Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 4

C4 – His Memory Was Damn Good

Excitement coursed through Ye Hao at the mere thought of this.

During his childhood, he’d pondered whether he’d tread the path of Confucius College and become a master in literature, or step into the University of Finance and Economics to emerge as a business magnate.

Upon entering high school, Ye Hao came to realize he’d been overthinking things.

Merely securing a spot in an undergraduate institution seemed like a stroke of luck.

However, the situation had evolved.

Now that Ye Hao possessed a photographic memory, the possibility of entering a prestigious university or even one of the top six was not far-fetched.

“Ye Hao.” Just as he indulged in his fantasies, a voice abruptly pulled him back.

Ye Hao looked up and found his homeroom teacher, Hsu Lee, standing beside him.

“Miss Hsu,” Ye Hao began to speak, almost letting slip Hsu Lee’s nickname, “Old Witch.”

Hsu Lee directed her gaze at Ye Hao and inquired, “Have you recovered?”

“I have fully recovered,” Ye Hao promptly replied.

“Then apply yourself diligently and ensure you don’t pull the entire class down again,” Hsu Lee’s voice shifted as she thought of something else, “though perhaps you won’t even get the chance to do that now.”

Hsu Lee’s words stirred anger within Ye Hao.

He glared at Hsu Lee with frustration, asserting, “Miss Hsu, don’t underestimate me.”

Hsu Lee was taken aback for a moment, then smirked, “Ye Hao, during the senior year’s monthly exams, you ranked last three times. And weren’t you also at the bottom of the class in your junior year?”

“Miss Hsu, I will secure a spot in one of the prestigious top six universities,” Ye Hao’s voice deepened as he clenched his fist.

Hsu Lee couldn’t help but be momentarily surprised. Then she chuckled, remarking, “Ye Hao, do you even realize what you’re saying?”

“I know.”

“You said you will be admitted to one of the six top universities?”


The heated exchange between Ye Hao and Hsu Lee drew the entire class’s attention.

Most of the students in Class 2 remained unassigned to other classes.

After all, Class 2 was initially designated as a Key Class.

Upon hearing Ye Hao’s assertion, laughter involuntarily spread.

“Did Ye Hao seriously claim he could secure admission to one of the six most prestigious universities?”

“Does Ye Hao believe it’s a walk in the park to get into one of those six universities?”

“Hardly anyone in Jiangnan City could crack the entry to those top six universities. And yet, as the last-ranked student, Ye Hao has the audacity to assert such a thing. Has he lost his mind?”

“Students at the six prestigious universities are all prodigies. Ye Hao couldn’t possibly secure a spot in any of them.”

“This is utterly preposterous.”

Ye Hao didn’t allow his classmates’ unrestrained humiliation to provoke his anger.

“Ye Hao, cut the joking.” Zhou Shuai tugged on Ye Hao’s arm.

Ye Hao remained unmoved, focusing on Hsu Lee. “Miss Hsu, would you be willing to bet with me?”

“What’s the wager?” Seeing Ye Hao’s sincerity, Hsu Lee’s curiosity was piqued.

“If I manage to enter one of the top six universities, you’ll owe me a public apology in front of the entire school,” Ye Hao enunciated each word clearly.

Hsu Lee was taken aback by Ye Hao’s proposition, but then she shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. “If you can indeed gain admission to one of those prestigious universities, apologizing to you won’t be much of an issue for me. However…”

“Agreed.” Ye Hao interjected, cutting off Hsu Lee’s words.

Hsu Lee displayed her displeasure openly and then turned around, walking away.

After Ye Hao took his seat, Zhou Shuai nudged his shoulder and asked, “Were you serious?”

“The Old Witch looks down on me,” Ye Hao said, his tone carrying indignation.

“Do you genuinely believe she looks down on you?” Zhou Shuai’s eyes widened. “Lan Xiaodie is this year’s top student at No. 2 High School, but her highest test score has only reached 880 points.”

“If you aim to enter one of the Six Premier Universities, you’ll need at least nine hundred points.”

When Zhou Shuai mentioned Lan Xiaodie, Ye Hao’s mind immediately conjured up an image of that beautiful girl.

Lan Xiaodie wasn’t only the reigning campus beauty at No. 2 High School; she also boasted the best academic performance among her peers.

As a result, Lan Xiaodie held the title of the school’s goddess. Numerous boys pursued her, but she paid them no mind.

“Is Lan Xiaodie in Class 1?” Ye Hao asked, only to quickly realize that he’d posed a rather foolish question.

“Lan Xiaodie is the top student in our grade, out of our league.” Zhou Shuai sighed, adding, “We’re not even on the same level as her.”

Even if Lan Xiaodie didn’t make it into the Six Great Universities, she’d easily secure admission to the best university right below them. A girl like her was meant for different circles altogether.

“I’m not the same as you.” Ye Hao rolled his eyes at Zhou Shuai.

While Lan Xiaodie was undeniably stunning, Ye Hao didn’t hold any romantic interest for her.

Ye Hao’s disinterest stemmed from his own sense of unworthiness of someone like her.

“You’re telling me you don’t like Lan Xiaodie?” Zhou Shuai’s eyes widened, disbelieving the implication behind Ye Hao’s words.

“I genuinely don’t like her,” Ye Hao asserted firmly.

There was another reason for his lack of fondness for Lan Xiaodie: her excessive arrogance. She utterly looked down upon individuals like Ye Hao.

Ye Hao’s own self-respect made it impossible for him to take a liking to someone of her demeanor.

Ye Hao then realized that only three months remained until the college entrance exam, leaving him with limited time.

Thus, Ye Hao refrained from conversing with Zhou Shuai. Instead, he opened his history textbook and silently immersed himself in reading.

Thirty minutes later, Ye Hao shut the history book, quietly recollecting its contents.

Subsequently, Ye Hao cross-referenced his memory with the book’s contents.

He couldn’t help but inhale deeply, now comprehending the daunting nature of this ability. Forgetting what he had learned seemed almost impossible.

Next, Ye Hao retrieved his history exercise book and started reviewing.

At this point, Ye Hao had abandoned the teacher’s study plan. To secure admission to the top six universities within three months, he needed to adhere to his own strategy.

The morning slipped away rapidly, during which Ye Hao absorbed a substantial amount of knowledge. With a satisfied expression, he closed his textbook.

Being a day student, Ye Hao could head home for lunch and rest. He packed his books and headed towards the lottery shop near the school.

Aside from his studies, Ye Hao never let go of opportunities to earn money. Knowing that gambling was a quick way to make money, but being a student, he couldn’t afford to gamble.

Thus, Ye Hao opted for buying a lottery ticket.

The lottery shop close to the school was always bustling. Ye Hao squeezed in, reaching the area for scratch-and-win tickets.

Ye Hao selected a bundle of scratch-and-win tickets and activated his X-ray Vision.

After he finished examining the bundle of scratch-and-win tickets, a hint of disappointment washed over Ye Hao.

This batch of scratch-and-win tickets held a maximum prize of just 100 yuan.

“If that’s the case, when will I ever strike it rich?” Despite his remark, Ye Hao still purchased the scratch-and-win ticket.

In that instant, Ye Hao’s gaze inadvertently shifted to the side, and his breath immediately quickened.

This reaction was due to one of the scratch-and-win tickets in the pile held by an obese man standing beside him, a ticket worth twenty thousand yuan.

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