Unlimited Items Shop System

Chapter 158 Queen State

Ye Kai sunk his teeth into the bright red apple and gazed out of the window. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the city skyline. He chewed slowly, savoring the sweet and tart flavor, and thought that he was being arrogant, he thought he would catch Ling Ling and Miyu at the same time only to come near death by Ling Ling.

After coming home Ye Kai check Ling Ling's profile, and he saw she was a puppet of the king and the king's mother. It meant Ling Ling would do anything that King or his mother say.

Ling Ling's mother was saved by the king that's why Ling Ling does everything they say.

[Name: Ling Ling]

[Lifespan: 21/Infinity]

[Cultivation: Martial Art Commander High-Grade Realm]

[Talent: God Grade]

[Bloodline: God of Time]

[Bloodline Grade: Pure]

[Bloodline Power: 100%]

[Bloodline Technique: Time Stop, Time Fast Forward, Time Slow, Time Backward]

[Hate Relationship]

[Martial Art Manual: None]

[Martial Art Fighting Technique: Hand-to-Hand Combat]

[Affiliate: None]

"God of Time," Ye Kai read as he was shocked and even more to see she could stop the time, now he thought about it, then she probably stop the time to defeat him, and why he got slow all of sudden would also be a time power.

"This girl is dangerous," Ye Kai let out a deep breath, stopping time was a dangerous ability, and an even more dangerous ability was moving time backward.

"Have to find a way to avoid power," Ye Kai said and he started to find a way to avoid her power and also limit her power.

Although Ye Kai couldn't find the limit of her powers because of Ye Kai's low cultivation he found something that would save him from her time power.

Ye Kai finds a thing called a Golden Shield.

[Golden Shield

Description: Golden Shield will shield you from any elements attack

[Note: Shield will only block for 5 minutes]

[Price: 100,000 Gold Coins]

"It's costly but worth it," Ye Kai said and buy this Golden Shield. From this Ye Kai learn that this world has people who could control fire, water, wind, earth, time, and space, and these people were too powerful for him to defeat.

"I need to get stronger," Ye Kai thought.

Then Ye Kai also bought another Lifesaver, and Ye Kai felt pain buying Lifesaver, a single Lifesaver cost 2 Million Gold Coins and Lifesaver won't save him from the attack of the Martial Art King.

Ye Kai was glad there were not many Martial Art King around this island, from what he knew from the system, there were 121 Martial Art King existed on the island and only 8 Martial Art Emperor, so encounter Martial Art King and Emperor already have a slim chance and even more slim chance that they want to kill him.

Ye Kai took a deep breath and sighed, as this thing was complete, and since he never revealed his true face other than Sakura, there wasn't much risk of Ling Ling finding him.

Ling Ling won't go after Sakura since she has Death Tigeress behind her, so there wasn't any risk to her life and since there was no evidence that King was the one who attacked him, Ye Kai couldn't accuse him of this, but now that he was still alive. The agreement he and King signed had followed as it was, King had to do what the agreement says which was in Ye Kai's favor.

If King wants then he could back off from the agreement but he won't in hope of meeting with Ye Kai again. Since he wants to kill Ye Kai he needs to get information about Ye Kai before planning to kill him.

To get the information he needed to get out from Sakura but Death Tigeress isn't a weak woman, last time when Ye Kai saw her profile Ye Kai saw she became Martial Art Grand Elder High Grade, and it was fast speed.

King have to kill or trap Death Tigeress if he want information from Sakura, and until he could do that he need to follow the agreement, but nothing was certain there was always uncertainty in this world.

However, Ye Kai was papered for anything that would come in way and he won't repeat the same mistake as he did with Ling Ling.

He also needs to upgrade his cultivation, and for that, he needed to fuck Queen and Swan, Ye Kai plant some small bee-like thing at King's place, and from those bees, Ye Kai found where Queen was.

The queen was chained in the very darkest room of the palace. Her fingers, toes, arms, and legs were numb from being bound to the posts of her bed for too long. She tried to wiggle but it only made her limbs ache more and she gave up quickly. A dirty sweat cloth was wrapped around her head like a blindfold, but she could still see the linty-eyed woman staring at her through the holes in his mask.

Lots of dirt on her skin had made it brown, and the blood from where she'd been whipped crusted in red lines over much of her body. Her hair was a tangled mess that fell against her face to hide its shame. Dirt and blood streaked across her back and shoulders and around her breasts and stomach, too, all marring the vast expanse of flawless ebony skin. It was as if a baroque artist painted a masterpiece only to have decided to slap streaks of other colors across his masterpiece for no obvious reason. She looked like something like an angel fallen to earth.

Seeing this Ye Kai knew, Queen would not hesitate to run away with him if he offer Queen to have one-time sex with him.

So for Queen things were sorted, now Ye Kai only has to think about Swan, for Swan, Ye Kai only knew she liked the battle but there was no war in kingdoms for fifty years, and from the looked of it there might be no war for other fifty years if only chosen one didn't come in the world.

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