Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 766 Achoo Club

Chapter 766 Achoo Club

Outside Ages of Love, Madam Lu walks over to the Lu family’s black Maybach. As she nears the car, the drives step out and open the rear door for her.

Parked next to the car was Madam Zhao’s car. However, she doesn’t get inside. Instead, she dismisses the driver and said she’ll catch a ride with Madam Lu.

Not wanting to be left behind, she quickly strides to the other side of the black Maybach and gets inside.

"Sister-in-law, can I ride with you?"

Madam Lu glance at her brother’s wife. She was dumbfounded by the fact that Madam Zhao had asked for permission to sit but was already sitting and putting on her seatbelt.

She shook her head in disbelief and glance across to Yue Ling’s car. Though the front window was slightly tinted, she could make out the 2 figures inside.

When she saw how her niece was happily chatting with Yue Ling and smiling like an idiot, she grew envious.

Just as the feeling crept inside her, an idea flashes inside her mind and she quickly reaches inside her handbag.

"What are you doing?"

From the side, Madam Zhao asks when she took notice of what her sister-in-law was doing. She didn’t understand why Madam Lu suddenly started frantically looking for something.

Madam Lu gives the woman a side glance without turning her head. Her hand touches what she was looking for and a smile curls on her face. She takes out the item and looks down at it.

"You will see soon."

Seeing her phone in hand, Madam Zhao’s expression distorted into a frown. However, seeing the evil smile on Madam Lu’s face that was full of mischief, she felt a small shiver down her spine.

Without a doubt, her sister-in-law is up to no good. Only, she can’t seem to put her finger on it.

Oblivious about what was going on in the black Maybach, Yue Ling casually follows behind the car as she didn’t know where they were going.

Zhao Ya’Er sat in the passenger seat with a smile on her face. She looked like a happy girl going on her first date with her crush. Her hands were placed on her lap and every so often her thumbs would fidget together like she was nervous.

That is because she was nervous. She steals a few glances at Yue Ling and wanted to say something but was hesitant about how to say it.

Yue Ling’s eyes were now on the road in front, but from the corners of her eyes, she could see the woman’s movements. She faintly smiles and decides to help give her friend a tiny push.

"Is something bothering you?"

Her sudden voice made Zhao Ya’Er jump in surprise. She (Zhao Ya’Er) smiles crookedly before sounding a chuckle like she had been caught.

"I swear, you always know when something is wrong. Sometimes I feel like I’m with my cousin instead of you."

Which is exactly how she feels at this moment.

Her cousin, Lu Tian, is a man with sharp instincts. Nothing ever escapes his eyes and the feeling he gives is exactly how she feels with Yue Ling right now.

Brushing this feeling aside, she gathers her courage by taking a deep breath.

"It’s not really important but I just wanted... can I ask you something?"

She looks at Yue Ling and is met with silence. However, despite her (Yue Ling) not saying anything, her expression was enough to tell Zhao Ya’Er to continue.

"Well... um... you see, do you perhaps... Have you always known that Xu Long isn’t g-g-g... I mean, did you know that Xu Long didn’t like men?"

Yue Ling was still thinking about Zhao Ya’Er’s previous words. Did she really put on a cold air like Lu Tian? If so, then the saying that you’ll mirror the habits of the people you spend the most time with must be true.

However, just as she was going to take Zhao Ya’Er’s words as a compliment, she furrows her brows and frown.

"Xu Long didn’t like men?"

She slightly tilts her head and thought about the question. How can Xu Long not like men?

If he didn’t, why is he so close to her subordinates? He also acts like they’ve known each other for many years.

Just as she thought this, she quickly understood the meaning of Zhao Ya’Er’s question. She chokes on her saliva and starts to cough.

"Wait, *cough, you thought Xu Long was gay *cough?"

Zhao Ya’Er gasps when she heard Yue Ling. She quickly covers her mouth with one hand and her other hand reaches out to pat Yue Ling on the back.

"How can you say ’that’ word so easily?"

She made it seem like Yue Ling had committed a huge sin but lowers her hand covering her mouth and whispers.

"Did you also think Xu Long was... gay too?"

She had misinterpreted Yue Ling’s questions. To her, it sounded like the retired model was in shock to hear that Xu Long liked women and not men.

However, who could blame her for thinking this way?

Xu Long is not only handsome, but he keeps a clean appearance, and he is a very caring man. Not only that he tends to have a strange intimacy with the men around him.

Also, he has never had a girlfriend before.

As Zhao Ya’Er thought about all the possibilities that directed Xu Long to like men, she continues to pat Yue Ling on the back.

"Don’t worry, I was surprised too."

She stops her patting gestures and starts to soothe her friend’s back.

"But he’s not gay, he told me himself."


Yue Ling was struck speechless. She wanted to tell the short hair woman that she knew all along that Xu Long didn’t swing the other way.

However, seeing how happy Zhao Ya’Er looked, she decides not to say anything.

She focuses her attention on the road and nods her head as she had just heard the biggest news.

"Wow... I really did misjudge Xu Long. I almost thought that he liked one of my subordinates. I mean, considering how close he is with Lin Hui and the amount of time they are together, I thought they were in a secret relationship."



Somewhere in the distance, Xu Long, who was eating lunch in his new penthouse suddenly sneezes. He sniffles and rubs his nose with a deep frown.

"That’s odd. I’m sure I didn’t do anything wrong. Why is my boss talking about me behind my back? Is it something good or bad?"


Suddenly, another sneeze sounds after his words, but it wasn’t him who sneezed. He looks across the table to the person and snorts a laugh.

"Lin Hui, it seems like your boss is also talking about you."

Lin Hui who had come over to Xu Long’s place for lunch was also frowning. He places his chopsticks down and rubs the back of his neck in confusion.

"That is odd.... Usually, it’s him."

He points with his thumb to the third figure sitting at the table with him and Xu L

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