery, Orion retracted his hand slightly before boldly plunging it into her ass crack, expecting to encounter the unseen shape of Dariya's butt hole. However, to his dismay, his hand met an abrupt and unexpected end, finding nothing more than a smooth, straight surface,  devoid of the anticipated contours that he had envisioned. 

A sense of disappointment washed over him, shattering his hopeful expectations in an instant. 'Well, that's unexpected,' Orion mused, his disappointment morphing into a wry acknowledgement. 

The notion of tree nymphs having their own 'Vaginas' as Flowers seemed peculiar, to say the least. Nevertheless, his attempt to explore Dariya's ass hole elicited an unexpected response as her laughter filled the air, breaking the tension. "Enough, it tickles," she exclaimed playfully. 

Orion paused for a moment, contemplating whether to heed her request, but an intriguing thought abruptly took hold of his mind, compelling him to continue his action. With renewed interest, he traced his fingers along the smooth, glowing orange line within Dariya's ass crack, his touch gentle yet curious.

"Hahahaha..." Dariya burst into uncontrollable laughter, her mirth filling the air as she collapsed on one knee, struggling to catch her breath. Orion quickly ceased his actions, puzzled by her reaction. Once Dariya regained her composure, she turned towards him, gasping for air and asking, "Why did you stop?" Orion arched an eyebrow, surprised by her request. "Do you want me to continue?" he asked, his original intentions taking an unexpected turn as it seemed Dariya had found the experience enjoyable.

Dariya eagerly nodded in agreement, admitting, "Yes, I want you to continue. I didn't expect it to tickle that much since I've never experienced anything like it before." She looked over her shoulder, her head turned back while her right hand held one of her large curvaceous butt cheeks, exposing it slightly. 

"But after such a stressful day and meeting, I needed something to help alleviate the stress," Dariya added, acknowledging the necessity of taking Orion back to his hut for some much-needed rest. The idea of engaging in that particular activity no longer captivated her interest. "Come on, let me accompany you back to your hut so you can get some well-deserved rest," she said, shifting her focus to her priorities.

Yet, Orion had different intentions as he observed Dariya standing up and carefully adjusting her flowery dress to cover her desirable, well-defined figure, before she proceeded ahead.

"If you truly want to relieve your stress, I can definitely help," Orion confidently stated as he quickened his pace, effortlessly catching up to Dariya. Without hesitation, he ensnared her in his embrace, his left arm encircling her slender waist. However, this time, his hands diverted their attention, venturing boldly onto her ample, succulent thighs, firmly gripping their enticing curves.

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