Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 187 Outstanding Revelations

"You're here," the village chief expressed, his tone carrying a mix of relief and concern.

"Where else would I be? After hearing a news like that, I couldn't stay away," retorted the village chieftess, her face etched with a deep frown as she fixed her gaze upon the village chief. Then, she turned to me, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes, and remarked, "And you, you never cease to amaze with your continuous stream of fresh surprises, surpassing even your previous ones, don't you?"

A wry smile tugged at my lips as the village chieftess continued to speak, her words laced with curiosity and anticipation. However, before I could utter a single word, the village chief intervened abruptly.

"Not now, Zara," he interjected, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "If you have something to say, let's discuss it when I return home. Then again, if you insist on speaking with the boy immediately, please wait until he's available. This is an immensely serious matter that requires my undivided attention to solve."

To my surprise, the village chieftess simply nodded in understanding, defying my expectations of a heated argument. However, she wasted no time in responding with a suggestion that caught the village chief off guard.

"Well, since I'm already here, I might as well have the healers check if Ayla is pregnant too," she proposed. The village chief's eyebrows shot up in astonishment, his frown deepening to unprecedented levels.

"What do you mean, check if Ayla is also pregnant?" he questioned, his gaze shifting towards Ayla, who visibly avoided his eyes. He swiftly redirected his attention to the village chieftess, awaiting an explanation. With a knowing smile, she began to unravel the unexpected turn of events.

"When I called for Oroin earlier, while he came to see you, I noticed that his penis was stiff and it seemed to distract him. So, I offered Ayla's assistance to help him find release, allowing us to proceed with our conversation. But now..." Her voice trailed off momentarily as she glanced briefly in my direction, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Little did we know that he would end up impregnating my dear Ayla."

As the village chieftess locked eyes with the village chief once more, his gaze shifted to me, intense and penetrating. It felt as if he were attempting to bore a hole right through my body. However, after a few moments, he shook his head and let out a tired sigh. Using his fingers to massage his forehead, he rubbed it for a while before releasing another weary breath. Finally, he turned his attention to me and posed a crucial question.

"Are there any other women you suspect might be pregnant?"

As he posed the question bluntly, I couldn't bring myself to meet his gaze with the same bluntness and confess the names of all the women I may have gotten pregnant. Nonetheless, I cleared my throat to alleviate the tension in the air and proceeded to respond, my voice laced with a hint of certainty.

"Seven," I admitted. The village chief echoed the number with a touch of surprise resonating in his voice, repeating the word, "Seven."

With a firm nod of agreement, I cleared my throat, preparing myself to divulge the identities of the women involved. I started the list with Grandma Celia, as she was the first woman I had fucked when I first arrived in this world, although Aunt Greta didn't count since I merely gave her an anal. Continuing down the line, I mentioned my sister, Grandma Vivian, followed by my mother and Fiona, who served as our instructor. Finally, I concluded the enumeration with Ayla and Grandma Ingrid.

However, to my surprise, the village chief's reaction surpassed what I had anticipated. His eyes widened, and his eyebrows formed a sharp line as he stared at me intently, his voice filled with a mix of incredulity and contemplation. "At this point, I can't help but wonder if you're simply too stingy to indulge in kushi within your own generation or if you possess a bold shamelessness that allows you to penetrate women with several generations older than you without batting an eye," he said.

After I had revealed the identities of the women I had penetrated, I also noticed a look of disbelief on Ayla's face. Yet, despite her reaction, my mind drifted towards the village chief's words, unravelling the subtle truths hidden within them. It dawned on me that I had never truly paid for kushi whenever I penetrated a woman. Reflecting on my encounters, especially with the older ladies who saw my actions as an opportunity rather than an imposition, I couldn't label myself as stingy. Instead, I had been cautiously seeking a way to satisfy my desires without explicitly treating it as a transaction.

The realization washed over me, evoking a surprising sense of satisfaction. It was remarkable to think that I had managed to enjoy such encounters without spending a single dime, while still indulging in the pleasures I desired.

"But you know what," the village chief exclaimed, shaking his head with a wry smile playing on his lips, "The fact that you possess such a strange test, unlike other men, should be the least surprising revelation after everything you have shown us." 

With those words, he concluded our conversation and led the three of us into the hut. Inside, I witnessed an array of leaves and kalna fruits carefully arranged before Reena, my mother, and Grandma Celia. In a moment, I recognized them as special herbs, judging by the attentive manner in which the healers pointed out the ones to be consumed first. 

After we stepped into the room, their actions halted, and all eyes turned towards us. It was then that the village chief delivered a speech, emphasizing the utmost importance of secrecy and warning them against sharing or disclosing anything they had witnessed or heard. His commanding presence and the implicit threat within his words revealed another facet of the village chief- a man who wouldn't hesitate to employ force if his instructions were taken lightly. It was essential to bear that aspect of his character in mind, considering I would be interacting with him extensively from now on. 

After addressing the healers and ensuring his message was understood by both the women and the guards, the village chief turned to Thak and instructed, "Fetch Greta immediately. Inform her that her services are urgently required, and she should be prepared to spend the night on the farm if necessary." Thak nodded in acknowledgement and swiftly departed, accompanied by two guards who trailed behind him.

After addressing the others, the village chief's attention shifted to me, and he uttered with a hint of sternness "And you, since you chose to neglect your warrior training and failed to inform me of this issue beforehand, you have until evening to locate every woman you may have penetrated." Observing the firm expression on his face and the composed inflexion in his voice, I could sense that he was finding a way to personally exert some of his stress upon me without overtly displaying it. 

Nevertheless, it wasn't a difficult or critical task, as I had already planned to undertake it on my own initiative even without his instruction. Thus, I nodded in understanding, watching as his gaze shifted towards Ayla and the village chieftess. "Ayla will accompany him, as she is the most familiar with the village's roads," he directed his words to his wife. Without hesitation, she nodded in agreement to the village chief's words and instructed Ayla to take care of me and remain by my side. With that, I silently conveyed my understanding to my mother and the rest of the group, knowing they had heard the entire conversation, before turning on my heel and exiting the room, with Ayla faithfully accompanying me.

We strolled out of the hut in unison, and it was only when we had traversed a large distance after crossing the village chief's compound gates that Ayla finally broke the silence. "So, I'm going to be pregnant," she murmured, her gaze fixated on her stomach as her hand gently caressed the bare skin, a mixture of surprise and wonder in her eyes. 

Then, abruptly, she turned her head towards me, locking her gaze with mine, and her words spilt on, "Thank you." Her smile surpassed the sweetness I had witnessed on that evening when I had brutally penetrated her. With a gentle motion, she lowered her hand from her stomach and shook her head, continuing, "Honestly, I never thought I would experience pregnancy in my entire life, so I just want to express my gratitude once again." The radiant smile lingered on her face as we continued to walk forward.

Truthfully, witnessing her transformed demeanour, so gentle and serene, in stark contrast to the stoic and impassive facade she wore in the presence of the village chieftess,never failed to captivate me. The way she moved, her extremely seductive figure swaying from side to side, emphasising every curve, left me spellbound. Lost in contemplation, I pondered my next steps, carefully weighing the consequences, until I finally reached a resolution. Lowering the tone of my voice, I calmly asked, "Is that all?".

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