Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 743 This person is good

Chapter 743 This person is good

Staring at Liu Shan with a dumbfounded expression, Qin Jun didn’t know what to think. He closes his eyes and lifts his left hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows. He doesn’t hold it but motions a few pinches until his skin was slightly red.

Out of all the hackers in the world, Liu Shan is one of the best. Even Kira, who is also a hacker is inferior. However, how is it that one of the best hackers in the world is unable to track a person or even find a clue?

He lowers his hand with another sigh and takes a step to the side to sit down on an empty chair nearby.

"So, let me get this straight. This entire time that you’ve been sitting here and hacking every network in the world, you were still unable to find out who this person is?"

Liu Shan turned his head to the left where the man is. He stares at the man like he (Qin Jun) was the biggest idiot in the world.

"Hey, I did say this person is good, didn’t I?"

He raises his right arm and points to Kira who was standing behind him to the right.

"Even Kira couldn’t find anything about this person."

Being dragged into the conversation, Kira choked on his saliva. He pats himself on the chest and glares at Liu Shan for throwing him under the bus.

However, thinking about how the assistant also couldn’t anything, he inhales a few more puffs of the cigarette in his hand.

"What are we going to do now? We’ve reached another dead end."

Hearing this, Qin Jun and Song Jing Li could only agree with him. Each person then thinks to themselves what to do next.

Liu Shan’s eyes wander around the space in front of him then back at the monitor screen. He spun the chair around and turned his back to the screen. His right leg raises and folds over his left leg in a four-figure.

"Just who exactly is this person? Does he have anything to do with Choi Li Sun?"

He is aware that these men are here in Imperial to find Choi Li Sun, but could the person they needed help this time be an acquaintance of the despicable man?

However, if he or she is, why haven’t no one told him.

From the moment he arrived here until now, he had been hacking without stopping. No one said anything and left him to try and find this unknown person.

It was like trying to fill up a cup that had a hole at the bottom.

Qin Jun could only sigh again at Liu Shan’s question. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.

"We don’t know, but what we can conclude is that this person is not someone on Choi Li Sun’s side."

He thought about the past week that they’ve been gather information and his words continue.

"As Kira informed you, we’re here to find Choi Li Sun. Since we’ve been here, we just recently learned that every source we have encountered, someone else has also met with for the same information."

His eyes glance at the monitor screen Liu Shan had been using then sighs in disappointment.

"At first, we thought it was Lu Tian, but after working with him, we can cross out that it wasn’t him or his people. Whoever this person is, he is like the wind. Appearing every once in a while, but when he disappears, there’s no trace of him at all."

After Qin Jun’s words, Song Jing Li walks over to stand in front of a window. He turns his back to it and leans against the glass.

"That’s why we had no choice but to contact you for help."

His head turned to the right and he stares out the window.

"The only thing clue we have is, this person is also searching for Choi Li Sun. However, is he a friend or foe?"

Liu Shan listens attentively to both men. He continues to hold his chin and taps his index finger on his lip.

Now he got a picture of what is going on. It was also no wonder Kira and he were led to a dead end.

"Why don’t you guys just ask Lu Tian for help?"

He looks at Qin Jun then at Kira before ending at Song Jing Li.

"I mean, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do while working together?"

Song Jing Li’s eyes dimmed at the mention of Lu Tian. He clenches his fists tightly at his side before storming off to another room.

Watching the young man disappear from view then the sound of a door slamming, Liu Shan arched an eyebrow. He held an expression full of amusement and his hand on his chin lowers as it joins the other still folded over chest.

"Did I say something wrong or would one of you like to explain why he is like that?"

"He’s angry at Jun."

From the other side, Kira answers the question. He had long finished his first cigarette and was now taking out another one.

"Little princess isn’t angry about asking Lu Tian. He’s angry because Jun wouldn’t let us ask for the man’s help."

Liu Shan lightly nods his head in understanding. At the same time, he liked the new nickname for Song Jing Li as it fits the kid perfectly.

However, trying not to go off-topic, he unfolds his arm and reaches inside his inner coat pocket.

His movements were similar to Kira’s. It was like he was going to take out a cigarette, but when his hand returned to the surface, he brought out a lollipop.

He casually unwraps the wrapper and places the candy in his mouth. Everything about him looked like he was leisurely sitting at home and ready to watch a movie.

Kira scoffs in disbelief at the assistant. He lightly shook his head and inhales a puff from his cigarette.

"Wow, way to make yourself at home."

Liu Shan glance at the long-haired man. He nonchalantly shrugs both his shoulders with an indifferent expression before placing both his hands behind his head.

"Of course. I’m going to stay here and listen to why you guys decided to drag someone as busy as myself here instead of seeking Lu Tian. You know, my boss told me to have a good weekend. I could have been at home by now, but I came here."

Seeing his behavior, Qin Jun felt regretful asking the assistant for help. From their time knowing each other, how can he forget that Liu Shan can be quite a stubborn person? If he (Liu Shan) says he’s going to stay somewhere and wait, he will definitely keep his words.

He (Qin Jun) glance at Kira then back to the assistant. Knowing they can’t say some lame excuse, he braces himself and explains.

"We did not ask Lu Tian because we know about the engagement and wedding. For that reason, I did not want us to risk the chance of going to Lu Tian and have her see us."

His eyes lower as he stares at the floor to hide his expression.

"I don’t want her to encounter us and we end up ruining her chance to find happiness."

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