Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 762 The young and old

Chapter 762 The young and old

Outside in the back courtyard of Imperial Military Hospital, Lu Tian stood dumbfounded by what he heard. Across, Grandfather Ji held both his hands over his mouth as if to stop him from saying any more.

He (Grandfather Ji) had said he was Yue Ling’s grandmother because he felt left out.

After the passing of his beloved wife, he took on the role of Yue Ling and Ji Jingxu’s grandmother.

He wanted both children to know that even though his wife is no longer here they can still talk to him about anything. In the kind of way, they would have talked about to his wife.

So since that was the case, shouldn’t he with his granddaughter when she looks for the perfect wedding dress?

If his wife and daughter were still here, they would have been included too. So why didn’t they include him?

He thought sadly about not being there with Yue Ling but catching a glimpse of Lu Tian’s dumbfounded expression, all thoughts flew out the window.

He clears his throat with a few coughs before lowering his hands.

"My goodness, something flew inside my mouth."

Placing both hands behind his back, he turns away from Lu Tian and walks further towards the back courtyard.

"Wow look at the sky today. It’s so beautiful and sunny. Come, boy, let us go and admire more of the outside world."

Lu Tian’s eyes followed the old man’s every move. He doesn’t say anything but smiles at how Grandfather Ji was so quick to change the topic.

He decides not to question the old man and leisurely follows after.

As the young and old walked around the courtyard, they soon come to a stop at a bench.

Grandfather Ji sat down first then Lu Tian. He (Grandfather Ji) stares ahead at the green grass and the planted trees around.

"Is there a reason why you are suddenly here?"

Lu Tian had only sat down when he heard the question. Like the old man, he stares at the scene in front of him then answers.

"I heard my parents ran into you here the other day."

Feeling like a huge weight suddenly dropped on his heart, Grandfather Ji sighs inside before answering with an ’mm’.

He had wanted fewer people to know about his illness. However, it seems like the more he tries to hide it, the more people tend to know.

The only thing was the person he wanted to know the most somehow is the least oblivious.

Taking a deep breath, he looks up at the clear blue sky and faintly smiles. It seems like he has been staring at the sky a lot lately.

"I will be discharged from here soon and have decided to tell Ah Ling."

His smile was normal, but his eyes were filled with sadness and pain behind them.

"I do not want to keep hiding this from her."

He held his hands together on his lap and turns his head in the direction of the hospital.

"I know that her knowing this will only make her sad, but I don’t want to prolong the secret from her. I rather have her know now than have her find out later when it is too late."

Lu Tian listened attentively without interrupting. The day he found out about the old man’s illness, he (Grandfather Ji) did mention he was going to tell Yue Ling, but he never said when.

To think Grandfather Ji is going to do it soon, he (Lu Tian) doesn’t want to think about the pain his wife would feel.

As these thoughts entered his mind, he furrows his brows when he remembers something the old man had said.

"What do you mean by ’too late’?"

Anyone who heard those words would think Grandfather Ji is talking about not wanting Yue Ling to find out when he is rush to the hospital. However, to Lu Tian, he could sense there was a deeper meaning behind those words.

Grandfather Ji heaves a long sigh. He knew from a young age that Lu Tian is a smart boy, but sometimes he wishes the lad weren’t so quick-witted.

"Doctor Dong said, there’s a less chance of survival if I have another attack."

He turns his head to look at Lu Tian and he smiles a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"With that said in advance, I hope that you will be the pillar to support her."

He places one hand on the young man’s shoulder and gently squeezes it as he forces back any tears in his eyes.

"If anyone can comfort her in the most difficult times, it is you."

Lu Tian’s eyes shook as he looks at Grandfather Ji. He didn’t know what to say. It was like his mind had been frozen and he couldn’t think about anything.

All he did was stare in silence.

After a long minute, he was able to force his head to nod in understanding.

Grandfather Ji didn’t need to ask to know what Lu Tian was thinking. He calmly stood up and takes a step away from the bench.

"Let us continue with our walk."

Lu Tian obligingly follows in the old man’s steps. He wanted to ask Grandfather Ji how he plans to tell Yue Ling but stops himself.

Since the old man decided to brush the topis, he shouldn’t pry into it further. Not only that, but he also trusts that Grandfather Ji knows what he is doing.

"How are the wedding preparations coming along?"

Grandfather Ji waited until Lu Tian was walking shoulder to shoulder with him before asking. He kept his hands behind his back like usual and waits for an answer.

"You don’t have to worry. Everything is being taken care of by my mother."

Lu Tian answers and Grandfather Ji nods his head. He (Grandfather Ji) was able to discuss the wedding when Old Lu and Madam Lu bumped into him here.

However, due to his inability to leave the hospital, he gave them the approval to plan the wedding until he is discharged.

"That is good. I trust your parents won’t make things hard for Ah Ling."

As a person who has respect for his elders, Lu Tian nods his head politely. He wanted to tell the old man that his family adores his wife, but a sudden thought came to him.

"I just hope that Yue Ling will be fine until the wedding."

Grandfather Ji frown at the words. He couldn’t grasp the meaning behind Lu Tian’s words.

"What are you implying?"

Are you feeling insecure about yourself now? Afraid my granddaughter might be too good for you?

He spoke the last two questions in his mind, but Lu Tian was able to see through him and chuckles.

"I’m worried for her since my mother can be a little overbearing when she sets her mind to something."

Grandfather Ji gives Lu Tian a side glance full of sarcasm with heavy eyes. He didn’t need to say anything because his expression said it all like he was not fooled by Lu Tian’s words.

Seeing this, Lu Tian wanted to maintain a serious expression as he was worried for his wife. However, unable to hold himself back from the old man’s face, he laughs and corrects himself.

"Alright, I get it. My mother is overbearing all the time."

He looks away from the old man’s face and his entire being turns back to his usual aloofness.

"I just hope that if she does anything unnecessary, Yue Ling will be able to let her know."

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