Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 191 Unexpected Revelation

"Yeah, I think this is it," Orion remarked, a vivid image of Aunt Greta's hut firmly etched in his mind. While the huts in the village shared a similar appearance, it was impossible for them to be completely identical, making it relatively easy for him to recognize the right one. As he walked alongside Ayla, something caught his attention- the distinct pattern of one hut per compound in the surrounding area. This observation led him to a realization that he hadn't noticed he passed through here: they had entered a wealthier neighbourhood within the village.

"So, can you figure out which hut Fiona stays in from here?" Ayla inquired, her eyes fixed on Orion, hoping for a positive response. Disappointingly, Orion shook his head in defeat, conveying his inability to identify Fiona's hut without uttering a single word.

Ayla nodded with understanding and took the lead, motioning for Orion to follow as they made their way towards Greta's hut. Upon reaching their destination, Ayla extended her hand and knocked on the door several times. However, her efforts were met with silence, prompting her to shake her head in defeat.

"We're too late," Ayla sighed, her voice filled with disappointment. "Mr Thak must have already taken her to the Village Chief's compound." Orion frowned at the realization, knowing that their only option now was to go door-to-door, knocking on each hut to find the right one.

While he didn't mind the task itself, his bare feet were starting to itch uncomfortably, aggravated by the scorching sun that intensified the discomfort. Time was of the essence, so Orion quickly shared his plan with Ayla, and they began the process of knocking on each hut in hopes of finding Fiona.

After visiting three huts, they finally reached the third one and rapped on its door. From inside, a familiar voice resonated, echoing a response, "I'm coming," and the door swung open, revealing the beautiful figure of Fiona, who looked at them in surprise.

"Orion..." Fiona uttered his name, her eyes widening with both surprise and confusion. Then she turned her gaze to Ayla and repeated the same astonished reaction, "Ayla." Gathering her thoughts, Fiona finally voiced her question, her eyes scanning their faces intently, "What are the two of you doing here?".

"Can we come inside first?" Orion was the first to speak, his eyes locked with Fiona's as he awaited her response. He watched as she furrowed her brow in confusion, her curiosity sparked. Finally, Fiona nodded her head, her expression a mixture of bewilderment and interest, and she swung the door open wide enough for the two of them to enter. 

Stepping inside, they were greeted by the comforting embrace of the hut's interior. Fiona closed the door behind them and motioned for Orion and Ayla to take a seat on the mat in the middle of the room. Fiona's eyes gleamed with genuine curiosity, as it was not every day that she received visitors of such importance. To have the village chieftess's personal servant and one of the most renowned graduates of this year's awakening ceremony visiting her simultaneously left her genuinely surprised, eager to unravel the purpose of their unexpected visit.

As Orion contemplated where to begin, he couldn't shake off the urgency to clear up everything immediately. He knew that if they left any room for doubt, they might find themselves in yet another episode of him trying to explain the complex situation of Fiona carrying his child, akin to the encounters with Thak and the Village Chief. 

And truth be told, he wasn't in the mood to go through that ordeal again. The entire afternoon had been consumed by unexpected circumstances, starting from his early morning awakening to dealing with the sudden turn of events, followed by a rather intense meeting with the Village Chief. Orion's weariness hung heavy in the air, adding to his eagerness to get everything resolved swiftly.

Taking a deep breath, Orion decided to lay it all out for Fiona without giving her a chance to respond or allowing the surprise to fully register on her face. "We came here to bring you to the village chief's compound, to have a healer check you, because I believe you might be carrying my child," he blurted out, delivering the news in one swift declaration. Before taking his time to once again, explain all the necessary details to her.

Fiona's face underwent a rapid transformation, from disbelief to contemplation, as Orion's words sank in. The idea that a single encounter, where Orion released his 'semen' inside her, could potentially result in pregnancy left her astounded. She couldn't help but rub her stomach, lost in thought, as her attention shifted from Orion to Ayla. The presence of both of them here affirmed the truth in Orion's revelation. Doubting his words seemed pointless, as she couldn't fathom why they would go to such lengths to deceive her or share such an expensive lie.

Finally, Fiona nodded in understanding, though traces of doubt still lingered on her face. She inquired, "So, when am I supposed to leave for the village chief's compound?" Orion wasted no time in responding, "Right away. That's precisely why we're here- to bring you immediately and figure out our next steps." Ayla chimed in, adding, "Yes, it's important that we leave right away. The village chief and the others are waiting for us as we speak."

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Fiona made a quick decision to nod her head in agreement and join Orion and Ayla outside her hut. There was no time to waste in settling her thoughts, so she would have to gather her composure along the way, before reaching the village chief's compound. Perhaps during their journey, she could uncover the reason behind Fiona the well woman's absence from the well for the past two days, with no one having caught sight of Fiona or knowing her whereabouts.

Still, despite the nagging thought of her recent inability to fetch water from the well and the inconvenience of having to rely on the market square, Fiona's attention was quickly drawn back to her supposed pregnancy. Absentmindedly rubbing her stomach, she stole a glance at Orion, the source of this unexpected twist, as they continued their journey towards the village chief's compound.

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