Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 200 The Village Chief's Arrival

Warrior Jean nodded solemnly, turning around to face Orion directly. "And in case you're not aware, this is a recurring occurrence after your training sessions. The warriors set up borders based on the location's direction to intercept and eliminate the Vylkr vines before they reach the river and cross into the village."

In that instant, Orion's mind froze, his eyes widening even further as he exclaimed, "We are on the other side of the river!"

Warrior Jean snorted in response. "Of course we are," he replied. "Did you really think the village or any of us warriors would wait until a two-star Vylkr vine reaches us and crosses over into the village before taking action?" Orion immediately turned and surveyed his surroundings, his gaze sweeping across the ashen black soil, the barren trees with their lifeless, blackish-grey leaves, and the various rocks and craters that littered the landscape. The stark contrast of these elements painted a vivid picture in Orion's mind, racing with thoughts as he glimpsed the other side of the river and realized what lay before him.

Observing Orion's reaction, Warrior Jean smiled and said, "Come on, we're going to get a closer look so you can witness firsthand the efforts and risks other warriors take for your training..."

But before he could finish his sentence, a piercing screech erupted in the vicinity, assaulting their ears and prompting them to instinctively cover them with their hands.

Orion's gaze was drawn upward to the source of the piercing noise, and to his astonishment, he beheld a bird larger than Gorg's own transformation. It was unlike any eagle he had seen before, evident from its distinctive shape and regal demeanour. As he approached for a closer look, he soon realized that this majestic creature was none other than a giant owl, its massive wings moving silently as it effortlessly glided through the night sky.

Had it not been for the shrill call they had heard earlier, and the owl's presence obstructing the moonlight, they might not have even noticed its sudden appearance.

"Chief..." Warrior Jean uttered in astonishment, his words barely audible. Orion, catching the murmured words, quickly deduced that the giant owl was the village chief's shapeshifting gift. It dawned on him that Aunt Greta must have alerted the village chief about his sudden disappearance, prompting them to launch a search and rescue mission to find him in this dangerous place.

In a sudden flurry, the wind surged around them, intensifying in velocity as the colossal owl gracefully descended, its wings fluttering silently.

With each descending flap, the majestic creature's form underwent a mesmerising metamorphosis, seamlessly transitioning until its mighty wings and feathery body transformed into the unmistakable figure of the Village Chief. The moment its talons made contact with the ground, the remarkable shape-shifting was complete, leaving their gazes locked on the Village Chief who now stood before them in his human form.

The Village Chief cast a stern gaze across the surroundings, his eyes scanning the area with an air of authority. Eventually, his intense gaze locked onto Orion, and then shifted to Warrior Jean, who happened to be standing closest to him since he had landed directly in front of him. 

However, upon seeing the Village Chief, Warrior Jean couldn't help but furrow his brows, curiosity evident on his face as he began to speak, "Chief..." Before he could finish his sentence, a tremendous force crashed down upon him, slamming into his head with incredible power. 

The impact sent him hurtling through the air, his body colliding with a tree and shattering its bark, effectively halting his motion and showcasing the sheer strength and might behind the devastating blow.

A resounding crash and a booming explosion reverberated through the air. Following the display of immense power, the Village Chief retracted his arm and approached Orion, his gaze sweeping over him from head to toe. "Are you alright?" he inquired, his genuine concern evident as he assessed the fatigue apparent in Orion's body. His eyes also fell upon the cutlass gripped tightly in Orion's hands, while the lifeless heaps of Two-Star Vylkr vines lay strewn in the distance behind him.

Orion nodded in relief, grateful that there was finally someone present to rescue him in case Warrior Jean had any sudden change of heart or unexpected intentions.

Meanwhile, Warrior Jean, who had been forcefully hurled into a tree by the chief's strike, slowly gathered himself and nursed his throbbing head. As he regained his composure, he decided to closely observe and confirm if it was indeed the village chief who had delivered the powerful blow. After confirming the chief's identity, Warrior Jean wearily collapsed onto the ground, taking a moment to rest before summoning the strength to rise and make his way back towards the others.

However, as the warrior approached him, the village chief could only let out a weary sigh, realizing that his impulsive act of attacking had been driven by frustration and anger in the heat of the moment.

"Chief... argh," Warrior Jean groaned. "I wasn't expecting you here."

The village chief let out a deep sigh and responded, "Jean, how could you have crossed to the other side of the river with him? Did you even bother to find out why he wasn't present at today's warrior training?" The chief asked, well aware of the possible reasons behind Warrior Jean's reaction. After all, there was a specific purpose behind selecting him as this year's teacher for the awakened novice warriors.

"Didn't he..." Warrior Jean began to speak, but hesitated and turned his gaze towards Orion. A slight furrow appeared on his brow as he asked, "Don't tell me you had an extremely reasonable excuse for not attending today's training?"

Witnessing the warrior's doubtful gaze, Orion nodded wearily while letting out a sigh of exhaustion. However, before he could delve into an explanation, he shifted his attention to the village chief, who promptly nodded and gestured for him to continue. 

With the chief's approval, Orion released another tired sigh and proceeded to provide Warrior Jean with a summarized account of everything that had transpired throughout the day. 

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