Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 808 - Kill him too

Chapter 808 - Kill him too

The wind began to pick up as the night turned darker. Qi Li stood facing the robust man with an indifferent expression. Between the both of them, he should have been the one who looked exhausted, but there was no sweat on him. Even his breathing was calm.

Standing in the presence of what looked like the grim reaper, the robust man felt his entire body covered in sweat. He stares at Qi Li, who the metal stick should have knocked out.

"What are you....?"

He trembles his words and struggles with difficulty to swallow his saliva.

"How are you still standing?"

He couldn’t understand what was happening. Is this person even human? It’s as if the kid had turned into a killing machine.

Could it be that this entire time he was used as a punching bag?

"No more messing around."

Qi Li’s calm voice answers without batting an eye. He looks straight at the robust man like he was staring into his (robust man) soul and could see all the sins he (robust man) had committed.

"It’s time to collect your fate."

His last word fell with the passing wind, and it shook the robust man’s heart.

He (robust man) stares with wide trembling eyes, and his lower lip follows in pursuit.

"Y-you... you’re from...."

He wanted to say ’fate’ but could only swallow the word back. He swore it was like something was stuck in his throat, almost making it difficult to breathe.

Before coming here, he and the others informed about the Mad Reaper. They were told to look out for the man, and if they were to run into him, they must leave.

However, from their observation, Mad Reaper was nowhere in sight, and this made them conclude that Yue Ling and Mad Reaper must not be close friends.

If they are, then it must mean the man must have left home.

When he (robust man) and the petite man didn’t hear anything from the others at the front of the house, they decided to proceed with their plan. Only, they didn’t expect to run into Qi Li.

Coming back from his thoughts, he struggles another gulp. Qi Li’s words were exact and never left his mind.

’collect your fate!’

Those words were simple, but it was like being struck by lightning to any person in the underworld. It wasn’t just words anyone can say or threaten as a taunt.


He stutters again, but with his mind in a chaotic mess, he couldn’t say another word. All he could do was stare at the man who can barely see without glasses.

"Seems like you finally came to your senses."

Qi Li smirks after his words with a mysterious glint of light in his eyes. He doesn’t give any warning and makes a lunge at the robust man.

No more playing. It’s time for him to be merciless.


Seeing him suddenly make a move, the robust man wanted to run away, but it was like someone had glued his feet to the ground. He could feel his legs start to tremble.

However, with his legs not listening to what he wants, he could only scream at the top of his lungs.

"Get away from me! Don’t come any clo-ugh!"

Before he could finish the word ’closer,’ Qi Li appeared in front of in a blink of an eye. He (Qi Li) feign ignorance to the look of intense fear in the man’s face and throws a punch.

He directs his fist directly at the man’s nose. As the man’s head tilts back with force, he sends a spinning heel kick with his right leg.

His movements appeared light and harmless, but both attacks were deadly.

Just as the man falls to the side, he yanks the metal stick out of his (robust man) hand and smacks him hard across the head.

The robust man didn’t even have the chance to dodge, let alone scream when he felt the hard impact of the metal stick touch his head. His eyes shot open, and his vision turns red as blood fills his eyes before darkness overtakes.

His (Qi Li) eyes casually follow the robust man’s body as he (robust man) hits the ground. He (Qi Li) slightly tilts his head to the side, and the look on his face was one of a calm, innocent man who hadn’t done any beating.


He stares down with a slight tilt to his head. This was why he had gone easy on the man. He always knew how to calculate his opponent’s strength and whether they were fast or slow.

If he wanted, he could have quickly ended the fight. However, he hadn’t workout in a while, so he decided to take his sweet time.

[ "Qi Li? Qi Li? Can you hear me? Hello?"]

Quickly as the fight ended, Liu Shan’s voice sounds from the phone. This caused Qi Li to look away from the man. He turns his head to where the voice is coming from.

He heaves a long sigh and walks at a calm pace in the direction of the phone.

[ "Bro, I know you can hear me. I can see you from the surveillance camera. Hurry up and pick up the phone. Let me know if you can hear me. Hurry!"]

Liu Shan’s voice sounds again, and Qi Li felt regretful in his choice of staying the night. He didn’t mind going up against the enemy, but how is he supposed to deal with his annoying comrades.

He shakes the thought away and proceeds on with his way. He walks past the phone and glances down at it. However, he doesn’t pick it up and makes his way towards the house.

[ "Ha-! How dare you! Pick up the phone right now! Didn’t you hear me?! I can see you!"]

Qi Li just wanted to go back inside the house to get his extra pair of glasses but stops in his tracks. He knows that if he didn’t pick up his phone, he wouldn’t hear the end of Liu Shan’s nagging. Not only that, he can’t leave the two people lying on the grass unattended.

He inhales a deep breath and turns around. Taking three significant steps, he stops in front of the phone and picks it up.

"My bad. I didn’t see the phone."

His words fell after placing the phone next to his ear. However, in a split second, he had to move it.

["Like hell you didn’t see it. We all know you’re vision is bad without your glasses, but your hearing is just as good as any blind person!"]

Continuous yelling continues from the other line. Qi Li decides to hold the phone with an outstretched arm and looks at the house. He waited until the mother-like Liu Shan calmed down before speaking.

"If you’re done nagging, can you bring me my extra pair of glasses in my bag?"


Silence was the only sound that could be heard from the other line as Liu Shan was struck speechless.

He couldn’t believe that Qi Li was giving him an order.

["You... how... ugh, forget it. I’ll go get it."]

Qi Li found no fault in his words. He turns away from the house and looks back at the two people lying on the ground.


Just as he turned around, a faint groan enters his ears. The sound did not come from the phone but the petite man.

Qi Li didn’t show a change in his expression. He calmly approaches the man with footsteps that made no sound.

"What the hell happened...?"

The petite man winces in pain as he slowly sits up. He held his head with his left hand and tried to recall what happened before he lost consciousness.

"Where am l...?"

Just when he murmured the question, all his memories came flooding back. His head lifts, and when he saw Qi Li’s dark silhouette, his eyes tremble.


He scoots back, and his eyes subconsciously catch a glimpse of the robust man. Whether the man was dead or alive, he couldn’t tell. He looks back at Qi Li and shivers in fear.

"H-Have mercy on me... P-please, spare me..."

Qi Li doesn’t stop in his tracks but arch an eyebrow. He then smirks a snicker and stops in front of the petite man.

"Have mercy?"

His calm voice fell with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"How shameless of you to beg for mercy at this moment."

He tilts his head to the side. Never once did he look away from the unclear sight of the person in front of him.

"If it had been my boss, would you have shown mercy?"

The petite man nods his head vigorously and repositions himself onto his knees. For now, he can only think of a way to escape. He can have his revenge late.

"I- "

"I don’t think so."

He (petite man) had only uttered one word when Qi Li cuts him off. He (Qi Li) answers his question and raises his hand with the metal stick. He swung it across his enemy’s head.

* Thud-

And once again, the petite man falls to the side with a loud thud. His eyes rolled back, and he quickly enters a world of darkness.

"Really? You had to kill him too?"

Liu Shan’s voice sounds again. However, it wasn’t from the phone but behind Qi Li. He turns to look at the assistant and shrugs his shoulders.

"I knocked him out only."

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