Versatile System Online

Chapter 145 A Young Maiden's Love

Dungeon Entrance,

Outside the dungeon gate, the dean floated above the ground as a hundred people stood in front of him.

All of those people were different, some were teachers currently teaching in the academy. Some were instructors while the others were staff members. There were also a few military soldiers who were called by the dean for assistance.

As the dean floated in the air, Old Man Abraham came by his side and whispered into his ear,

"Only two teams are left and also…" The Old Man whispered and then silently stood besides the dean.

Listening to the Old Man, the dean nodded in agreement as he cleared his throat and addressed everyone.

"Ahum… First of all, I would thank everyone for being here on such short notice. Therefore, you all have my gratitude.

As for why I called you all, it's because I need your assistance and all of you are veterans who have fought against countless monsters.

Therefore, I request you all to do one thing and that is to clear the dungeon behind me. This dungeon has evolved from a dungeon in the Mortal Realm and is now in the Magical Realm. Whereas, the boss of this dungeon is a very tricky one too," The dean said as he paused, letting his words sink in; he looked at every person that stood in front of him and checked their expressions.

This way, the dean could judge from their expressions if they were up for helping the Academy in dungeon clearance.

As for why? The dean needed people who were willing to help out in clearing the dungeon whatever the consequences.

After all, the dean was sure that there were many spies hidden amongst the people in front of him. Therefore, to filter them out; the dean decided to have their reactions before revealing any more information about the dungeon.

Moreover, all of the people in front of him were not above the Magical Realm. Therefore, to them, clearing a dungeon that had monsters in the Magical Realm whereas the boss might as well be a Pseudo-Calamity Realm expert.

The dean waited silently as he observed everyone. After making sure that everyone had made their choices and were clear of their choices, the dean spoke loudly as he said,

"Also, there is a high chance of casualties. Therefore, you all are free to leave but remember that doing so, it might affect your positions and work opportunities in the future,"

Saying that, the dean lifted his hand and said, "You have five seconds to finalize your decision. If not, then I will consider it as you not taking part in clearing the dungeon.

Listening to the dean, everyone stood there; confused over what the dean had spoken of.

After all, half of the things that the dean spoke of didn't make any sense at all while the rest of his words were very vague and senseless.

However, they all understood one thing and that was; That the dungeon was dangerous and there was a high risk of them dying while clearing it.

Soon, the people parted into two groups. Those on the left were the ones who were ready to help in clearing the dungeon while those on the right were the ones who had refused to do so.

"Okay, so that who have refused; please leave and also remember, whatever happens next. Neither I nor the Academy would be responsible," Dropping this bomb, the dean turned to the ones who had accepted and were ready to help.

"I am very grateful to you all. That you showed determination and conviction to clear the dungeon. Therefore, as a reward; whatever you find while clearing the dungeon will belong to you and the Academy wouldn't look into it. However, if there is something you want to trade in for the items found in the dungeon, the academy would happily offer you a good price for your items,"

The dean said and added, "Also, for more information about the dungeon; you could consult Abraham over here. He will guide you about everything," Saying this, the dean floated higher and,

"Whoosh," The wind blew as he turned into a streak of light and disappeared.

"Fu*k you!! Prometheus," Old Man Abraham muttered in anger as the deal had pushed all the responsibility to him and had fled to who knows where.


Within The Dungeon,

Eighth Floor,

Ray slowly opened his eyes, his eyes different as strange as a void could be seen flowing within his pupils.

Blinking once, the void disappeared as his eyes turned back to normal.

"I can sense it better now," Muttering, Ray stood up as he stretched his limbs.

Doing so, he looked around himself as he observed his surroundings. "Seems like Sirius woke up," He thought as Sirius was nowhere to be found while the place where he laid previously was empty.

Other than that, he saw Elina, Tim, and Noah leaning besides a wall; snoring as they slept as if they had no care about the world.

A couple of meters away from them, Aella sat on a rock as she cleaned her bow and sharpened her arrows.

Seeing Aella, a smile came across his face as his expression lightened up.

"Hii!" Ray said as he approached her, "Did you rest?" Ray politely asked.

"Oh.. hii, how are you? And yes, I rested well. Though, you know that it's just not the same as back home," Aella answered.

"I can understand that. You know, I think that it's actually good that we; as fighters should be used to being in the wild as there is no guarantee about what situation we may find ourselves in the future," Ray told her, his words cryptic as he gave her hints.

The hints were for her so she could be prepared for the future. After all, Ray wasn't straightforward enough to say on her face that within a month, the world would be more dangerous than ever with calamities happening everywhere while the apocalypse would arrive within the time span of a few months.

"Yep, you are right. I should get more used to being in the wild. After all, for an archer like me; the most important thing is the surroundings. Thank you for your advice," Aella said; her face full of joy as she warmly smiled at him.

Seeing her smile like that, another person came to his mind. That person was the youngest princess of the Rysal Empire; Princess Rose. Ray and she had been in touch for a long time and even though he hadn't met her in a long time, her smile still stayed in his mind.

Remembering the princess, Ray smiled as he thought to himself, "I will go meet with her as soon as this ends,"

While Ray was lost in his thoughts, his smile still remained as it captivated Aella.

Seeing his smile, a blush crept up on Aella's face to the point that the tips of her ears turned red.

"Calm down Aella… calm down," Aella told herself as she tried to calm her unstable emotions.

"Ray…" Aurora interrupted, her consciousness waking Ray up from his thoughts as Ray came back to reality.

Coming to his senses, he looked at Aella and he saw her smiling bashfully, her expression flustered while her face was red as a tomato.

"Hey… Are you all right? You look as red as a tomato," Ray asked in worry as he put his hand over her head and checked her temperature.

"You seem fine. I guess it's just that you are tired," Ray said as he added, "Just rest for some while and you will be fine," Saying that, Ray walked towards Tim, Elina, and Noah as he kicked them hard.

"Wake up you buffoons. We have a dungeon to clear," Shouting at them, Ray woke them up as he finished his conversion with Aella and along with it, cleared the awkward environment that had been created.

"You know what has happened," Aurora asked Ray, her voice trying to imply something as she stayed cryptic about what she meant.

"Yes I know and to be honest, I think she is pretty. I might as well honor her feelings," Ray answered, a smirk on his face as he teased Aurora.

After that, he turned silent while Aurora had gone into shock. After all, never did she think that 'Ray' would say such things. That too when the apocalypse was just around the corner.

"I guess even you have fallen into the trap called love," Aurora sighed as she went silent.

Meanwhile, Aella stood in her place; her expression shocked as she placed her hand on her forehead, where Ray had placed his hand.

"He is so cute. I think I am in love," She thought, her heart racing as her blood pumped rapidly; causing her to blush even more.

Flustered, she hid her face between her hands as she ran back to a corner.

"Huh? What happened to her?" Aliya asked as she entered the clearing and saw Aella acting strangely.

"Nothing much, A Young Maiden's Love," Emma responded nonchalantly as she had seen the interaction between Ray and Aella that happened before.

"I just hope that she doesn't break down when he rejects her," Emma thought, shaking her head; she put the thought at the back of her mind.


A/N:- I hope you all are enjoying the novel. Also, I will be uploading another bonus chapter this Sunday.

As for the mention, they will updated in a couple of hours.

Have fun!!! And don't forget to comment your thoguhts.

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