Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 51: West Summit Area Boss

Chapter 51: West Summit Area Boss

Lizzy and her guild party immediately rushed towards the area where the trees were toppling over one by one.

Lizzy was able to see her friend currently performing acrobatics in the air while throwing and retrieving her weapon. She was just about to call out to her, but before she knew it, a large, spinning axe was heading in her direction.

"WAH! Mary~!!!"


Before the large axe was able to reach Lizzy's position and chop her head off, it stopped in mid-air just half a meter away from her before flying back towards its owner's hands. In the next instant, someone had rushed into her arms and began hugging her.


"Hoooh...Mary...I thought I was just about to kick the bucket back there," Lizzy said while patting her friend's back in relief.

"Ehehe~ sorry about that~ I felt something approaching and instinctively threw my weapon over!"


Maria immediately let go of her friend and turned to look at the people behind her and greeted.


"Ah, hey."

"Hi there."


The players behind Lizzy began to greet the bubbly girl awkwardly. One second she was throwing an axe at them, the next she was all smiles as if the previous thing didn't happen.

"What're you doing all the way over here, Mary?"

"I was hunting!"

Everyone could only stare incredulously at the girl. What did she mean by 'hunting'? She was obviously only level 25, but she actually had the nerve to hunt in a level 40 region?

"I was trapped for so~ long in that stupid quest so now that I'm free, I wanted to let loose for a bit! Those birdies were asking for it so I gave them the good ol' one-two!"

Maria said while punching out.

"O-Okay...well, let's head back now, alright? We'll help you find a better place to grind! By the way, how you like the look of this?" Lizzy grinned while pointing at the emblem on her shoulder.

It was an emblem with 2 dark wings on either side encircled by a large black halo.

"Oh~ that's pretty cool! What's it for?"

"This is a guild emblem, Mary! My guild is called the Fallen Angels! Me and the girls named it after you!"

"Oh! That's a little embarrassing, but that means you're the guild who defeated that hell mode dungeon!"

"That's right! Haha! Isn't my guild awesome! Let's go run a dungeon right now Mary!"

"Sure, sure~ actually wait, I almost forgot I had that thing."

Speaking about dungeons, Maria nearly forgot about the hell mode dungeon pass in her inventory. She quickly took it out and gave it to her friend.

[West Summit Hell Dungeon Pass

Rank: Rare

Use to unlock Hell-mode difficulty of the Enoch Mountain West Summit Dungeon.

Uses: 1

Level Requirement: Lv.55]

"Woah! You actually got this?"

"Yep~ is it important?"

"Of course it is! We were able to acquire only a few passes, but we haven't actually tried to attack the dungeon. The level requirement is pretty steep and in the guild, I'm the highest at level 55 so we can't do it just yet. At least, not until more players in the guild reach level 55."

"Really? That's too bad...I wanted to enter it with you and the rest since it looks fun."


Lizzy's elite guild members were a little astonished at Maria's casual and thoughtless words of going into a hell difficulty dungeon just because it looked 'fun'.

The girl was only level 25. She thinks that a level 55 hell-mode dungeon is going to be 'fun'? She was either delusional or just very clueless.

"We can try entering the dungeon at a later time Mary. When you're level is a bit higher."

"Sure~ by the way, you can keep that. I won't be able to use it and by the time I'm level 55, that thing will be of no use to me~"


Lizzy understood just how over the top her friend's character was so she didn't question her words and just stored the item into her inventory. Her guild members however were a little apprehensive at her words.

"She's either ignorant or brainless."

"Hey shut it, you shouldn't talk like that. Do you want to anger that angel over there?"

"So what? What she gonna do? Fight me? She's only level 25!"

"Yeah, but our guild master will beat your ass. Can't you see those two are really close? They probably know each other IRL."


"She's a little thoughtless and ignorant, but she's cute."


As the guild members were quietly talking, Lizzy clapped her hands and immediately grabbed their attention.

"Alright everyone mission complete! You'll be rewarded 100 Guild Contribution Points once we get back to our guild headquarters!"

The guild members of Fallen Angels cheered at their guild master's words. A simple SAR mission had earned them 100 GCPs. They could use that to exchange for some items from the guild warehouse.

"Mary, let me add you to the party, then we'll head back!"


After adding Maria to the party, the group was just about to head back before loud quaking sounds began approaching them from the distance.



The trees in the distance, just opposite from their location began to topple over by the numbers and from the parting tree line, a large monster appeared.

It gave a loud, sonorous roar as it immediately noticed the party of players just ahead.

"C-crap! That's the West Summit's Area Boss, the Lv. 60 Abyssal Golem!"

