Versatile System Online

Chapter 154 Bloodline Transformation (Part 1)

"Aurora come clear or else I am using that," Ray warned, frustration evident in his voice.

As for Aurora, she stayed silent. She didn't know what to say because she knew that the situation Ray was in. Even if he used that transformation of his, it won't be of much use.

"That's it. I am using it, I don't care if I won't be able to control it because if this thing gets out of control, the whole academy is in danger. Even the dean won't be able to stop this surge of energy in time. It would at least crumble half of the academy into dust before the dean stops it," Ray spoke as he looked at the time pillar of energy in front of him.

The energy in that pillar kept on increasing and right now, it had increased to the point that it rivaled the energy of a calamity.

Ray closed his eyes, concentrating on his mana core. He slowly directed the flow of his bloodline energy and influenced it towards his mana core.

However, instead of hurrying it like last time; he did it slowly and with more precision and care.

The bloodline energy slowly entered the core and started filling it. With the bloodline energy filling the core, the core changed as multiple runes started to appear on it.

The runes aligned together as they formed the outline of a strange creature. The creature had a humanoid shape with draconic features. Due to the runes being very faint, only some of its features such as the membranous wings and the horns on its head were visible.

With the mana core changing, Ray's body also exhibited certain changes. His skin started to change as faint scales started to appear on it.

"Arghhhh" Ray suddenly cried out of pain, crouching down; blood started to pour out of his back as a pair of wings erupted from it.

"Ray! Listen to me. Don't lose consciousness. Just bear with it," Aurora spoke as she decided to come clean,

"Okay, so this is the thing. The Goblin Queen has used her skill as the boss of this dungeon to sacrifice half of her life span in order to gain the strength of the whole dungeon. By doing this, she is dissolving the dungeon and absorbing whatever energy is released from doing that. Though, there is a huge amount of energy being lost in the environment,"

"Ray, I am afraid that this would speed up the merge,"

As Aurora said this, she hoped that Ray would listen and be sane enough to understand what her words implied.

"O..Ok..Okay," Ray spoke, his voice weak as he barely muttered a single word.

However, Ray held on. He held on with the pain he felt. He held on to it as he felt his whole body was changing and that for him it was the same as being assaulted with millions of needles puncturing his blood vessels continuously.

He held on with all of this just because of one reason.

The fact that he had to stop the Goblin Queen before it is too late and stop the acceleration of merge so he could go back to his mother and sister to make some final preparations for the coming apocalypse.

As the thoughts revolved in his mind, his body continued to change. The wings grew even more as the wingspan increased to a whopping 5 meters. The wings had grown so much that they covered a good part of the surface.

However, it was not only his wings that had grown as his body also grew in size. His muscles tensed as his height increased by another meter. His pupils also changed as a greyish streak shone in them.

Other than that, his bloodline weapons; the Void Gauntlets and the Void Bracers also appeared on his body as they integrated into his very flesh.


Ray's screams resounded in the whole corridor as the process continued.

After a whole ten minutes of physical and mental torture, his screams receded as his body had finally finished transforming.

Right now, Ray stood at a whopping 3 meters tall with a built beefier than before. His body was bare as one could clearly see the sturdy muscles in full display.

His whole body had a greyish luster as the faint scales shone even more intensely than before. His pupils had turned into slits with greyish-golden particles revolving within them.

The particles revolved in a manner that resembled a starry void continuously revolving to form a whirlpool.

Apart from all these changes, there was another noticeable change. While transforming, his body released a huge amount of energy which later accumulated into small greyish shards.

Those shards hovered around him like moons around a planet.

As for his wings, they were the same as his pupils with greyish-golden streaks all over them.

Looking at Ray, he seemed to have adapted a lot of features from the Void Dragon "Mag'ladroth". Hence, proving that currently, the Void Dragon was more dominant and that the rest of his bloodline hadn't awakened yet.


Outside The Dungeon,

The Dean's office,

The dean sat in his chair, looking at the paperwork as he pulled his hair in frustration.

Suddenly, sensing something; he snapped his head in the direction of the dungeon as his eyes lit up.

"Prometheus, something has happened at the dungeon," His System appeared as the Old Demon spoke.

With the Demon having a look of worry on its face, it concerned the dean even more.

After all, he had rarely seen the Old Demon be worried about something and whenever the Old Demon had that expression, it wasn't something to be taken lightly.

"What happened," The dean asked,

"A huge amount of energy is being emitted from the dungeon, of which; some is being released into the Earth's atmosphere. If this continues, it would bring premature integration of mana which in turn would lead to the world being merged with System Online at a faster rate," Old Demon spoke as he presented his hypothesis.

"Also, nothing is confirmed as it could cause nothing or have even more disastrous results since we have little to no data," The Demon added.

"Well, we can't take any risks," The dean replied as he stood up from his chair.

"Booom" Blasting through the roof, he flew off as he left the office and rushed into the direction of the dungeon.

While on his way to the dungeon, the dean took out his phone and called Old Man Abraham,

"Abraham, listen to me very carefully…" The dean spoke as he narrated the whole matter.

"Okay, what are your orders," Old Man Abraham asked.

"Ready the whole force and put the Academy on Red Alert. The classes will be canceled and the Elite Class students of Year Two and all Third Year students are to be on standby in case of emergency. Whereas, all the instructors and professors who are at the Calamity Realm are to head towards the dungeon. As for the rest, tell them to guard the Academy," The dean ordered.

Cutting the call, he dialed another number as he called Amanda,

"Did you sense it," Amanda questioned right after she picked up the call.

"Yes, I am heading over there at this moment," The Dean answered as added, "You also be there. I might require your assistance in clearing out the area,"

"Prometheus don't tell me you are going to use it," Amanda asked, her voice filled with worry as memories started to flash through her mind.

The scenes of carnage that occurred when Prometheus used the full extent of his power, she remembered even now.

"I am sorry Amanda but the situation might require it," He answered, his voice filled with guilt as he knew how much destruction it caused.

"But what about the merge? Wouldn't it fasten if you use your powers as a celestial?" She asked, trying to make it so the dean wouldn't use his full strength.

"If I don't, then the merge might even happen right away," The dean answered,

"Also, don't worry. I know what I did and I carry that guilt with me every day. I have gained better control over it and can now stop myself from consuming their souls," The dean added as he consoled Amanda.

"Okay, if you say so," Amanda replied, reluctantly believing him; she had no choice but to agree with the dean as she knew,

That for one to gain something, one has to sacrifice something. But this time, they weren't gaining anything but fighting for what they already had.

Cutting the call, the dean dialed another number as he phoned the head nurse,

"What's the situation? Have all of them returned?" The dean asked the moment the call was picked up.

"Almost everyone is here. Only one team remains missing," The head nurse answered.

"Okay," The dean said as he cut the call. Very well knowing that it was Ray along with his team that was still in the dungeon.

With that, he hurried towards the dungeon while Ray's teammates finally reached the boss room where they saw a very peculiar scene in front of them.

"What the fuck happened to him?,"


A/N:- Enjoy!!! The discord is almost done.

Also, don't forget to vote ;p

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