Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 88: What Have You Been Doing?

Chapter 88: What Have You Been Doing?

"What's wrong?" Gerald asked.

"It's nothing. Anyway, they're only talking about the main events of planet Eur. I guess I have no reason to listen anymore," Maria replied after seeing that the steam was going to focus mainly on planet Eur's developments.

There weren't any game-wide announcements or news that would affect her who was on another planet.

"What do you mean you don't need to listen anymore? Aren't you interested in the Main Scenario Quest?"

At her brother's question, Maria dully replied, "Of course, I'm interested, brother. I listened to the main points about the main scenario quest but it's not like I can participate in Eur's Main Scenario Quests. I'm not even on that planet anymore so it's meaningless if I continue watching the live stream. Also, I'm really busy in the game right now. It's to the point where I can't even go out on a relaxing grinding session!"

Hearing her words, Gabriel and everyone was shocked and they naturally began questioning her.

"W-wait, what did you just say? You're on another planet?!" Gabriel asked in shock.

"Mhm, I'm on a planet called Vanhal."

"How did you even get there?"

"I came because of a quest but I'm a bit stuck right now. I have to expand my land and recruit more people into my faction so that I can start the next phase of my quest, but it's going a bit slow."

Everyone was once again shocked to hear that Maria had only stumbled onto the planet without meaning to because of a quest. They had just learned about Main Scenario quests that could influence the world the players were on, but now that learned information about a different and possibly an even bigger and more important quest.

"Maria...just how did you even..." Gerald pinched his brows and shook his head at the absurd news his little sister just told him.

Here they were struggling on the first planet of the game against other players, but his sister was already progressing on a different planet essentially leaving the entire player base behind in the dust.

Gerald's other friends wanted to ask Maria some questions, but seeing as they weren't too close to the young girl, they remained silent and let Gerald do all the talking while they just listened.

Naturally, Gerald asked the most important question of all, just what kind of quest did she accept?

"It's a revenge quest."

"Revenge quest?"

"Yeah, I heard about some sob story from my subordinate and the quest was generated. It was an unranked quest so I'm not sure what category the quest falls in. However, after I arrived on the planet, I got a quest from my patron god which was a class-specific SSS-ranked quest and a custom generated SS-rank quest."

"...What kind of absurd things are you doing in the game for you to get those nonsensically ranked quests?" Gerald exclaimed.

Maria tilted her head, feeling a bit confused before replying, "But I'm not doing anything? I just picked up a perverted vampire from the side of the road and I suddenly got the quest?"


Inside the game, Ash began sneezing severely.

"Are you sick?" Lilah asked.

"N-No...I just had an overwhelming sense to sneeze... You should know by now that my race doesn't get sick, Lady Lilah."

Lilah shrugged and continued with her work while Ash scratched his head before resuming the work he was currently doing.


Back in the Heltania family's house, Gerald continued asking some questions about the recent activities that Maria was doing in-game.

"So, what's this about expanding your land? Are you talking about your Faction? It was globally announced that one time, but after the initial surprise and curiosity, no one's ever gotten any piece of news or information ever since."

"Well, of course, you wouldn't hear about my faction, the Dire, since I'm on a different planet."

"That makes sense, anyway, why do you need to expand your land? Before that, you actually own land, Maria?"

Maria took a coke from the table, popped open the cap, and poured it into a glass before she took a sip.

"Mhm, I took some land for my own since I needed it for my quest and to establish my faction. I'm expanding it because I need more space to accommodate for my citizens." Maria explained. She took some chips from the bowl on the table and continued, "Also, I can only expand my army if I have more citizens. I have my personal army and my faction army. My personal army is already full and so is my faction's army. There's a 2 to 8 limit ratio for the faction army so I need to expand my territory to accommodate more citizens!"

"O-Okay... wow, having a faction seems pretty rewarding," Gerald analyzed. He already knew about the vast profits one would get from owning land but it was hard to even get the deed to land without a noble title.

From Maria's description, the easiest way to get land was to build a faction, however, this was hard for the current player base because of their situation. Any faction within the major planets would always be targeted by the native factions for subjugation.

It was hard to establish one's own faction because of the intricate politics and requirements while also having to worry about the malicious eyes of the players but Maria could build her faction because she was on a different planet.

He didn't know what the planet's factions were doing by overlooking Maria's budding faction, but without any players interfering, her sister was able to smoothly develop her faction. However, he still didn't understand why his sister needed to expand her army.

Since she just started, wouldn't it be better if she stabilized her faction and firmly planted her feet by having a loyal base of followers and citizens first before she thought about expanding? He knew that his sister was a noob in the game, but surely, something like this which could be applied to in real life was something that his smart sister wouldn't overlook.

