Versatile System Online

Chapter 148 Onwards To The Next Floor

"Thudd" Throwing Sirius like a sack, Ray walked forward and sat down on the ground.

"Don't heal him. He will be fine," Ray said, stopping Aliya from healing him as he motioned her to have a look at him.

And sure enough, as Ray had said; Even though Sirius looked to be in shambles with his clothes in tatters while his body seemed to be covered in scars with patches of blood that had dried all over his skin. It all looked like that, but slowly; those scars were being healed as Sirius's body was regenerating itself.

"But...How?" Confused, Aliya asked. She couldn't understand how someone who looked to be in such a condition would be able to heal themselves, that too without any external help.

"It's his vitality doing the work. I just provided him with some raw meat and let his werewolf self do the healing," Ray answered, his expression calm as he knew about Sirius's uncanny ability to regenerate his health as long as he had some raw meat to munch on.

"By the way, where did you find the time to feed him? No... first tell me, where did you get the meat from? Don't tell me you fed him goblin meat," Aliya asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion, she suspected that Ray might have done something fishy.

"Oh... The meat. I always keep raw meat in my spatial storage, which comes in handy at times. Also, don't worry about where I got the time to feed him the meat as while I was bringing him here, I just opened his mouth and stuffed the meat inside. The rest was done by him," Ray replied.

"Okay... As you say so," Aliya said, trying to accept his reasoning. She just couldn't seem but think that, "Isn't it a bit too convenient for him? Everything he does, there is always some sort of backup plan for his actions," her brain churned as multiple theories came to her mind.

"Does he have some sort of prediction ability? Or is he some genius who can think of everything or is just cautious?" She kept on thinking but sadly, Aliya couldn't think of a good explanation for Ray's uncanny luck and precautious nature.

"Aliya, where are you? Come back to reality,"

"huh?" Alpha snapped from her thoughts as she saw Ray standing in front of her, waving his hands at her as he tried to pull her out into reality.

"Oh... Sorry, I was thinking of something," Aliya excused as she turned around hurriedly and walked off.

"Such a strange girl," Looking at her being this awkward, Ray muttered.

After that, Ray looked at everyone and noticed that almost everyone was on the ground, sleeping soundly as they rested to their heart's content.

"To think that they would think of resting at such times," Ray thought as he opened his mouth and shouted at the top of his voice, "Wake Upp!!! Get your asses out here everyone," He shouted loudly.

His voice resounded throughout the whole floor as it woke everyone up.

Sirius, Tim, Aella, Emma, and the others abruptly woke up. Holding their ears in pain, they looked at Ray as if he was some sort of torturer who had snatched their prized possession.

"What? Why are you all staring at me like that? Get ready, we have a dungeon to clear," Ray looked at them and spoke, his voice stern as he coldly reprimanded them.

"For God's sake Ray, at least cut some slack," Elina walked by and said.

"Nope, no rest until we clear the tenth floor," Ray replied, his hands crossed over his chest as he looked at them stoically.

Seeing him like that, Elina and the others didn't bother as they all stood up and started to get ready for the next floor.

"I hope everyone gets out of here safely,"

As everyone was getting ready for the next floor, Ray's voice sounded as he sighed in exhaustion.

Right now, his voice sounded different from before as the previous cold and harsh attitude was gone while all that was left was a weak and defeated sigh that somehow tugged their heartstrings.

Listening to his voice, everyone turned around as they saw him.

They saw Ray, standing in his place with his shoulders broad and his back as straight as ever. However, this time; they could feel something different.

This time, they could feel the weight Ray carried. They could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, the weight that came with the truth, the weight that came with power.

They could feel it all as slowly, as Ray's image changed to a weak flame that carried the responsibility of the whole world.

Even as the harsh winds blew against it, the flame persisted over time; it got stronger as the flame turned into a raging fire that threatened to consume everything.

Blinking their eyes, they snapped out of the illusion. As they did, they felt a renewed will in their hearts. It was the will to fight for their world, for their people, for humanity. It was the will to get stronger and be present for their world when it would need them the most.

With that, their expression grew fiercer as they hurriedly readied themselves to clear the rest of the dungeon.

"Now that's a nice effect," Ray muttered as he concealed his aura and made the illusion disappear.

What happened right now was something that Ray did. Ray had relegated a bit of his aura and infused it into the surroundings. Then, using the influence of his aura; he sparked his emotions into it by releasing a little amount of mana and after that, he conveyed those emotions to the others.

Hence, making them all feel the same way he did.

"Yeah, it's a good way to motivate them but don't you dare use this method constantly because if used excessively, this method could permanently induce your ideals into them. That is why this spell is semi-forbidden," Aurora spoke as she cautioned him for the umpteenth time.

She did so because she knew how dangerous the spell was.

As for how she knew? She did so because she had some memory of her earlier life -before getting imprisoned into darkness- when strong kings and leaders had used this spell to pass their ideals onto their people.

Doing so, they also passed on a portion of their personality and their ambitions too.

Later on, this caused their people to adopt a personality similar to theirs. Due to this, those countries and organizations were ruined as the people of that country or organization finished it from the inside. All because they were following the ideals of someone else and had forgotten about their purpose in life.

Aurora still remembered when there was one person who passed on his greed to his underlings.

Due to that man's actions, a whole continent was destroyed as his underlings had killed everyone there just so they could satisfy their greed.

In the end, they killed their leader out of greed and later on they killed each other. Just so, they could have what the other had.

Remembering those times, Aurora still shivered all over as those were some of the memories that she wished to forget.

"Just remember Ray. Never use this spell until necessary. Or else, I would block this spell from the System," she cautioned Ray and also gave him an ultimatum.

"Okay," Ray merely nodded as he perfectly understood what she meant.

Ray knew that if Aurora was this precautious towards something, it might be something that is either too dangerous or too delicate to handle.

While Ray chatted with Aurora, the rest of the teammates had prepared themselves as they all stood in front of Ray.

Sirius stood in the front as he directly faced Ray and behind him was Noah, then Elina, Noah, Emma, Tim, Aella, and the rest behind Aella.

"Good, now listen to the plan for the next floor," Ray looked at them as he spoke. Taking a pause, he continued, "The next floor is going to be tricky as it would have goblins that are just below the final boss in terms of strength. Also, there could be some new types of goblins as well. Therefore, I want you all to be alert at all times," Ray said.

"One more thing, I know you all have gotten stronger these last few days, but mark my words that the monsters in this dungeon have gotten even stronger,"

"You all know about how this dungeon is constantly evolving and so are the monsters in this dungeon. Therefore, I expect you all to give it your best and even cross your limits as the monsters we would face there would be ones who will be at the precipice of evolving and crossing into the next realm. That's why, you all should be alert of the monster, and don't you dare underestimate them," Ray said as he concluded his speech.

Doing so, he looked at them and asked, "All clear,"

"Yes sir!!" The others answered his question zealously as they all shouted at the top of their lungs, showing their enthusiasm; they all showed Ray that they were ready to fight and not afraid of what was to come next as they all marched onwards to the next floor.


A/N:- I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Also, I will be doing some mass releases in the next month. Therefore, vote and gift as much as you all could so I could upload more chapters.

Also, sorry for being the bringer of bad news, but no bonus chapter today as I have an urgent function to attend today.

I promise to make up for it in the coming week.

Have fun!!!

Also, mentions in the next chapter.

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