Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 832 - Ready to go

Chapter 832 - Ready to go

Yue Ling finished making her rounds within De L’amour and makes her way to her office. She allowed Liu Shan to take over Jiang Shengyi’s interview because she wanted him to see why she chose the woman to be her secretary.

* Ding

The elevator chimes in arrival, and the door slides open. She steps out of the metal box but arches an eyebrow at the scene in front of her.

Standing not too far ahead was Liu Shan. He was patiently waiting for Yue Ling while reading through some doc.u.ments. When he heard the elevator, he looks up and calls out to her.


He strides over to her and hands her the doc.u.ment he was reading.

"The interview was a success. Here is the signed contract."

Yue Ling didn’t stop in her steps but continue towards her office as she takes the contract from her assistant.

"What do you think?"

Hearing her sudden question, Liu Shan pursed his lip in pondering. Then, after a long second, he shrugs one shoulder with a nonchalant expression.

"She’s not bad. She meets all the criteria to be your secretary, and she’s accepted everything listed in the contract."

As the boss and assistant converse, the two soon arrive in front of Yue Ling’s office. She opens the door but pauses when her palm touched the door handle.

She slightly turns to look at Liu Shan when she remembers something.

"Where is Miss Jiang? Why wasn’t she sitting at the secretary’s desk?"

Liu Shan smiles a small sigh. Jiang Shengyi has already secured the secretary position. In typical situations, she should have been shown to her new working space but, instead, she made an unexpected request.

"Miss Jiang is currently overlooking the information regarding today’s meeting. She requested that we show her to the secretary desk after returning."

Yue Ling nods her head in understanding. Judging from Liu Shan’s words, it seems Jiang Shengyi wants her to wait and see whether she (Jiang Shengyi) is worthy of being her (Yue Ling) secretary.

Of course, if she didn’t find the woman worthy enough, she would have never offered the position when they met at Fang Fabrics.

However, since this is a request from Jiang Sheng yi, she will approve.

After all, it doesn’t hurt to see what the woman is capable of doing since a

secretary is an essential role in a company.

Yue Ling cast all thoughts aside and push opens the door. She gives a quick order before entering her office.

"We leave in 15 minutes."

Liu Shan watched as Yue Ling disappears inside her office and the door shuts. He remained unmoving for a long second before coming back to his senses.

He inhales a deep breath then turns away in the direction of his office. Gathering all the doc.u.ments needed for the meeting, he couldn’t help but pray inside that Jiang Shengyi will not disappoint them.

The fifteen-minute mark arrived in a blink of an eye as Yue Ling and Liu Shan were prepared to leave. But, unlike the boss and assistant duo, Jiang Shengyi remained in the conference room.

She had read through the information Liu Shan had given her and memorized each word. She glances at the wall clock in the room and contemplated if she should continue waiting in the room or head down to the first floor to wait.

*knock knock

Just as the thought of what to do crossed her mind, a knock sounds at the door. She quickly stood up as it opens and she sees Liu Shan.

"Oh, did I surprise you?"

Liu Shan asks with a friendly smile, and Jiang Shengyi shook her head. He

takes a small step inside the room but doesn’t enter further in.

His smile widens but did not reach his eyes, and he explains the situation.

"Miss Jiang, if you are ready, we’re ready to leave."

Jiang Sheng Yi didn’t get angry but nods her head in understanding. She turns to face the table and collects the slightly scattered doc.u.ments.

She turns back to face Liu Shan, and her calm expression changed into a serious one.

"Please lead the way, Mr. Liu."

A soft chuckle escaped Liu Shan’s smile when he heard the honorifics in Jiang Shengyi’s words. He stuck one palm out to her as if to stop her.

"You’re too polite. You can call me Liu Shan or Assistant Liu like everyone else here at De L’amour."

Jiang Sheng yi was taken back by surprise. She could only blink her eyes and stare at the assistant.

Her only thought at the moment was, ’are they close enough to be calling each other by name?’

Her thoughts had yet to travel when she sees Liu Shan walk out of the

conference room. She quickly gathers herself together and follows after him.

She decides that she will call him Assistant Liu instead of his full name.

As she follows Liu Shan out of the conference room, she notices that he

was dressed differently from when she first arrived at De L’amour.