"Hey, why do you need to expand? If I recall correctly, your faction was only recently established, right? So, why the rush?" Gerald asked.

Maria nodded and replied, "Yeah, it was only established a few weeks ago in-game time, but I need to hasten the expansion, build up and train my army so that they'll be battle-ready."

"Why do you need them battle-ready?"

"For the inevitable event when I need to wage war against the vampire faction of that planet."

Gerald and everyone listening were shocked, Maria had only plainly and nonchalantly replied to her brother's question like the matter wasn't anything important, however, the words she said about waging a war was anything but plain.

"W-why would you need to wage a war?!"

"Hm? Didn't I tell you? It's for that revenge quest of mine."


"I need to kill the Vampire Lord of the Blood Faction so that I can help my subordinate get his revenge and complete my quest. After that, I'll have the entire Blood Continent at my fingertips and I'll turn my eyes towards the rest of the planet's continents," Maria said with a sadistic smile.

Her in-game demeanor began leaking out at this moment and Gerald widened his eyes in surprise to the subtle change in the atmosphere surrounding his sister. That smile, in particular, it was like she was looking forward to something exciting, but what could be so exciting about waging war?

"A-anyway, you're only building up your power right now, right?"

"That's basically what I'm doing. Honestly, it's quite tiring and I get bored of managing my territory. I wish I could just toss it all onto some hapless fool that can't deny me, but it's too bad that all of my capable subordinates are busy with their responsibilities to the faction," Maria complained and took a sip from her glass-filled coca-cola.


In the game, Ash had once again begun sneezing out of nowhere. Many of his subordinates began wondering if the great duke, Ash Garm, was actually sick or not. Ash himself was puzzled why this was happening to him, a noble vampire.

He had never once gotten sick in his long life so this greatly puzzled him. Ash decided that it was to take a break since his mistress was out. He needed to stay healthy because once his mistress returned, the tasks that would be delegated to him would have him running all around and he wouldn't get a single moment of break.


"Haha, so you're busy in the game and real life! I feel quite bad for you, little sis."

"Tsk, I wish you were there brother. I'd give you a duke title and let you manage my land for me!"

Another interesting piece of information was shared with him once again. Gerald was interested in the fact that his sister was able to grant noble titles to others.

"You can grant nobility to other people?"

"Yeah, of course, I can. I'm the Queen of my faction after all~"

"A Queen, huh?"

"Yeah, but many of my citizens began calling me their goddess or something."

"Th-that's certainly an interesting title."

"I know right? But it's kind of fun being called a queen and a goddess~"

"How narcissistic," Gerald teased to which Maria smoothly replied, "I'm not the one calling myself that~ it's the people, the masses! If they think I'm a queen or a goddess, who am I to refuse?"


"Anyway, I wish you really were there. I have no time to relax even though I'm just playing a game!"

"Well, maybe you can invite me somehow?"

"I'll try and find a way if I can!"

"Great! So as a queen, I'm sure you'll grant me a piece of land when you appoint me as a duke, right?"

"Sure, sure~"

"Awesome! I knew I could count on my little sis!"

"Hehehe~ praise me more~"

"Stop that, you're creeping me out."


Seeing the two's playful banter, all of the serious talks from before had finally ended. The others began talking to her and they were naturally curious about a few things. Maria answered their inquiries the best she could, but she didn't spill out any critical information about her faction.

After the live stream ended, Maria returned to her room but she couldn't help but think about the thing she discussed with Cindy and her brother before she left.

"Hmmm... maybe I can stream? They did say it was easy since it was in VR and I only needed to connect my UT account with a Switch account... I'll try it later and ask big brother if I'm confused with anything."

Maria logged back into the game for a moment and started arranging some things. Just before dinner, she logged out and came down to the living room where she was suddenly showered in a bunch of sweets and candies.

"Eh? What's up daddy?"

Corinthos had just returned home and he had brought a large container full of various sweets that his daughter loved.

"In a few days, it'll be Halloween and I remembered that you had quite the sweet tooth so I stopped by a candy shop and bought a few sweets that I remember you liking."

"Aw, thanks daddy~ but Halloween isn't until a few more days! Why'd you buy it now?"

"Ah, that's because of the game's Halloween event. I'm pretty sure you'll be busy that day with the game and I probably won't see you. I thought it'd be best to give you the candy in advance."

"Hehe, thanks daddy~!"

"Anything for my precious princess," Corinthos said as he affectionately stroked Maria's head.

Upon hearing the word princess, Maria remembered something and she smugly crossed her arms and raised her head before saying, "Hmhm~ this princess of yours is finally a queen now!"


Maria grinned smugly and began explaining to her confused, and yet amused, father.

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