[Abyssal Golem Lv. 60

(Rare-Elite Boss)

HP: 500,000

MP: 100,000]

"L-leader, we have to run! Last time, those bastards from Dark World were immediately wiped out when they tried to raid this thing! They had twice our numbers!"

The guild members began to back away slowly while persuading their guild leader to run away as well. The Abyssal Golem was the Lv. 60 area boss for the West Summit region of the Enoch Mountain Range.

It boasted a really high ATK, DEF, and M.DEF stat. Although it was rather slow, the monster made it up with its powerful long range attacks and magic spells.

"M-Mary...we have to retreateh, where is she?!"

"G-guild master!!! S-she's..."

"She's attacking the golem!"

"Oh my god!!!"

That's right, to their despair, the Fallen Angel had actually rushed up to attack the monster with her axe.

When the golem had first appeared in Maria's field of vision, she immediately rushed into the skies while Lizzy and the guild members were still stupefied.

"Ahahaha~ how great! It's a boss! Lilah, make sure you use that new skill you got!"

"Yes, Master."

Upon reaching level 35, Lilah had acquired a new skill.

[Faerie Spark Lv.1 (0/1000)

Rank: C

Decreases M.DEF stat of target by 25% for 20 seconds

MP Cost: 50 MP

Cooldown: 25 seconds]

It was another debuff skill and this time it was for the M.DEF of a unit. This was exactly what she needed since Maria had been mostly using spells lately.

Lilah cast both [Faerie Fire] and [Faerie Spark] on the Abyssal Golem and once the spell struck the golem, Maria immediately flung her axe at the monster, sent an [Angel's Rage] while also igniting it on fire with [Gehenna's Eye]. She also cast [Ruin], [Fire], and [Smite] in quick succession and sent it towards the golem.

When Maria's rain of spells and skills bombarded the large body of the monster, it roared in pain and toppled over. Many high damage numbers popped up above the boss monster's head and Maria cheered happily when she saw them.

"Ahahaha~ take that!"

Maria willed it and her axe flew back into her grasp. She readied herself and struck down from the sky with a [Calamity Cleave].

Standing in the distance, Lizzy and the rest of Fallen Angels were once again stupefied. This time, it wasn't from the golem, but from the absurd scene of that dainty little girl toppling the large monster with a wave of her attacks.

"H-help her! We gotta attack that thing!" Lizzy immediately roared.

"S-shit! L-let's go!"

"If she's not afraid of dying, then why are we?!"


Under Maria's reckless lead, Lizzy and the Fallen Angel's immediately rushed forwards to attack the toppled monster.

"M-Mary! We're here to help! Gosh, why'd you have to be so reckless?!" Lizzy exclaimed in exasperation at her reckless friend.


"Before that, join my guild first!"

Lizzy extended an invitation to Maria and the girl quickly accepted.


[You have joined Fallen Angels]

[The following guild buffs have been applied:

Guild Buff 1: 1% ATK

Guild Buff 2: 1% DEF

Guild Buff 3: 1% M.ATK]

The same guild emblem on Lizzy's shoulder appeared on Maria's shoulder. Maria grinned and continued her assault on the monster, while Lizzy began to direct her guild members.

"TANKS up front! DPS make sure you rain hell on that thing! Healers, stay at the back and keep a watch on all our HP bars!"


"Roger that!"

"We're taking this thing down today! Also, someone, call for back up in the guild channel!" Lizzy ordered.

"They might take too long to get here, leader!"

"Who cares! As long as we can hold on long enough, they'll surely be able to come! Mary, the aggro is on you, so stay alert! Try to lure this thing back down the summit!"

"E-eh? Okay?"

"Just lead him to where I'm standing, okay?!"


With their battle plan set, Maria continued sending down her spells and skill on the monster while slowly luring it to where Lizzy was. The tanks looked up in the air to see the lone angel smoothly dodging all the spells and attacks sent at her while also counterattacking with her own spells and couldn't help but think.

"Isn't that cheating?"

"You don't say?"

"Man...she's tanking this thing all on her own!"

Maria slipped up a bit and was struck by an ordinary attack from the monster. Her barrier had withstood a portion of the damage, but being only level 25, she had her health cut to 18% from just one attack.

"Oh shit, she got hit!" A Priest exclaimed. Just as she was about to heal the girl up, green numbers began popping up on top of the girl's avatar and her health bar was quickly pulled back up to full.

"S-she's a Priestess?!"

Maria pulled her HP up with [Cure] and [Regen]. She also continued to rain attacks on the boss which also helped heal her HP back up.

With her health back to full, Maria sent more spells onto the boss and taunted.

"Over here big guy~"

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