Videogame: I Can Turn Waste Into Treasure

Chapter 345 - 345: The Battle Of The Guild Leaderboard Begins!

Chapter 345: The Battle Of The Guild Leaderboard Begins!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

During the time spent in the mysterious cave, Han Xing had a deeper understanding of his inner potential, which gave him the mysterious talent of extraordinary Comprehension.

He knew that the potential of this talent was endless and needed continuous exploration and comprehension.

Before leaving the cave, he deeply felt this inner strength again and confirmed that he had completely mastered the way to use this energy.

As he went deeper into the cave, the surrounding air began to flow as if welcoming his departure.

Han Xing strode out of the mysterious and deep cave.

Returning to the Mad Dragon Guild, Han Xing felt a sense of familiarity.

In the guild hall, North Star and the other members were waiting for his return.

Seeing Han Xing appear, everyone came up to him excitedly.

“Guild Master, you’re finally back!” White Jade Snow Orchid said happily.

“Yeah, I was worried to death,” One Sword Horizon said. “You’ve been gone for a few days. Everyone was worried sick.”

“Guild Master, where did you go? Is there anything we can help you with?” asked Turban Qiaoqiao.

Facing everyone’s concerns and questions, Han Xing felt a warm feeling in his heart. He replied, “Thank you. I did have some things to take care of. But I’m back now.”

He smiled and looked at everyone. Then, he reassured them, “I’m fine. Sorry for making everyone worry.”

“Guild Master, you’ve missed out on some important things.”

Fourteen Continents interjected, “Our elite team performed outstandingly in the competition and successfully advanced into the top 100 of the guild leaderboard!”

“Really? That’s great!” Han Xing was happy with the results of the elite team.

He praised, “You guys did very well!”

North Star nodded in agreement and said, “Yes. Everyone has been working hard. This is all thanks to Guild Master.”

Han Xing looked at everyone’s excited expressions and felt extremely gratified.

He knew that during his absence, everyone could work together as one.

This also made him full of confidence in the future of the Mad Dragon Guild.

“Alright, since Guild Master is back, let’s continue preparing for the next match.” North Star suggested.

Everyone expressed their agreement. They knew that the upcoming competition was of utmost importance to the Mad Dragon Guild.

Han Xing looked at his team members, who were filled with fighting spirit, and sighed inwardly.

He knew that these efforts were all to realize the glory and dreams of the Mad Dragon Guild.

He decided to apply his understanding in the mysterious cave to the competition and lead everyone to achieve better results!

It would definitely make the Mad Dragon Guild stand out in the game world!

Two weeks had passed by the time Han Xing returned, and the battle for the guild leaderboard was still in full swing.

Although he was not around, the Mad Dragon Guild still relied on the powerful God Gamer players and elite members. With the support of the silver and gold grade equipment he left behind before he left, they won consecutively and successfully entered the top 100 of the guild leaderboard.

This series of victories increased the confidence of the members of the guild. They showed the spirit of unity and cooperation in the competition. Everyone performed at their best and fought for the glory of the guild.

However, the crucial battle was about to begin – the elimination round!

The elimination round meant that the top 100 guilds would have to match each other and fight for the best of three matches. Each match could only have a maximum of 10 members, and the same member could not play consecutively.

Only those who won two rounds would be able to advance to the top 50, while the losers would linger in the top 100!

When Han Xing returned, the atmosphere in the hall was tense and excited.

North Star and the other core members had been maintaining the morale and order of the guild, but everyone knew the importance of this elimination round.

“Everyone, the elimination round is about to begin.”

North Star’s voice resounded throughout the hall. He continued, “Although our results in the top 100 are impressive, this is a critical moment. We can’t relax at all.”

Everyone responded in unison, their solemn expressions revealing their determination and fighting spirit.

Han Xing also felt the tension.

He looked at the members in the hall and took a deep breath. He said, “Everyone has worked hard. During the time I was away, all of you did very well.”

“Guild Master!” The members of the elite team cheered.

Han Xing smiled and nodded. He continued, “Our opponents will become stronger and stronger, but we cannot be afraid. We have the unity and faith of the Mad Dragon Guild. Believe in ourselves and believe in each other. We will definitely win!”

The first round of the elimination round was about to begin.

Every member was preparing for the match. They had done their homework and fully understood the tactics and characteristics of the opposing guild.

North Star and the other core members were arranging their battle tactics, combining everyone’s strengths and areas of expertise to design the most powerful battle tactics.

The moment the match began, the entire hall fell silent.

Every battle tugged at everyone’s heartstrings. Han Xing was also sitting at the side, watching the match intently.

With each victory, the morale of the guild members continued to rise, but each defeat also became a tougher challenge for the opponents.

“We won the first round!” North Star shouted excitedly, and the hall immediately erupted into cheers.

Han Xing also smiled, his eyes filled with pride and anticipation.

This elimination round was just the beginning. He knew that every member of the guild would go all out and fight for a common goal.

This was the key step towards glory for the Mad Dragon Guild!

The elimination round had entered a new phase. The remaining guilds were mostly familiar faces.

Some guilds had a good relationship with the Mad Dragon Guild, such as the Watercloud Guild and the Benevolent Guild. They supported each other in this competition.

However, some factions were irreconcilable with the Mad Dragon Guild, such as the King’s Guild, the White Rainbow Guild, and so on. Their confrontation was even more intense.

Other than these familiar guilds, there were also a large number of new faces joining the competition.

Han Xing knew this situation like the back of his hand.

He knew that the background of these new guilds was much more complicated than it seemed. They had the support of domestic and foreign consortiums, including the overseas financial families, the domestic Shangguan family, the Murong family, and even the Wang family, the Shan family, and the Meng family of the Northern Province.

The addition of this major league made the competition in the knockout rounds even more intense.

The Mad Dragon Union was not only facing a game competition but also a competition between the various families.

In the elimination match, the competition between the Mad Dragon Guild and the various family alliances was fierce.

Every battle was a perfect combination of team cooperation and individual strength!

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