Liu Shan had changed into a black hanfu that reached his thighs with

his white dress shirt collar out. Secured around his waist were a

black patent leather waist belt and jade pendant attached near the

side. He had tucked the bottom of his black slacks inside his combat


Unlike his formal appearance from before, this new 100k made him look

like a warrior from ancient times.

When he heard only silence from behind him, he slightly turns his head

to the side to look at Jiang Shengyi.

"Is something wrong?"

Jiang Shengyi was quickly brought back to her senses. she shakes her

head in response, but deep down, she wanted to praise all the

employees at De L’amour.

When she arrived, she noticed that each person who walked through the front entrance had their unique style. Even she couldn’t help but feel like she was not attending an interview but at a live fashion show.

Oblivious to her thoughts, Liu Shan doesn’t pry into her sudden silence.

Instead, he looks away and continues to lead her in the direction of the


On the first floor, Yue Ling looks through some doc.u.ments as Qi Li stood

next to her. She was about to turn a page when she hears the elevator chime, and she lifts her head in the direction.

"Boss, we’re ready to go."

Liu Shan greets Yue Ling as he and Jiang Shengyi near her and Qi Li.

She (Yue Ling) nods her head and closes the folder in her hands before

passing it over to Qi Li.

She glances at Jiang Sheng yi and smiles a friendly smile.

"I know this is sudden for you, but if you change your mind, you are more

than welcome to stay here. I will ask a member from my design team to

give you a tour until I return."

Jiang Shengyi could tell that Yue Ling was considerate of her. She didn’t mind a tour of De L’amour since it’ll give her a better understanding of the company.

However, that tour can come after once she proves her capabilities as

a secretary.

She looks straight into Yue Ling’s eyes, and her expression turns serious.

"Miss Han, I gave you my word, and I will not go back on them."

Yue Ling doesn’t respond right away but stares at Jiang Shengyi as

she could see through the woman. After what felt like an entire day

had gone by but was only a second, her smile widens.

"That’s good to hear."

She turns away and heads out the front door, but she stops and slightly turns to the side to look back at Jiang Shengyi.

Her right hand raises a little, and she introduces Qi Li before walking away.

"This is Qi Li. He is De L’amour’s ill.u.s.trator and part of my design team. He

will be attending the meeting at An Qing with us."

Qi Li greets a nod then follows Yue Ling. Behind, Jiang Shengyi could only stare in surprise.

She noticed that Yue Ling wasn’t alone, but she didn’t look at the person. Now that she is, she has to admit that Qi Li is a very attractive


Unlike Liu Shan, who gives off an amiable appearance, Qi Li has a dangerous aura that makes one afraid to get near.

However, despite this feeling she had of him, she found his choice of

style the opposite.

He (Qi Li) wore glasses that made him less scary, and he is dress like a hardworking company worker. The only difference was that he wore a turtleneck underneath and a black hanfu almost identical to the one Liu Shan is wearing, but he had red spider lilies on his hanfu.

"Miss Jiang? Are you alright? You seem to be quite distracted since you arrived."

Liu Shan’s voice suddenly sounds from the side and brought Jiang Shengyi back to her senses again. Her cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment for her behavior, and she clears her throat.

"Ah, I’m sorry. I was a little lost in my thoughts."

Hearing her response, Liu Shan faintly chuckles. He could read from her expression what she thought about Qi Li. However, he doesn’t ask and follows in the direction Yue Ling and Qi Li had gone.

"We should go too. A lot of people are expecting our arrival."

Qi Li had driven a black car to the front of the building. Jiang Shengyi gets inside the rear seat with Yue Ling while Liu Shan sits in the passenger seat.

One corner of Liu Shan’s lip arcs upward, and a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes.

"Alright, let’s get the show on the road."

Yue Ling gave no response but looked down at the doc.u.ments she was

reading earlier from Qi Li. Like her, Qi Li’s face remained expressionless as he drives the car in the direction of An Qing.

However, only Jiang Shengyi was confused.

She looks at the two men with a slight frown, then glances at Yue Ling.

Seeing how her new boss was unfazed, she couldn’t help but want to

scratch the back of her head.

Why does she have a feeling this meeting at An Qing isn’t that of a

regular meeting?

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